Thursday, September 5, 2024

September 5th 2024

Herbert West from Re-Animator is asexual??? Good for him, good for him. My girlfriend said "HARD PASS" to him which is like... yeah turns out he's asexual so... lmao. Re-Animator is one of my favorite horror movies I've ever seen, although I haven't seen as many horror movies as I'd like. I watch Dead Meat on YouTube though. Pretty good channel, highly recommend. Watch the movies first before watching the kill counts on them, don't let the videos spoil the movies for you. I still need to do that Saw movie marathon I talked about the other day, Considering I have three day weekends now (college is awesome) I can have more time to do it. I've been uhh... watching Homestar Runner cartoons. Or should I say *Homestar Voice* TOONZ!!!!! I'm so glad that almost 25 years later, the Homestar Runner website never lost its charm. I mean, Homestar Runner peaked in popularity before I was even born, but I'm still a big fan. I have a Homestar Runner shirt and a The Cheat sticker on my gaming laptop. My favorite characters are Strong Bad, Homestar, Coach Z, The Cheat, Homsar (he just like me fr), and Marzipan. Bubs is kinda whatever, The Poopsmith is kinda just there mostly, but he is voiced by John Linnell when he speaks and I love that for him. They Might Be Giants is one of my favorite bands of all time if not my favorite, they actually inspired quite a bit of my writing. You'll learn what I mean by that later, friends. ;) Back to my Homestar rambling, Strong Mad and Strong Sad are cool, but most of their moments aren't funny enough to justify me calling them my favorites. Pom Pom is an absolute fucking CHAD, BITCH MAGNET TO THE CORE, but he also doesn't speak actual words. Finally, the King of Town, I don't know how to explain why I don't like him. He's just kinda.... ugh. Strong Bad Email 58 is an absolute classic internet video and it cannot be understated, everything about it is genuinely so perfect. It's kinda stupid of me getting into how much an internet cartoon from 21 years ago resonates with me, but this is MY blog and I write what I want! Literally just watch it for yourself, google "Strong Bad Email 58" watch it on YouTube or on the original wait no it's dotcom I mean the (it's dot com) website okay sorry I'm just being silly, the website is "My name is Homestar, and this is a website!" Homestar Runner's humor will never get old to me, it's so perfect and it inspired my current sense of humor so damn much. Yeah whatever watch it on the original website or YouTube however you want to, Strong Bad email 58: Dragon just needs to be experienced in whatever way. 

The amount of Homestar Runner cartoons we get nowadays being so small compared to how many we used to get back in the day is... a little sad, if you ask me. I mean, I certainly wasn't there for the golden age, I was a beby. I didn't get into Homestar Runner until like... I wanna say 2013, when I was seven years old. It's just kinda sad, we get as much in a year as we used to get in a week back in the day. RIP Homestar. 

It's bittersweet, in my opinion. The Brothers Chaps are working on much larger-scale projects now. Matt Chapman did quite a few voices for Gravity Falls, which I gotta rewatch by the way. Y'know, with The Book of Bill out now and all. I might get to that some other time, though. I'm not sure what else The Brothers Chaps have done since then, though. There is... Two More Eggs, but I'm not a fan of the humor of Two More Eggs. I can't quite explain why Homestar Runner's humor clicks so well for me but Two More Eggs' humor doesn't. Aside from the obvious "it's made for a younger audience" but I feel like I should still find it at least a little funny considering the Homestar Runner guys did it, but I digress.

