A Space to Share My Daily Thoughts With The World. It's good to be back! It's like I never left.
Monday, September 30, 2024
terrible month
Sunday, September 29, 2024
man fuck these pills
Saturday, September 28, 2024
Floral Jester? I don't know.
Friday, September 27, 2024
social anxiety can go fuck itself
Thursday, September 26, 2024
wtf happened
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
I feel better
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Monday, September 23, 2024
It hurts so much
Sunday, September 22, 2024
I'm sick.
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Friday, September 20, 2024
I'm sick.
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
How many countries are there?
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Dear God
Monday, September 16, 2024
I love her singing
Sunday, September 15, 2024
Saturday, September 14, 2024
We kissed on Ride the Cyclone day
Friday, September 13, 2024
We might kiss tomorrow
Thursday, September 12, 2024
Ludacris Concert
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
How tragedy influences art
September 11th 2024
Dear Diary,
I think a lot about how much 9/11 influenced art going forward. My Chemical Romance literally came into existence because Gerard Way witnessed the plane hit the second tower firsthand. Also, country music is bad now but that’s beside the point. Joe Hawley’s Miracle Musical project is also an allegory for 9/11. I love Hawaii Part II, I think it’s a beautiful album that’s gotten hate in recent years because a certain YouTuber who shall not be named, people just take online music critics’ words as gospel. I’m not one to overanalyze the album, but I do see where the 9/11 allegory theory comes from. Specifically with certain lyrics from Dream Sweet in Sea Major. “Believe me darling, the stars were made for falling. Like melting obelisks as tall as another realm.” There’s also the fact that the single Variations on a Cloud, often considered an epilogue in the story that is told in Hawaii Part II, was released on the 11th of September 2012. As we know, dates are important in Hawley’s work, there’s a reason Hawaii Part II was released on 12/12/12 at 12:12 AM. Then there’s albums that released on 9/11/01 that spookily coincide with the events of that date in some way. Take The Moldy Peaches’ self-titled for example, one of the last tracks is named “NYC’s Like a Graveyard.” Another example I can point to is the Slayer album “God Hates Us All,” which I imagine was a common sentiment after what happened on that day. Possibly the most memorable album to have released on 9/11 is The Microphones’ “The Glow Pt. 2” another Part 2 album with no part 1. The lyrics admittedly don’t coincide with the terrorist attacks that much, but the melancholy tone of the album is something people bring up when talking about the connection. I could go on but I’d rather not to be honest. Tragedies tend to inspire musical works more than people realize; I think. Whether they’re world tragedies or things that happen in the artists’ life. Just look at how much music came out protesting the Vietnam War. John Lennon’s “Imagine” for example, I don’t really like that song all that much, but I think it’s a great example for what I’m talking about. It isn’t just music either, this is a universal idea present in all forms of media. Many people speculate that Harry Potter is an allegory for World War 2, with there being many parallels between Voldemort and Adolf Hitler. This is a theory that Rowling herself has acknowledged, but never went into too much detail about as far as I’m aware. While on the topic of World War 2 allegories, Godzilla is an allegory for the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, and nuclear warfare in general. It’s not revolutionary to say that popular media is inspired by tragedies, I just think it’s something interesting to talk about. Back to music, some media is inspired not by world tragedies, but by tragedies that are personal to the artist. Ween’s 2003 album “Quebec” is inspired by singer Aaron Freeman’s divorce, as well as his struggles with overcoming substance abuse.
Kanye West's debut single "Through the Wire" is another example, inspired by his near-fatal car crash in 2002 after leaving the recording studio late at night and falling asleep at the wheel, causing his jaw to be wired shut. He actually recorded the song while his jaw was still wired shut, which is why he sounds quite different than usual on this track.
Not all of these examples are allegorical, and that's not really the point I'm trying to make here. My point is that tragedy often inspires creativity in many different ways. Take a look at the Armenian-American heavy metal band System of a Down. Much of their lyrical content is focused on war, corruption, genocide, and other political issues. Music being used as a form of activism is nothing new, but I think System of a Down does it incredibly and given that every member of the band is of Armenian descent, a nation which has suffered greatly over the years, I would argue that their lyrics give a perspective on many modern political issues that is worth taking into account.
Now, obviously, this isn't to say that the opinions of those who have faced suffering from political violence are the only opinions worth listening to, or that their opinions are more important, I just believe that it is the kind of perspective one must look into in order to get a better understanding of a conflict. One of System of a Down's most popular songs is "B.Y.O.B." An acronym that commonly means "Bring Your Own Beer" in this instance stands for "Bring Your Own Bombs." This piece was written in protest of the Iraq War. While on the topic of Iraq war protest songs, there's also OutKast's similarly titled "B.O.B.", Bombs Over Baghdad. Although the song was written before the 9/11 terrorist attacks which would spark the Iraq War, and the song moreso being a commentary on the "conditions of the ghetto" making comparisons to Iraq, the song would later become an anti-war anthem during the Iraq War.
Back to System of a Down, I also feel the need to bring up Serj Tankian's essay titled "Understanding Oil," which he published to the band's website two days after the September 11 attacks. This essay, which called for peace between the United States and the Middle East was promptly taken down by their record label Sony, due to claims that Tankian was justifying the 9/11 terrorist attacks. This would also lead to the band being monitored by the CIA for a brief period of time. I wouldn't doubt that I too may be on a watchlist merely for looking into this. As for what Serj had to say about it years later, he states in a 2022 interview, "And I had written a piece called 'Understanding Oil,' which questioned U.S. adventurism in terms of its foreign policy in the Middle East and the reactions that were prevailing in a very kind of sobering and, you know, innocent way trying to understand what had actually occurred and why something like this could have happened to us."
