Tuesday, January 17, 2023

glutenpee history lesson

January 17th 2023

I wanna talk about a decision I made 5 years ago that, as small and stupid as it seems, changed the entire course of my life. 

I decided to admin an Instagram meme page! On January 17th 2018 at 11:51 pm, I make the first post on an Instagram account that wasn't called glutenpee at the time, but would later become glutenpee. I start posting dumb Touhou and Overwatch related stuff because I was obsessed with Touhou and Overwatch at the time. 

At the time I didn't really think of it much as a meme page, just a spam page where I posted random pics in my camera roll along with captions, but eventually I just said fuck it and went full meme page. I wasn't expecting the account to get big, but somehow it grew fast, especially in 2020. But back to 2018.

On March 6th 2018 to my surprise I got to 100 followers. I couldn't believe it! I didn't realize it at the time, but that was only the beginning.

I continue to post my random shit and by June of 2018 I have about 1000 posts, only around 300-400 followers. Also in June of 2018... there's an arc I gotta talk about. The chungles arc, this is what led to glutenpee as we know it.

I was a chungler. I know. I'm sorry, I was 12 if that makes you feel any better. From June of 2018 to November of 2018 I was glutenfree_chungles. Content was the same, posting whatever I wanted, but the username was different. I don't wanna say what my original username on glutenpee was for personal reasons, that's a story for another time I guess! ^_^

In August of 2018 I got to 2000 posts and 1000 followers! I wouldn't get to 2000 followers for another year. Lol.

Somewhere around July-August 2018 was the first mention of "glutenpee" that I remember, but it was just a nickname some people in a Touhou fan group chat had for me (shoutout to Koishi Protecc, y'all were like a second family to me)

After November of 2018 I ditched the chungles username and had a bunch of other usernames I was alternating between, one of them being... glutenpee. Some others being victinigang, backpackchicken, volcano_bakemeat, and sobbleisbestboi when Pokemon Sword and Shield were announced. 

In March of 2019 I finally settled on the username glutenpee because it seemed to be a fan favorite username, because that was a thing that existed with my account I guess. Guess that just happens when you have MULTIPLE usernames. 2019 was a... weird year. There's not much in particular I want to talk about other than The Troll Face Games which began in June of 2019 and ended in April of 2021.

TFG was weird, think Survivor or Big Brother but online and people using fictional characters, or in some cases real people (Such as Ben Shapiro and Rasputin) as their avatars.It was basically a multiplayer crossover fanfiction. There was also lore with FNaF levels of complexity. Just kidding, but the TFG lore was insane, especially for 13-14 year old me. This helped some followers of glutenpee get closer with each other, I met many online friends through this too. Fucking crazy. 

I love my online friends so much. I love all of y'all, you all mean the world to me. It's crazy to me that I met most of y'all through my dumb instagram meme page but hey life is funny like that sometimes.

In December of 2019 up until April of 2020 I start making horrible, I mean HORRIBLE electronic music under the name glutenpee. I had a few tracks I think are decent but most FUCKING SUCKED! I also tried to rap on a few of them and even as comedy rap it didn't work, just sucked ass. A lot of my old shit is lost media now and that shit can STAY LOST! I really don't want that shit to ever resurface y'know. Whatever. Let's talk about 2020.

glutenpee started with 2000 followers in 2020 and at the end of the year I was at 8000. So let's talk. 
2020... where do I even begin? The pandemic contributed to the growth of my account a lot, which is weird to think about. As for me, well...
In September of 2020 I came out as transgender and I gave myself the name that you all know me by now, Nora. That's not important though.

My friends who knew me prior noticed that I was a lot more open about my emotions after coming out as trans. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but... I had problems, okay?

I was a 14 year old on the internet with 7000 followers venting about some pretty heavy stuff that I don't think I should get into here. This was a problem. I had so many people worried about me, and I feel bad about that now. I'm doing much better now. I'm no longer suffering from any thoughts like that!
I'm deeply sorry to everyone I worried with that shit, I should've spoken to a therapist first instead of immediately going to my online followers who followed my fucking meme page. I really hope you can all forgive me for that. 

It was the same in my Discord server Glutencord, which is another thing I gotta talk about. I also met many of my amazing online friends through glutencord, the only problem was there was a LOT of drama. Also the server got raided a few times. The server getting raided ended up becoming a meme within the server, so there was that. Despite all of this I love MOST of the people I met through my discord server. (Some people in there were um.... yeah. They were exiled from the community for reasons.)

I also had a problem with saying I was going to leave and I would come back minutes later. One time in 2021 I said I was leaving pErMaNeNtLy!!!!1!!!1 and I was back a week later. 

2021 was a largely uneventful year for glutenpee other than me getting to 10k followers. TFG also ended in April of 2021, and my current Discord server Meadowcord was opened in December of 2021.

On May 11th 2022, The original glutenpee account was permanently disabled. I had lost all hope for glutenpee and thought if I made a new account it would never reach the same level the old one did but it's close! The old one was at 12.8k followers and I'm now at 11.5k followers. Thank you all for getting me here, I really appreciate you all. I have a lot planned for this year, and I hope y'all like it. I'm mainly going to be talking about random bullshit here, but I might bring up a few projects of mine I'm working on. I hope to unveil some of them soon...

Now? I'm doing great! I'm working on a lot of non-glutenpee related stuff. I'm feeling overall pretty better about everything and I think this year is going to be great. That's not related to glutenpee in any way I just have hope for the future.

Song of the Day: Frank Ocean - Pink & White

Also reminds me of my childhood, y'know?

501 days until I turn 18.

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