Monday, September 2, 2024

September 2nd 2024

 Dear Diary,

Todaybor Day is Labor Day!!!!

I haven't watched Homestar Runner or anything of the sort in sooooooo long. I should binge watch the sbemails again like I used to a long time ago. I don't know, I just love that shit so much. It's stupid and a little childish but still pretty funny I think? I don't know... I'm way too young to even remember Homestar Runner too. That's like millennial shit and I'm Gen Z. Sigh. They Might Be Giants is cool though, and Trogdor is iconic.

They Might Be Giants and Talkshow Boy keep dethroning each other in my top artists lists on

Yesterday it was They Might Be Giants, today it was Talkshow Boy and then it just became They Might Be Giants again after I finished listening to Flood for the umpteenth time.

I wonder how many times I have listened to that album, actually. says 11, because my least listened to song on the album "Women & Men" has 11 plays, but there's still all the times I listened to it before 2020 when I signed up for

To be honest, I'm willing to bet it's somewhere in the 20s range. It doesn't matter anyway, it's a banger. :3 it's "peak" as the kids say.

Yeah, I don't know why I'm trying to act like I don't use that word on a daily basis lmao. I'm so unserious sometimes I swear. I'm sillayyy with the sauce. I took a lil nap again today. Sleeptember is real, I'm telling y'all. Probably not the best idea though since I have school tomorrow, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I'm dreading to get to that bridge, though.

I really do love my classes, honestly. I just also really want to hang out at home and talk to my girlfriend some days. It is what it is, though. I'm gonna go in there tomorrow and work my ass off so I can see her again because my parents will only take me if my grades are good enough. I wish I had my license. Maybe this will motivate me to get it.

Driving is fucking scary though, so much shit you gotta worry about. Other people, yourself, even animals! Deer love to just fuckin run in front of you when you're driving like okay pal I don't know why you keep trying to do this but suicide is not the answer buddy, I've never hit an animal when driving before and I hope I never do, and I'm pretty sure the only reason I haven't is because my driving experience doesn't go beyond empty parking lots. Like the TMBG song Self Called Nowhere with the Boston accent and he's sitting in the empty pahking lot of the store where they let him play the ah-gan

Linnell is from Massachusetts, right? Lincoln, MA. That's where he was born and Flansburgh was born in New York but grew up in Lincoln? I think they actually knew each other in elementary school, but my knowledge of They Might Be Giants lore is a little rusty. They are currently my most listened to band though so that counts for something.

Insert Peter Griffin Family Guy cutaway gag here but remember the time when I wrote like a 2000 word essay on three artists of my choosing and one of them was They Might Be Giants and I wrote like the majority of it for them but very little on the other two artists those being Car Seat Headrest and The Residents? *cut to me writing about the funny john accordion band hehehe*

Song of the Day: They Might Be Giants - Someone Keeps Moving My Chair 👾


Media Log - September 2nd:

347. Talkshow Boy - Testosterone 💽

348. They Might Be Giants - Flood 💽

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