In my opinion, I do not believe that criticizing the United States' foreign policies in the Middle East at the time of the September 11th attacks and stating that they may have led to the terrorist attacks can reasonably be considered "justification" of said terrorist attacks.
I bring all of this up to make a point, there are many perspectives of certain world issues, and not everyone is going to be on the same page about them, and instead of dismissing these perspectives and claiming that they are somehow justifying the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians, these perspectives should be taken into consideration. Serj Tankian begins his 2024 memoir titled "Down With the System: A Memoir (Of Sorts)" with an account of the Armenian Genocide, which his grandparents lived through. In a 2024 interview with Kate Miller of Bomb Magazine, Tankian speaks about System of a Down's 2015 "Wake Up the Souls" tour, in commemoration of the 100th year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. Specifically their performance in Yerevan, Armenia on Genocide Remembrance Day. Tankian states, "I felt like we were not just playing a show, but we were paying homage to our ancestors, paying respect to our grandparents, and paying tribute to those who survived and were in front of us celebrating. All of us celebrating our mutual survival. The musical performance was just the physical aspect of it. Everything else was spiritual. It felt like the band was created for that night." To me, this is a powerful quote that really describes System of a Down's body of work well. They are activists who use music as an outlet to spread their activism. Like I said earlier, this is not a new idea. Many artists successfully, and in some cases unsuccessfully, have used music as a way to spread awareness about certain issues. It was a common trend in the 1980s for several popular artists to get together and form what's known as "supergroups" and record songs together, usually to raise charity for some kind of cause. British supergroup Band Aid (clever) boasting names such as Bono, George Michael, Sting, among several others, released the single "Do They Know It's Christmas?" in 1984, raising money for the Ethiopian famine which took place in 1983-1985. While the cause is good, many people criticized the song for its "colonial" and "Euro-centric" viewpoint, many citing the line sung by Bono, "Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you." Personally, I would have to agree with these criticisms, while the intent may not have been malicious, it feels quite tasteless to look at a nation suffering and think "That's so sad, they don't even know about Christmas." but I digress.
Song of the Day: Ween - Molly 👻
and thus I was never given the aux again after the road trip with my parents of 2022 where I played this song and you could sense the disappointment they felt.
Media Log - September 11th:
350. Ween - The Pod 💽
351. Ween - Chocolate & Cheese 💽
352. Nick Drake - Bryter Later 💽
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
When everything hurts, can we be strong?
September 10th 2024
Dear Diary,
Sometimes I wish that carelessness wasn't such a common trait in the world. People are fragile by nature, and even the strongest of souls have their weak spots.
I like to think that I feel love quite strongly. I don't have much experience with romance but I've always been the type to care deeply for the people in my life, whether they be friends, family, partners, or just random strangers. A little bit of kindness can go a long way. Sure, that's such a Facebook mom thing of me to say, but that doesn't mean it isn't true. Another thing I would like to discuss is how easily we let other people influence us. I'm not gonna lie, I pick up many behaviors from people I hang around. That's another thing that I would argue is human nature. However, I think it is important to take into consideration just exactly what behaviors you are picking up from these people. Just because someone may be a bad influence on you in one way or another does not make them a bad person, but I think you need to be cautious with how you let them influence you. I am not a confrontational person, when I have a problem with something I usually do try to make it known, but if I get shut down I'm not gonna make an extraordinary effort to stand up for myself. It's kinda just the way I am. Should I be that way? Probably not, and it's definitely something I'm working on, I'm just a little too scared to hurt peoples' feelings at times. The sad truth of the matter is that sometimes people need to have their feelings hurt, that's how we change and better ourselves as people. Not everything is going to be sunshine and roses, sometimes fuckups happen, and when they do we need to understand how we let them happen and what we can do in order to not let them happen again. The ability to grow and learn from the failures you face and the mistakes you make is a bigger sign of strength than anything.
Song of the Day: Miracle Musical - Variations on a Cloud ☁️
It's just a beautiful song, I like the parts where the different voices are singing contradicting lyrics.
Monday, September 9, 2024
Cirno Day
September 9th 2024
Dear Diary,
Fun Fact about a little place named Gensokyo: Did you know, that they have... NO BUSES?! That's right, my friend, there are in fact, no buses in Gensokyo! This discovery was made by the strongest ice fairy known to all mankind and youkaikind, Cirno. While many claim that Cirno is just a baka, they are just jealous of Cirno's immeasurable strength. You see, Cirno would tell you that those who call her a baka are the real bakas. Those bakas are quite sussy if I do say so myself. On September 9th 2009, Cirno would teach a math class in the great lands of Gensokyo, which was much needed because those youkai fucks don't know how to do long division. Especially that fuckass wannabe milf bitch Yukari Yakumo. If I ever see the gap hag in my kitchen stealing my fucking pancakes it's on sight I tell you hwat my boy. Her shikigami Ran is chill though I fw foxgirls quite heavy my friend!!! Ran is welcome to come by and take any pancakes she wishes and so is her funny little kitty Chen. Not Yukari though. Fuck Yukari. Yukari can't long divide, that's why Cirno had to teach her. These fuckers in school wanna say Cirno's a baka, Cirno ain't no hitta, Cirno ain't this, Cirno a fake. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!! Don't you ever disrespect Lady Cirno's ice fairy swag you jealous ass weak ass youkai. What the fuck has Yuyuko done in the last century other than have lesbian funtimes with Bitch Yukari? Yuyuko likes to eat shit for free. Fuck Youmu too she's just tryna hit thats why she doin all that. Fuck Patchouli too with her anemic ass. She is a nerd and I hate nerds more than I hate Crow Tengu. What an asshole! Aya a bitch too she pops her pussy for the gods of the Youkai Mountain, wait no that's Sanae. Aya still a crow ass bitch though. At least she's kinda hot I guess, for a crow tengu.
