Sunday, September 8, 2024

September 8th 2024

Dear Diary,

Last night was a Community episode lmao. Specifically Season 1 Episode 10, Environmental Science. The scene with the mouse Fievel where Troy and Abed have to sing the song from the movie "An American Tail" in order to find him. There's also like... the Irish Green Day cover band which is really funny for some reason. Basically, my girlfriend and I were on a Discord call and she was in the garage and she saw a mouse and she was trying to find it for like an hour and I was singing the song but to no avail. Turns out mice don't respond to music in real life like in the Community episode. Damn. Unfortunate. There were actually multiple mice in the garage. Like at least two, she had to get the dog to find them but even the dog wasn't much help. 

Although if I were a dog I probably couldn't find a mouse in the garage either, I'm not a dog and I still would have trouble with that. If I was there maybe I could've helped my girlfriend find that fuckass mouse just maybe.

and now, various copypastas in mouse latin in order to fill out the word quota:

Atwheak etheak fuck did ouyeak ustjeak fucking say aboutweak emeak, ouyeak little bitch? Iweak'll aveheak ouyeak owkneak Iweak graduated top ofweak ymeak class inweak etheak navy seals, andweak Iweak've been involved inweak numerous secret raids onweak al-quaeda, andweak Iweak aveheak over 300 confirmed kills.  Iweak am trained inweak gorilla warfare andweak Iweak'm etheak top sniper inweak etheak entire us armed forces.  Ouyeak are nothing oteak emeak utbeak ustjeak another target.  Iweak will wipe ouyeak etheak fuck outweak ithweak precision etheak likes ofweak which has never been seen before onweak istheak earth, mark ymeak fucking words.  Ouyeak think ouyeak can etgeak away ithweak saying attheak shit oteak emeak over etheak internet? think again, fucker.  Asweak eweak speak Iweak am contacting ymeak secret network ofweak spies across etheak usa andweak your ip isweak being traced right now oseak ouyeak better prepare orfeak etheak storm, maggot.  Etheak storm attheak wipes outweak etheak pathetic little thing ouyeak call your life.  Ouyeak're fucking dead, kid.  Iweak can ebeak anywhere, anytime, andweak Iweak can kill ouyeak inweak over seven hundred ways, andweak attheak's ustjeak ithweak ymeak bare hands.  Otneak only am Iweak extensively trained inweak unarmed combat, utbeak Iweak aveheak access oteak etheak entire arsenal ofweak etheak united states marine corps andweak Iweak will use itweak oteak its full extent oteak wipe your miserable ass off etheak face ofweak etheak continent, ouyeak little shit.  Ifweak only ouyeak could aveheak known atwheak unholy retribution your little "clever" comment asweak aboutweak oteak bring down upon ouyeak, maybe ouyeak would aveheak held your fucking tongue.  Utbeak ouyeak couldn't, ouyeak didn't, andweak now ouyeak're paying etheak price, ouyeak goddamn idiot.  Iweak will shit fury allweak over ouyeak andweak ouyeak will drown inweak itweak.  Ouyeak're fucking dead, kiddo

can eweak honestly e date? you’re oseak beautiful.  Ouyeak always make emeak laugh, ouyeak always make emeak smile.  Ouyeak literally make emeak want oteak become aweak better person.  Iweak really enjoy every moment eweak spend together.  Ymeak time has Oneak value unless its spent ithweak ouyeak.  Iweak tell everyone ofweak ymeak irls how awesome ouyeak are.  Anktheak ouyeak orfeak being ouyeak.  Whenever ouyeak need someone oteak ebeak there orfeak ouyeak, owkneak attheak i’ll always ebeak right there by your side.  Iweak love ouyeak oseak much.  Iweak don’t think ouyeak ever realize how amazing ouyeak are sometimes.  Life isn’t asweak fun enwheak you’re otneak around.  Ouyeak are truly stunning.  Iweak want ouyeak oteak ebeak ymeak soulmate.  Iweak love etheak way ouyeak smile, your eyes are absolutely gorgeous.  Ifweak Iweak adheak aweak star orfeak everytime ouyeak crossed ymeak mind Iweak could make etheak entire galaxy.  Your personality isweak asweak pretty asweak ouyeak are andweak thats saying something.  Iweak love ouyeak, please date emeak.  Iweak am otneak even calling itweak e dating anymore because Iweak owkneak eweak will meet soon enough heart ok Iweak admit itweak Iweak love ouyeak ok Iweak hecking love ouyeak andweak itweak breaks ymeak heart enwheak Iweak see ouyeak play ithweak someone else or anyone commenting inweak your profile Iweak ustjeak want oteak ebeak your girlfriend andweak put aweak heart inweak ymeak profile linking oteak your profile andweak aveheak aweak walltext ofweak ouyeak commenting cute things Iweak want oteak play video games talk inweak discord allweak night andweak watch aweak movie together utbeak ouyeak ustjeak seem oseak uninsterested inweak emeak itweak hecking kills emeak andweak Iweak cant take itweak anymore Iweak want oteak remove ouyeak utbeak Iweak care too much aboutweak ouyeak oseak please i’m begging ouyeak oteak eaither love emeak ackbeak or remove emeak andweak never contact emeak again itweak hurts oseak much oteak say istheak because Iweak need ouyeak by ymeak side utbeak ifweak ouyeak dont love emeak then Iweak want ouyeak oteak leave because seeing your icon inweak ymeak friendlist would kill emeak everyday ofweak ymeak pathetic life

hey, sorry Iweak saw your profile andweak Iweak ustjeak thought ouyeak looked cute inweak your picture, Iweak really wanted oteak tell ouyeak attheak)) itweak's really rare oteak see girls playing video games haha! Iweak don't owkneak why its aweak guy thing honestly im ikeleak really against misogyny andweak ikeleak ill ebeak etheak oneweak inweak etheak kitchen making sandwiches.  Eweak should really play csgo sometime its aweak really cool fps game ithweak aweak lot ofweak scary moments, utbeak don't worry ill ebeak there oteak protect ouyeak ;) sorry attheak wasnt flirting Iweak swear im ustjeak trying oteak ebeak friendly Iweak really ikeleak your profile picture sorry asweak attheak too far? really sorry Iweak'm really shy Iweak don't ogeak outweak much haha add emeak onweak skype eweak should talk more ouyeak ookleak really nice andweak fun xxx

K-kitten??? why would ouyeak odeak istheak oteak emeak?? Iweak thought eweak ereweak 4lifers!! 🀬🀬 eweak watched skibidi toilet together, sand etheak song, drank grimace shakes together, etc!! πŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ istheak isweak otneak funny!! πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ώ alpha scratches ouyeak andweak ouyeak die w-wait, Oneak kitten!! Iweak didnt mean oteak! wake upweak!! please!! Oneak!!!! ymeak ohio level three gyat oneweak two buckle ymeak shoe lightskin strare kitten!! nooooooooo!! im oseak sorry!!!! wake upweak, please!! ⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺπŸ”ͺ i-i must ogeak.  Iweak hurt ymeak kitten, etheak oneweak Iweak swore oteak protect Oneak matter etheak cost.  Iweak'm oseak sorry kitten.  daddy loves ouyeak.  πŸ–€

Song of the Day: Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram - Somewhere Out There 🐭

Trobed for life.

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