Y'know, Neil Cicierega wrote an unused theme song for Gravity Falls. I think it would've been really cool if Lemon Demon managed to have a theme song for one of the most iconic and legendary cartoons of all time, but whatever lmao. He did write a couple songs that made it in the show, and his sister Emmy did a lot of storyboarding for the show, which is awesome!!!! Neil and Emmy are so talented I swear!!! :3 He's another one I've been a fan of since I've been a regular user of the internet. I feel like I definitely shouldn't have been on the internet from such a young age, but I did get introduced to a lot of really cool things early on that I'm happy played a role in my childhood. Lemon Demon, They Might Be Giants, Homestar Runner, FNaF and Undertale too but those are like standard gen z kid on the internet things. Vocaloid too to an extent, my girlfriend really likes Vocaloid and I think that's really awesome for her. Hatsune Miku is so cool, I've actually seen pics of her in Hatsune Miku cosplay and she's so adorable... it's like I'm dating the real life Miku!!! :O Lapfox Trax was another thing I was into as a kid, that's one I don't like to talk about much. The music is fine, I enjoy it quite a bit, but there is a lot that can be said about Emma Essex as a person, and certain characters she's created. Characters she has since retired after backlash, but sometimes I wonder why they even existed in the first place. Yeah I'm not gonna try to dance around it I'm talking about Jackal Queenston. It's a bit odd to me too, considering the fact that Emma is a non-binary furry, I don't know why she would choose to adopt the Nazi aesthetic for one of her characters and not see any issue with it, considering nazis aren't the most trans-friendly people out there. But I digress. Touhou Project, I was big into that as a kid too, Ronald McDonald Insanity is to blame, that shit is still a banger and I be bumpin that from time to time. I dunno, it's kinda weird looking back, I was just into a lot of random shit and it was a bit alienating because no one else my age knew what I was talking about. Don't get me wrong, I love all of those things, I just kinda felt bad about not having the most mainstream taste in certain things back in the day, Nowadays I know a lot of people my age who like Lemon Demon, Touhou Project, Homestar Runner, They Might Be Giants, etc, and it warms my heart. I wonder if any of that contributed to my weird social anxiety and all my other problems regarding that. It's nothing I lose sleep over nowadays, just something I think about from time to time. People would pretend to know what I was talking about, and I'm sure they did have genuine interest in what I had to say, but at times I felt like I couldn't relate to anyone else my age, and it really hurt me back in the day. I could've just... talked about normal things that kids my age liked, and I wonder why I didn't.

 Hell, I did try to talk about normal kid things back in 4th grade, and it still didn't work out for me well because I still had an awkwardness to me, it was something that I just simply couldn't hide about myself. So I just said fuck it and continued being my oddball socially awkward stupid self, and I mean, I was happy, but I wasn't. Does that make sense? Don't even answer that I can't hear you but I don't want to don't even answer my question there I know it makes sense shut up shut up shut the fuck up okay???? Sorry hehe I'm bein silly again. What else to talk about what else to talk about hmmm???? Did I ever tell you about how the music video for Technologic by Daft Punk gave me nightmares when I was a kid? I feel like I don't need to explain any further, it's obvious how it's a creepy video to the average 8 year old, which is how old I was when I watched it, but yeah. Prime Time of Your Life is still genuinely disturbing though, I'm a fan of the song but the music video is hard for me to watch even to this day.

That reminds me of another weird thing I was into as a kid, conspiracy theories. I didn't believe too many of them, but I found them oddly fascinating. I always found many of them outlandish even as a kid, but some of them kinda stuck with me? The Illuminati stuff in particular. Now that I think about it, that might be why I liked Gravity Falls so much, and Bill Cipher in particular. It's hard to explain, and I kinda think I'd rather not... it was a weird phase I went through. I would listen to songs backwards and be like "hoooooly shit dude... the singer said hail satan!!!! This is so evil!!!!!!" Baby Nora discovers backmasking.... wasn't there a Gravity Falls episode with backmasking being a significant plot point?? I can't remember, but it was silly how much I was into backmasking specifically, I didn't get too much into... y'know.... those kinda conspiracy theories. For example, back in the day I definitely remember coming across a thing where someone tried saying Michelle Obama was secretly a man and I found it just weird and gross, and took it as some absurd joke rather than something serious. I was more into like the "if you play this song backwards it says evil shit" thing specifically. Those aren't conspiracy theories that's a different thing but the name escapes me right now.

Satanic Panic, maybe? I was giving into the weird '80s Satanic Panic, but in 2014 instead? It's bizarre, I'm not sure how else I can describe it.

I didn't know what Dungeons & Dragons was at the time, but I probably would've thought it was evil. I was into heavy metal at the time, but I wasn't ready to accept the fact that it was supposedly "Satanic" just yet, I was more into They Might Be Giants and Bruno Mars anyway, though. I never tried to reverse a They Might Be Giants song to see if I'd hear anything satanic, though. The Spongebob theme song was a funny one, according to the videos I watched it said "Squidward Smokes Dope" and these types of things were stupid anyway, because like... these things are so obviously not what is being said here, it just SOUNDS like that and the captions try to convince your brain that "yeah thats what it's saying" and any rational person can understand that. But do you REALLY expect an 8 year old child of all people to be rational? Of course you don't. This is just a silly little throwback tangent about my awkward bizarre childhood which is what inspired a lot of my creative fictional writing immensely, you'll see what I mean once I'm ready to show off my writing! ;P

Song of the Day: Will Wood - Willard! 🐭

I had no idea this was inspired by a movie until recently, I wanna see it now. 

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