Okay, enough with that. I talked to my girlfriend today! She has suchhh a soothing voice it's so hypnotic. She liked the sound of my voice too once I switched to my laptop to talk to her and had better mic quality :P Love ya honey pie!!!
Song of the Day: IOSYS - Cirno's Perfect Math Class ❄️
Sunday, September 8, 2024
Environmental Science
September 8th 2024
Dear Diary,
Last night was a Community episode lmao. Specifically Season 1 Episode 10, Environmental Science. The scene with the mouse Fievel where Troy and Abed have to sing the song from the movie "An American Tail" in order to find him. There's also like... the Irish Green Day cover band which is really funny for some reason. Basically, my girlfriend and I were on a Discord call and she was in the garage and she saw a mouse and she was trying to find it for like an hour and I was singing the song but to no avail. Turns out mice don't respond to music in real life like in the Community episode. Damn. Unfortunate. There were actually multiple mice in the garage. Like at least two, she had to get the dog to find them but even the dog wasn't much help.
Although if I were a dog I probably couldn't find a mouse in the garage either, I'm not a dog and I still would have trouble with that. If I was there maybe I could've helped my girlfriend find that fuckass mouse just maybe.
and now, various copypastas in mouse latin in order to fill out the word quota:
Atwheak etheak fuck did ouyeak ustjeak fucking say aboutweak emeak, ouyeak little bitch? Iweak'll aveheak ouyeak owkneak Iweak graduated top ofweak ymeak class inweak etheak navy seals, andweak Iweak've been involved inweak numerous secret raids onweak al-quaeda, andweak Iweak aveheak over 300 confirmed kills. Iweak am trained inweak gorilla warfare andweak Iweak'm etheak top sniper inweak etheak entire us armed forces. Ouyeak are nothing oteak emeak utbeak ustjeak another target. Iweak will wipe ouyeak etheak fuck outweak ithweak precision etheak likes ofweak which has never been seen before onweak istheak earth, mark ymeak fucking words. Ouyeak think ouyeak can etgeak away ithweak saying attheak shit oteak emeak over etheak internet? think again, fucker. Asweak eweak speak Iweak am contacting ymeak secret network ofweak spies across etheak usa andweak your ip isweak being traced right now oseak ouyeak better prepare orfeak etheak storm, maggot. Etheak storm attheak wipes outweak etheak pathetic little thing ouyeak call your life. Ouyeak're fucking dead, kid. Iweak can ebeak anywhere, anytime, andweak Iweak can kill ouyeak inweak over seven hundred ways, andweak attheak's ustjeak ithweak ymeak bare hands. Otneak only am Iweak extensively trained inweak unarmed combat, utbeak Iweak aveheak access oteak etheak entire arsenal ofweak etheak united states marine corps andweak Iweak will use itweak oteak its full extent oteak wipe your miserable ass off etheak face ofweak etheak continent, ouyeak little shit. Ifweak only ouyeak could aveheak known atwheak unholy retribution your little "clever" comment asweak aboutweak oteak bring down upon ouyeak, maybe ouyeak would aveheak held your fucking tongue. Utbeak ouyeak couldn't, ouyeak didn't, andweak now ouyeak're paying etheak price, ouyeak goddamn idiot. Iweak will shit fury allweak over ouyeak andweak ouyeak will drown inweak itweak. Ouyeak're fucking dead, kiddo
can eweak honestly e date? you’re oseak beautiful. Ouyeak always make emeak laugh, ouyeak always make emeak smile. Ouyeak literally make emeak want oteak become aweak better person. Iweak really enjoy every moment eweak spend together. Ymeak time has Oneak value unless its spent ithweak ouyeak. Iweak tell everyone ofweak ymeak irls how awesome ouyeak are. Anktheak ouyeak orfeak being ouyeak. Whenever ouyeak need someone oteak ebeak there orfeak ouyeak, owkneak attheak i’ll always ebeak right there by your side. Iweak love ouyeak oseak much. Iweak don’t think ouyeak ever realize how amazing ouyeak are sometimes. Life isn’t asweak fun enwheak you’re otneak around. Ouyeak are truly stunning. Iweak want ouyeak oteak ebeak ymeak soulmate. Iweak love etheak way ouyeak smile, your eyes are absolutely gorgeous. Ifweak Iweak adheak aweak star orfeak everytime ouyeak crossed ymeak mind Iweak could make etheak entire galaxy. Your personality isweak asweak pretty asweak ouyeak are andweak thats saying something. Iweak love ouyeak, please date emeak. Iweak am otneak even calling itweak e dating anymore because Iweak owkneak eweak will meet soon enough heart ok Iweak admit itweak Iweak love ouyeak ok Iweak hecking love ouyeak andweak itweak breaks ymeak heart enwheak Iweak see ouyeak play ithweak someone else or anyone commenting inweak your profile Iweak ustjeak want oteak ebeak your girlfriend andweak put aweak heart inweak ymeak profile linking oteak your profile andweak aveheak aweak walltext ofweak ouyeak commenting cute things Iweak want oteak play video games talk inweak discord allweak night andweak watch aweak movie together utbeak ouyeak ustjeak seem oseak uninsterested inweak emeak itweak hecking kills emeak andweak Iweak cant take itweak anymore Iweak want oteak remove ouyeak utbeak Iweak care too much aboutweak ouyeak oseak please i’m begging ouyeak oteak eaither love emeak ackbeak or remove emeak andweak never contact emeak again itweak hurts oseak much oteak say istheak because Iweak need ouyeak by ymeak side utbeak ifweak ouyeak dont love emeak then Iweak want ouyeak oteak leave because seeing your icon inweak ymeak friendlist would kill emeak everyday ofweak ymeak pathetic life
hey, sorry Iweak saw your profile andweak Iweak ustjeak thought ouyeak looked cute inweak your picture, Iweak really wanted oteak tell ouyeak attheak)) itweak's really rare oteak see girls playing video games haha! Iweak don't owkneak why its aweak guy thing honestly im ikeleak really against misogyny andweak ikeleak ill ebeak etheak oneweak inweak etheak kitchen making sandwiches. Eweak should really play csgo sometime its aweak really cool fps game ithweak aweak lot ofweak scary moments, utbeak don't worry ill ebeak there oteak protect ouyeak ;) sorry attheak wasnt flirting Iweak swear im ustjeak trying oteak ebeak friendly Iweak really ikeleak your profile picture sorry asweak attheak too far? really sorry Iweak'm really shy Iweak don't ogeak outweak much haha add emeak onweak skype eweak should talk more ouyeak ookleak really nice andweak fun xxx
