July 12th 2024
Dear Diary,
My crush asked me some questions, here are my answers to said questions.
01. Name? Nora
02. Zodiac Sign? Gemini
03. Hobbies? Gaming & Writing
04. Place You Wanna Visit & Why? Ireland, It's pretty, and my family is from there.
05. Dream Job? Whatever I can do with an English degree.
06. Personality Type? ENFP
07. If You Were a Mythical Being? Mothman
08. Pets? Three Cats (Buddha, Nermal, Scarlett), Bird (Loki), Bearded Dragon (August)
09. What Are You Passionate About? My Friends ^_^
10. Person I Wish I Could Meet Dead Or Alive? Louis Wain
11. Most Prized Possession? Never Really Thought About It.
I love and miss her, and I'm really happy I got to answer these questions about myself for her.
Song of the Day: DMX - X Gon' Give It To Ya 🩸
Probably gonna watch Deadpool tomorrow.
40 days
hey nora, big fan of glutenpee since 2022 and i just wanna say it's so based you're ENFP too :3