Tuesday, September 10, 2024

September 10th 2024

 Dear Diary,

Sometimes I wish that carelessness wasn't such a common trait in the world. People are fragile by nature, and even the strongest of souls have their weak spots.

I like to think that I feel love quite strongly. I don't have much experience with romance but I've always been the type to care deeply for the people in my life, whether they be friends, family, partners, or just random strangers. A little bit of kindness can go a long way. Sure, that's such a Facebook mom thing of me to say, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. Another thing I would like to discuss is how easily we let other people influence us. I'm not gonna lie, I pick up many behaviors from people I hang around. That's another thing that I would argue is human nature. However, I think it is important to take into consideration just exactly what behaviors you are picking up from these people. Just because someone may be a bad influence on you in one way or another does not make them a bad person, but I think you need to be cautious with how you let them influence you. I am not a confrontational person, when I have a problem with something I usually do try to make it known, but if I get shut down I'm not gonna make an extraordinary effort to stand up for myself. It's kinda just the way I am. Should I be that way? Probably not, and it's definitely something I'm working on, I'm just a little too scared to hurt peoples' feelings at times. The sad truth of the matter is that sometimes people need to have their feelings hurt, that's how we change and better ourselves as people. Not everything is going to be sunshine and roses, sometimes fuckups happen, and when they do we need to understand how we let them happen and what we can do in order to not let them happen again. The ability to grow and learn from the failures you face and the mistakes you make is a bigger sign of strength than anything.

Song of the Day: Miracle Musical - Variations on a Cloud ☁️

It's just a beautiful song, I like the parts where the different voices are singing contradicting lyrics. 

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