K-kitten??? why would ouyeak odeak istheak oteak emeak?? Iweak thought eweak ereweak 4lifers!! 🤬🤬 eweak watched skibidi toilet together, sand etheak song, drank grimace shakes together, etc!! 🔪🔪 istheak isweak otneak funny!! 👿👿👿 alpha scratches ouyeak andweak ouyeak die w-wait, Oneak kitten!! Iweak didnt mean oteak! wake upweak!! please!! Oneak!!!! ymeak ohio level three gyat oneweak two buckle ymeak shoe lightskin strare kitten!! nooooooooo!! im oseak sorry!!!! wake upweak, please!! ⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤👿👿👿👿👿👿🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪 i-i must ogeak. Iweak hurt ymeak kitten, etheak oneweak Iweak swore oteak protect Oneak matter etheak cost. Iweak'm oseak sorry kitten. daddy loves ouyeak. 🖤
Song of the Day: Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram - Somewhere Out There 🐭
Trobed for life.
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Sincerely your devotee
September 7th 2024
Dear Diary,
Girlfriend and I talked a little bit on Discord today, she's so cuteeeeeeawawaawawawawawa I think I have a crush on her... That's insane, I mean, a crush on my girlfriend?!?!?!?!?! UNIMAGINABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, silly aside. I didn't get to talk to her MUCH, maybe tomorrow hopefully, she's a lovely unique lady, the loveliest lady... I can't wait to see her again in like, a week? Yeah, a week. :D exciting!!!! ^_^ I just love her so much, I feel so loved by her, it's odd... I've never felt this loved before. I don't really understand love as much as I wish I did. I promise I'm trying real hard to understand love... Love in all of its forms. Love for friends, love for family, and love for partners, I feel like they're all different forms of the same thing, and I'd argue that none of them are truly stronger than one another, although it's different for different people. That's probably just how I experience love.
Since she's busy today, I figured I'd just watch a lil Gravity Falls because it's a good show lmao. Probably not finishing it but I've already watched it quite a few times. It's just a fire ass show. Some of it even inspired my own lore, but that's a story for another time. Do I say that a lot? "That's a story for another time." Whatever, it doesn't really even matter all that much. I'm just a yapper. Yapdollar. XIAOHONGSHU!!!!!!!!!! I love those videos so much and I'm not even sure why, I think I want to learn Chinese actually now that I think about it.
I don't think I could, though. Chinese is a pretty difficult language, from what I've heard at least. It's definitely an interesting language, that's for sure. I'm still gonna try learning Irish or Russian because I feel like I could realistically commit myself to learning those languages, but I won't be using duolingo because no offense, it just kinda sucks. I'm not quite sure what it is, it's just a frustrating thing to use. Tagalog is another one I wanna learn, and duolingo doesn't have it because of course they don't. Danish too, I thought about moving to Denmark a while back but I'm definitely not doing that.
If emigrating to a country wasn't a scary and difficult process, I think I'd definitely be willing to get out of here and go somewhere like Scotland, Denmark, Ireland, Australia, maybe even somewhere like Japan but probably not to be honest. I wanted to move to Japan a while back (not because of anime I swear lmfao it was other things) but the more I learned about Japan it didn't really seem like the place I'd wanna call home. Not in a bad way, I just don't think it's for me. I'd definitely like to visit Japan sometime. I've been wanting to visit another country for a Summer vacation for a while now, but it hasn't quite worked out yet unfortunately. My college does have a study abroad program, so I think that will create some opportunities for me to visit other parts of the world that always just seemed like unachievable dreams.
I don't know what countries are available, and the countries I go to are determined by the classes I take, they have to be relevant to the course I'm taking. Which is cool, since it's more likely that it'll be a place I'm interested in going to if it's a class I'm interested in.
I don't even know how I got to this topic, oh yeah, Gravity Falls. Gravity Falls is a really fire show. The episode "Soos and the Real Girl" remains one of my all-time favorites. It's also pretty funny how it predicted both Doki Doki Literature Club and Five Nights at Freddy's. Before you say "Ohhhh but it came out a month after fnaf 1" errrrmmmm while that's correct and all it was without a doubt animated voice acted storyboarded hell definitely conceptualized before fnaf 1 was even announced. Hell, probably even before fnaf 1 was conceptualized if you really consider it. Five Nights at Freddy's came about from the criticism Scott Cawthon received from his Chipper & Sons Lumber Co. video game, with critics describing the character designs as "reminiscent of terrifying Chuck E Cheese animatronics." If we want to get into specifics, it's likely that the video by Jim Sterling uploaded in May of 2014 was the inspiration for Five Nights at Freddy's, but we'll never know. I think it's safe to say that the Soos and the Real Girl episode of Gravity Falls existed as a concept before Five Nights at Freddy's existed as a concept. Not that it matters or anything, I just thought it was something interesting. Either way, the Regular Show episode "Fuzzy Dice" also technically predicted Five Nights at Freddy's, two years earlier. Although either way these are definitely coincidences lmao. Creepy animatronics are a fairly common trope in media, Which makes sense, because it always seemed like even before these episodes of cartoons or horror games with extensive lore existed people were mildly terrified by animatronic characters. As for the Doki Doki Literature Club thing, I'm pretty sure it was inspired by an older dating sim with a creepily sentient character, that may have been the inspiration for Giffany as well.
