August 27th 2024
Dear Diary,
I still miss sophomore year... but my aim is gettin bettah! I gotta rewatch Gravity Falls... that show is so good.
Had another two hour gap in between my classes which I spent... talking to my girlfriend.... and listening to Eminem.
I've warmed up on the Marshall Mathers LP but a lot of the songs still don't stand out to me that much aside from a few, and Kim is still an agonizing listen. No wonder Gen Z is trying to cancel this guy.
I'm gonna try to hang out with my girlfriend on Saturday but it still isn't looking good.... sigh.... we'll just keep tryin' every week I guess... haha.... goodnight chat.
Song of the Day: Bjork - Enjoy ❄
I completely forgot how to put accents on letters on pc so ughhh >_< I wish it was easier.
16 days until Ludacris concert.
Media Log - August 27th:
337. Turning Red (2022) 🎥
338. Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP 💽
339. Bjork - Post 💽
340. Jeff Rosenstock - NO DREAM 💽
After Writing:
341. Self - Subliminal Plastic Motives 💽
342. Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon 💽
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