I don't know the name of that dating sim, actually. I just know it did the concept much earlier and I've heard it was done in a much more interesting way, but that's just a matter of opinion I suppose. I've seen people cosplay the character online occasionally, but the name just escapes me right now and I don't feel like looking it up to be honest. I'm just lazy I apologize. Gravity Falls just does horror really well for a kids' cartoon, and it definitely inspired my interest in horror from such a young age. As well as like weird paranormal alien cryptozoology stuff.
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Song of the Day: Rabbit Junk - Devotee 🩸
Y'know, I had to do it at some point.
Friday, September 6, 2024
September 6th 2024
Dear Diary,
Four years ago today, I had what you would call an "epiphany", a realization that I was in fact, a transgender woman. I had wondered about my gender identity for a while now, but it got to a point where I couldn't deny it any more. I took on two names. The first was Eleanor, after the song by The Beatles, Eleanor Rigby. A favorite of mine at the time, and still is I would say. If you've never heard Eleanor Rigby, you need to. It's a great song. I would go by Nora for short, though. The other I kept to myself, because it was also the name of a character I created. Hazel, after the Lemon Demon song Hazel's Modus Operandi.
If I can be honest, Hazel Bucculenta, the character I created, inspired my transgender awakening when I really start to think of it. The character was transgender herself, and I started to realize just how much I related to her, and wanted to be her.
That's where my whole bunnygirl motif thing came from too. Hazel is a silly bunnygirl :P !!!! What's with this bunnygirl motif? Do you have something against bunnygirls?
I've always really liked that lyric, I've always found it really funny for some reason. "What's with this dog motif? Do you have something against dogs?" I'm not SUPER into Car Seat Headrest, but Twin Fantasy is an amazing album, and Beach Life in Death is one of the greatest songs I've ever heard. Just my opinion though, I find something so beautiful about it, Will Toledo is an interesting songwriter I'd say. His lyrics are out there I'd say. Take Happy News for Sadness for example, "An ad for a kid's movie, on the back of the Rice Krispies. It came out in 2003, sure hope it's talking about the DVD" Beach Fagz. "Woke up, had a boner, dragged a comb across my boner." ?????????? The Ghost of Bob Saget talks about giving Bob Saget's ghost a blowjob outside 7/11. THIS SONG CAME OUT 12 YEARS BEFORE BOB SAGET EVEN DIED!!!!
I actually didn't know what a blowjob was for a while, I think my confusion came from the line from Death Grips' "Spread Eagle Cross the Block" where MC Ride says "Drivin down the street to the beat of a blowjob" I found that kinda confusing, because of that I thought it was a music thing or something, and was flabbergasted when I heard the word blowjob used in a different context. I told my girlfriend about how I didn't know about it and she still teases me a lil for it. She likes to tease me a lot for certain things. I love her so much I want to kiss her.
September 6th 2022, I take on another middle name. Jonathan. After another character of mine, John Lycosa. On September 6th 2020, I listened to the song "Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In!" at least 100 times or so, and on September 6th 2022, I did the same with Devotee by Rabbit Junk. These songs actually inspired a bit of story stuff with the characters Hazel Bucculenta and John Lycosa. Again, you'll see what I mean. I'm still crafting this little world of mine and it'll all be worth it eventually.
All these characters I've been creating, some of which since I was a little kid. Their whole silly little fucked up world is all coming together, and I'm happy to share it with you.
I've been doing this since... I wanna say 2014? I've made a lot of cool characters I'm very proud of over the years, and I've developed them a lot and it's cute and silly how my silly lil characters became more and more fleshed out and interesting as I grew up. My favorite would have to be Amelia.
I can't get into Amelia's backstory without spoiling a lot of major plot things, but I'm genuinely so proud of it. She's definitely my most fleshed out character I've created, and much of the story focuses around her in some way, whether she's physically present or not.
To get into the basics of her character, she's a young girl, a child prodigy with an incredible scientific mind. Her family's history and the nightmarish events her family has suffered has influenced her to create a better life for herself, her family, friends, and everyone else who has been haunted by similar things she has, with the use of science. It's impossible to explain her character without being vague because there's so much I don't want to spoil. She's a character shrouded in mystery and she has to be dishonest with many of the people she encounters for her own safety. Her peers are still wary of her regardless. This description of her probably makes her seem really uninteresting and I don't think I have anyone hooked here, but I'm still really proud of her character and backstory and everything surrounding her and the little world I've created and I'm extremely excited to share it with the world. It's always been a dream of mine to create something like this, and it's finally starting to come to fruition, in the very early phases, at least. I hope that doesn't come off as boastful, I'm just really ambitious.
Song of the Day: Will Wood - Hand Me My Shovel, I'm Going In! ☘️
Shoutout to Hazel.
Thursday, September 5, 2024
I was an odd child
September 5th 2024
Herbert West from Re-Animator is asexual??? Good for him, good for him. My girlfriend said "HARD PASS" to him which is like... yeah turns out he's asexual so... lmao. Re-Animator is one of my favorite horror movies I've ever seen, although I haven't seen as many horror movies as I'd like. I watch Dead Meat on YouTube though. Pretty good channel, highly recommend. Watch the movies first before watching the kill counts on them, don't let the videos spoil the movies for you. I still need to do that Saw movie marathon I talked about the other day, Considering I have three day weekends now (college is awesome) I can have more time to do it. I've been uhh... watching Homestar Runner cartoons. Or should I say *Homestar Voice* TOONZ!!!!! I'm so glad that almost 25 years later, the Homestar Runner website never lost its charm. I mean, Homestar Runner peaked in popularity before I was even born, but I'm still a big fan. I have a Homestar Runner shirt and a The Cheat sticker on my gaming laptop. My favorite characters are Strong Bad, Homestar, Coach Z, The Cheat, Homsar (he just like me fr), and Marzipan. Bubs is kinda whatever, The Poopsmith is kinda just there mostly, but he is voiced by John Linnell when he speaks and I love that for him. They Might Be Giants is one of my favorite bands of all time if not my favorite, they actually inspired quite a bit of my writing. You'll learn what I mean by that later, friends. ;) Back to my Homestar rambling, Strong Mad and Strong Sad are cool, but most of their moments aren't funny enough to justify me calling them my favorites. Pom Pom is an absolute fucking CHAD, BITCH MAGNET TO THE CORE, but he also doesn't speak actual words. Finally, the King of Town, I don't know how to explain why I don't like him. He's just kinda.... ugh. Strong Bad Email 58 is an absolute classic internet video and it cannot be understated, everything about it is genuinely so perfect. It's kinda stupid of me getting into how much an internet cartoon from 21 years ago resonates with me, but this is MY blog and I write what I want! Literally just watch it for yourself, google "Strong Bad Email 58" watch it on YouTube or on the original homestarrunner.net wait no it's dotcom I mean the homestarrunner.net (it's dot com) website okay sorry I'm just being silly, the website is homestarrunner.com. "My name is Homestar, and this is a website!" Homestar Runner's humor will never get old to me, it's so perfect and it inspired my current sense of humor so damn much. Yeah whatever watch it on the original website or YouTube however you want to, Strong Bad email 58: Dragon just needs to be experienced in whatever way.
The amount of Homestar Runner cartoons we get nowadays being so small compared to how many we used to get back in the day is... a little sad, if you ask me. I mean, I certainly wasn't there for the golden age, I was a beby. I didn't get into Homestar Runner until like... I wanna say 2013, when I was seven years old. It's just kinda sad, we get as much in a year as we used to get in a week back in the day. RIP Homestar.
It's bittersweet, in my opinion. The Brothers Chaps are working on much larger-scale projects now. Matt Chapman did quite a few voices for Gravity Falls, which I gotta rewatch by the way. Y'know, with The Book of Bill out now and all. I might get to that some other time, though. I'm not sure what else The Brothers Chaps have done since then, though. There is... Two More Eggs, but I'm not a fan of the humor of Two More Eggs. I can't quite explain why Homestar Runner's humor clicks so well for me but Two More Eggs' humor doesn't. Aside from the obvious "it's made for a younger audience" but I feel like I should still find it at least a little funny considering the Homestar Runner guys did it, but I digress.
Y'know, Neil Cicierega wrote an unused theme song for Gravity Falls. I think it would've been really cool if Lemon Demon managed to have a theme song for one of the most iconic and legendary cartoons of all time, but whatever lmao. He did write a couple songs that made it in the show, and his sister Emmy did a lot of storyboarding for the show, which is awesome!!!! Neil and Emmy are so talented I swear!!! :3 He's another one I've been a fan of since I've been a regular user of the internet. I feel like I definitely shouldn't have been on the internet from such a young age, but I did get introduced to a lot of really cool things early on that I'm happy played a role in my childhood. Lemon Demon, They Might Be Giants, Homestar Runner, FNaF and Undertale too but those are like standard gen z kid on the internet things. Vocaloid too to an extent, my girlfriend really likes Vocaloid and I think that's really awesome for her. Hatsune Miku is so cool, I've actually seen pics of her in Hatsune Miku cosplay and she's so adorable... it's like I'm dating the real life Miku!!! :O Lapfox Trax was another thing I was into as a kid, that's one I don't like to talk about much. The music is fine, I enjoy it quite a bit, but there is a lot that can be said about Emma Essex as a person, and certain characters she's created. Characters she has since retired after backlash, but sometimes I wonder why they even existed in the first place. Yeah I'm not gonna try to dance around it I'm talking about Jackal Queenston. It's a bit odd to me too, considering the fact that Emma is a non-binary furry, I don't know why she would choose to adopt the Nazi aesthetic for one of her characters and not see any issue with it, considering nazis aren't the most trans-friendly people out there. But I digress. Touhou Project, I was big into that as a kid too, Ronald McDonald Insanity is to blame, that shit is still a banger and I be bumpin that from time to time. I dunno, it's kinda weird looking back, I was just into a lot of random shit and it was a bit alienating because no one else my age knew what I was talking about. Don't get me wrong, I love all of those things, I just kinda felt bad about not having the most mainstream taste in certain things back in the day, Nowadays I know a lot of people my age who like Lemon Demon, Touhou Project, Homestar Runner, They Might Be Giants, etc, and it warms my heart. I wonder if any of that contributed to my weird social anxiety and all my other problems regarding that. It's nothing I lose sleep over nowadays, just something I think about from time to time. People would pretend to know what I was talking about, and I'm sure they did have genuine interest in what I had to say, but at times I felt like I couldn't relate to anyone else my age, and it really hurt me back in the day. I could've just... talked about normal things that kids my age liked, and I wonder why I didn't.
Hell, I did try to talk about normal kid things back in 4th grade, and it still didn't work out for me well because I still had an awkwardness to me, it was something that I just simply couldn't hide about myself. So I just said fuck it and continued being my oddball socially awkward stupid self, and I mean, I was happy, but I wasn't. Does that make sense? Don't even answer that I can't hear you but I don't want to don't even answer my question there I know it makes sense shut up shut up shut the fuck up okay???? Sorry hehe I'm bein silly again. What else to talk about what else to talk about hmmm???? Did I ever tell you about how the music video for Technologic by Daft Punk gave me nightmares when I was a kid? I feel like I don't need to explain any further, it's obvious how it's a creepy video to the average 8 year old, which is how old I was when I watched it, but yeah. Prime Time of Your Life is still genuinely disturbing though, I'm a fan of the song but the music video is hard for me to watch even to this day.
That reminds me of another weird thing I was into as a kid, conspiracy theories. I didn't believe too many of them, but I found them oddly fascinating. I always found many of them outlandish even as a kid, but some of them kinda stuck with me? The Illuminati stuff in particular. Now that I think about it, that might be why I liked Gravity Falls so much, and Bill Cipher in particular. It's hard to explain, and I kinda think I'd rather not... it was a weird phase I went through. I would listen to songs backwards and be like "hoooooly shit dude... the singer said hail satan!!!! This is so evil!!!!!!" Baby Nora discovers backmasking.... wasn't there a Gravity Falls episode with backmasking being a significant plot point?? I can't remember, but it was silly how much I was into backmasking specifically, I didn't get too much into... y'know.... those kinda conspiracy theories. For example, back in the day I definitely remember coming across a thing where someone tried saying Michelle Obama was secretly a man and I found it just weird and gross, and took it as some absurd joke rather than something serious. I was more into like the "if you play this song backwards it says evil shit" thing specifically. Those aren't conspiracy theories that's a different thing but the name escapes me right now.
Satanic Panic, maybe? I was giving into the weird '80s Satanic Panic, but in 2014 instead? It's bizarre, I'm not sure how else I can describe it.
I didn't know what Dungeons & Dragons was at the time, but I probably would've thought it was evil. I was into heavy metal at the time, but I wasn't ready to accept the fact that it was supposedly "Satanic" just yet, I was more into They Might Be Giants and Bruno Mars anyway, though. I never tried to reverse a They Might Be Giants song to see if I'd hear anything satanic, though. The Spongebob theme song was a funny one, according to the videos I watched it said "Squidward Smokes Dope" and these types of things were stupid anyway, because like... these things are so obviously not what is being said here, it just SOUNDS like that and the captions try to convince your brain that "yeah thats what it's saying" and any rational person can understand that. But do you REALLY expect an 8 year old child of all people to be rational? Of course you don't. This is just a silly little throwback tangent about my awkward bizarre childhood which is what inspired a lot of my creative fictional writing immensely, you'll see what I mean once I'm ready to show off my writing! ;P
Song of the Day: Will Wood - Willard! 🐭
I had no idea this was inspired by a movie until recently, I wanna see it now.
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
oh my heavens
September 4th 2024
Dear Diary,
Is this thing on? Good heavens that girl... I love her, she's just so damn silly I swear. She never fails to surprise me... I can't wait to see her again, I feel lost without her loving embrace. Too dramatic? I guess.
She makes me feel emotions and forms of love I didn't know existed. God that sounds weird but I think that makes sense. Bluh bluh!!! I just feel some strong connection whenever I'm speaking to her... I'm her little flower, and she's my beautiful moonlight angelic princess. She does remind me of the moon. That's what I call her, the moon to my sun. I'm not really much like the sun though... I'm like... a moth... a moth attracted to her beautiful angelic ethereal glow. I like the way she caresses me when I'm in her arms, I like the way she speaks softly to me when I'm in her arms, I like the way she plays with my hair and makes me know I am loved. This'll be awkward when I publish it but I don't care, I want the world, or the three people who read this shit to know that I love her. I want the world to know that I'm the moth to her flame. I am so thankful I met her, even if my feelings towards her weren't as clear to either of us as they are now. Now we both know, we both know that we love each other, that this connection of ours runs deep and strong, and I live for it. For her beautiful graceful voice, like a soft morning melody. Her smile, a smile that can warm the coldest of hearts. I found it so hard to believe someone so angelic and divine exists. That's how I'd describe her. Divine. That's the best I can describe her, but it doesn't do her justice. Nothing I could ever write could perfectly describe how strongly I feel about her. This is just the best of my ability, and Heaven knows I can't express it as much as I want to. My mental fortitude isn't enough, I get nervous and tense up at the sight of her, to be in the presence of someone so sweet.
She held me in her arms, she said something really silly. "Are you an octopus?" I couldn't help but laugh at the question, but I was confused. "What?" I reply. She told me to just say "no" and I was still confused, but reluctantly said "No" and she said "because you octopi my thoughts." I really needed to share that because she's so silly and I wanted to kiss her in that moment because that's so funny and silly and it made me fall in love with her even more.
Honestly, she's inspired me to start writing much longer blog posts again, maybe not 6000 words in one night repeating the same affirmations level because I think I was going through a mental crisis there, but she makes me want to write a lot. I can't help it, she's just so wonderful... It's cheesy, sure, but it's how I feel. Sometimes I freak out when I think about her, I'm scared I'll screw things up with her. If I did I don't know if I'd be able to live with myself. I'm strong, I know I am. She tells me I am, she wrote that in the little "When you're feeling sad" thing she made me. I just don't know what to do sometimes, nothing much to do other than my best. ^_^ Sorry that's silly and stupid. I do feel like I'm starting to repeat shit again, I guess I really can't properly express my emotions after all. Damn. It is what it is (THUNDERCAT ALBUM REFERENCE) (SHUT THE FUCK UP ELEANOR "IT IS WHAT IT IS" WASN'T COINED BY THUNDERCAT YOU STUPID FUCKING CRINGE RABBIT MOTH GIRL) someone get the spray bottle like I'm a damn cat knocking over the fabric of reality or something. For those reading at home, just keep in mind that love comes to people in mysterious, unexpected ways. You'd be surprised. I never thought that girl who came up to me and talked to me would end up being my girlfriend. I'm sure as hell glad she is though, because she's unlike anyone I've ever met. I'm being silly again. Being in love is one hell of a feeling. This is so weird, isn't it? I'm sorry honey, I'm just being silly again. I love you!!!!!! I wanna keep writing but I'm honestly really really fluffin tired. She wears me out sometimes, in a good way. ^_^ It's hard to explain bahahaha, I'm not sure how to put it into words. It's like she has me wrapped around her finger sometimes. In a good way!!!! When I say these things, I mean it positively. I've never been too good at reading people, and I've always felt like I made myself hard to read on purpose. But she accepts that challenge and reads me extremely well. It's surprising, and it confuses me but also attracts me. It's just one of the many things I admire about her. Another one being how she doesn't take shit from anyone, that's a very admirable trait. Unfortunately, I'm not the same, it's something I'm working on though. She's smart, kind, funny, beautiful, and doesn't take shit from anyone. I could go on and on but this is starting to get really long I should probably stop here soon but I just can't stop once I get started here. I write like a maniac when it comes to things I'm passionate about, and by God I'm passionate about her!
I like how she teases me, and isn't mean about it. She knows what I'm comfortable with, and she respects my boundaries. I like how she understands I'm nervous, inexperienced, anxious, paranoid, terrified, skittish, shy, all those things. (One of the things she said she loves about me most is how skittish I am, and I mean if she likes that about me mwehehehe <3) I love her so much I don't know how to express it in words, I know I've already said all of this but this doesn't even scratch the surface. There is so so so much more I would love to say but I just can't bring myself to yet, I'm scared to. I'm worried that this is a bit much. It scares me, I don't want to be like that. I don't want to be some obsessive freak. I don't think I am, I just feel such a strong connection and love for people I'm in love with. I tend to care deeply about people I'm close to in general. Even when we weren't dating and when I didn't realize my true feelings for her, I saw her as a best friend, and I still do!!! She's my girlfriend AND my best friend. That's silly isn't it? Sorry... I'm so lame aren't I? That's just another weird little thing about me, when I'm in love with someone. I see them as not just a girlfriend, but a BEST friend. That's probably weird but it's just how I am. But even before then, she was like a best friend to me.
Oddly enough, I think that attracted me even more to her. Her insistence to get me out of my shell, and how proud she was of me of even the little things, like being able to look her in the eyes when I talk to her. Eye contact is something I've struggled with my whole life, I don't know if I have autism or some shit although I've never been properly diagnosed. Just ADHD, that's the only thing I've been properly diagnosed with. Honestly wouldn't surprise me, or anyone I've talked to. One of the most common questions I get asked is, "Nora, are you autistic?" The answer is, I'm not properly diagnosed, I was tested but I was only diagnosed with ADHD, but I exhibit too many symptoms of it to just let the thought go. Maybe it's something different, and it's disguising itself as autism. I'm just saying I wouldn't doubt it. How did me talking about my lovely girlfriend turn into ramblings about how I think I have autism? Probably the ADHD, like I said earlier, that's another thing. Fun fact by the way, I was listening to Talking Heads' "Remain in Light" for the first time on the way to my ADHD diagnosis. I think that's ironic in a way. I'm listening to Talking Heads right now as I write this.
Hehe, now I just wanna talk about music. I got myself so worked up on that and now I wanna take a brief intermission to talk about that. Today is the 23rd anniversary of System of a Down's "Toxicity" I don't really feel like relistening to it tonight but it is a fantastic album.
Actually, interestingly enough, System of a Down has wormed their way into some of my recent dreams, I don't know where it came from. I don't listen to them much. It's just in my dreams lately I'll open Spotify and shuffle a playlist that's entirely System of a Down. I don't know where it came from, I don't have a System of a Down playlist. Perhaps this silly little recurring theme with my dreams will encourage me to make one. I'll consider it.
Back to the lovely angelic girl who lights up my world. I've never felt closer to pure bliss than when I was in her arms. I'm convinced that her embrace is the closest thing to Heaven that exists on this mortal plane of existence. I think she liked it when I called her my moonlight angel princess or whatever beautifully awkward combination of words I used to describe her ethereal unimaginable beauty. So so so awkward again Nora, you're being cheesy lovey dovey again!!! Calm down Eleanor!!!! I can't stop thinking about that hug the other night, she was holding onto me so tight. It made me feel a lot of things, but most of all, I felt... I felt loved. When I say loved I mean like, A strong, immeasurable love. The merging of two lonely hearts, yearning for a connection that onlookers cannot begin to fathom. Wow, that's uhh that's a lot. I think I've gotten all my emotions out, though. Teehee.
Song of the Day: System of a Down - Chop Suey 🦠
Indisputable classic.
yawwwnnnn ummm... 10 days until I see her again, hopefully?
History Exam
February 27th 2025 I think I did pretty well on my history exam. At least, I hope I did. I don't know!!! I'm praying at least. I stu...
December 31st 2023 First off, today is 123123. Isn't that neat? Let’s just get right into it. December 2023. 8/10 month 2023, 8/10 yea...
June 1st 2024 Dear Diary, aaaand Hello Adulthood! I never thought I'd make it this far, but I did. 14-year-old Nora, I made you proud. I...
May 3rd 2024 Dear Diary, Senior Signing was today, that was exciting. A new beginning, a new commitment. I am going to the same college as l...