Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 31st 2024

 Dear Diary,

I love her.

Last month, July 2024, was one of the worst months of my life, if not THE worst, but August was a lot better because of her presence.

She got some pics of us cuddling, her embrace was so comfortable and I could just live in her arms, I'm not gonna post em on here though. Probably will post em on my instagram though!!! I'll make my instagram public eventually too... so....

Speaking of Instagram, I've been taking a break from glutenpee, for now... I don't know when I'll be back though.

Song of the Day: King Gizzard - Sleep Drifter 🧠

This song is how it felt when she was holding me <3

14 days until we do this again? I suppose...

Friday, August 30, 2024

August 30th 2024

 Dear Diary,


I suppose TOMORROW we'll be completely official, would that make our anniversary August 31st?

That would be silly because that's Hatsune Miku's birthday and she loves Hatsune Miku...

Okie that's all I'm gonna say today see u tmrw!!!

Song of the Day: Self - I Am A Little Explosion πŸ”₯

sigh. real 

Thursday, August 29, 2024

August 29th 2024

 Dear Diary,

Two days until I see her again! I'm kinda shaking a lil just thinking about it. 😲




Song of the Day: Weird Al - Word Crimes ⏳


I actually don't think I'll realistically be able to go to the Ludacris concert... :(

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

August 28th 2024

 Dear Diary,

Ah, What a day! Y'know, the library has some really interesting stuff, I tell ya. I might start checking out books, I've wanted to get more into reading. 

The classification system they use is perfect too. The Library of Congress Classification System. A personal favorite library classification system of mine, although it could use some work. The fact that there's no I, O, W, X, or Y is a little upsetting to me, but I suppose it is what it is. 

I'm always interested in learning new things, so I'm gonna try to frequently check out books and read them, I think, and perhaps I'll write about what I learned from them to help retain my knowledge ^_^

I've been interested in learning music theory recently, I wanna get back into creating music. I don't know if I'm gonna ever do anything with that concept album idea I had though, I might scrap it and turn it into a book perhaps.

I'm... struggling to make friends. There are some people that seem cool, I'm just not sure how to strike up a conversation with them. I don't want to bother anybody while they're potentially busy. I don't understand how I'm supposed to just talk to people... I don't think most people are here to make friends... sigh.

Song of the Day: The Residents - The Ultimate Disaster ⭐

- Won't You Keep Us Working?

- First Warning

- Back to Normality?

- The Sky Falls!

- Why Are We Crying?

- The Tunnels Are Filling

- It Never Stops

15 days until Ludacris concert.

Media Log - August 28th:

343. The Residents - Mark of the Mole πŸ’½

After Writing:

344. Diblo Dibala - Laissez-passer πŸ’½

345. Low - I Could Live in Hope πŸ’½

346. MARINA - Froot πŸ’½

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August 27th 2024

 Dear Diary,

I still miss sophomore year... but my aim is gettin bettah! I gotta rewatch Gravity Falls... that show is so good.

Had another two hour gap in between my classes which I spent... talking to my girlfriend.... and listening to Eminem.

I've warmed up on the Marshall Mathers LP but a lot of the songs still don't stand out to me that much aside from a few, and Kim is still an agonizing listen. No wonder Gen Z is trying to cancel this guy.

I'm gonna try to hang out with my girlfriend on Saturday but it still isn't looking good.... sigh.... we'll just keep tryin' every week I guess... haha.... goodnight chat.

Song of the Day: Bjork - Enjoy ❄

I completely forgot how to put accents on letters on pc so ughhh >_< I wish it was easier. 

16 days until Ludacris concert.

Media Log - August 27th:

337. Turning Red (2022) πŸŽ₯

338. Eminem - The Marshall Mathers LP πŸ’½

339. Bjork - Post πŸ’½

340. Jeff Rosenstock - NO DREAM πŸ’½

After Writing: 

341. Self - Subliminal Plastic Motives πŸ’½

342. Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon πŸ’½

Monday, August 26, 2024

August 26th 2024

 Dear Diary, 

Happy August 26th! Webmistress Day! To celebrate the occasion, I have started working on my old Neocities page again. It looks pretty bad now, and is rather shallow, but once I learn html and css, Trust me. That shit will be poppin!

I am really enjoying my classes, English Composition might be my favorite. I enjoy writing (obviously) and I enjoy reading. I lucked out with all of my classes this semester, and I'm excited to see where I go from here. I just really enjoy learning things. Hehe.

I had to get a QUICK shower because I woke up early and I'm a little annoyed at myself for that.... whatever though

History class was unfortunately cancelled so I had about a two hour gap to just do whatever. I stayed in the library and talked to my girlfriend the whole time.


Whatever, more time for me to screw around I guess. Hehe.

Song of the Day: My Chemical Romance - Planetary (GO!) πŸ‘Ύ


17 days until Ludacris concert

Media Log - August 26th: 

334. My Chemical Romance - Danger Days πŸ’½

335. Camilo Sesto, Teddy Bautista, Angela Carrasco - Jesucristo Superstar πŸ’½

336. Fievel is Glauque - Flaming Swords πŸ’½

Sunday, August 25, 2024

August 25th 2024

 Dear Diary,


I also played Fortnite with my girlfriend a little,,, she's actually insanely cracked at the game like damn girl. 

She's so sweet I think I'm in love with her....

I'm decent enough at Fortnite but she practically mogged me with her skill lmfao, and it's funny because she said she hadn't played in 5 months but like... DAMNNN!!!!

I got school tomorrow tho, I needed to find my calc (slang for calculator) for math class. I couldn't find it, soooooo we just had to say fuck it and buy a new one. Unfortunate that it worked out that way but hey, that's life.

I'm sleepy.... I wanna cuddle with her sooooo bad.

Song of the Day: Focus - Birth 🦠

cool album silly name hamburger concerto what 

18 days until Ludacris concert

Media Log - August 25th:

333. Focus - Hamburger Concerto πŸ’½

Saturday, August 24, 2024

August 24th 2024

 Dear Diary,

Sigh. I'm a little sad I didn't get to see her today either. Next week I'm praying... Hopefully my parents won't be busy next Saturday... sigh.

I did get a shower this morning though, hehe. Even if I overslept a little... sigh.

I listened to some silly music too, having three day weekends every week is nice now. I get a 4 day weekend coming up thanks to Labor Day!!! It is a little sad though, I like my classes

More time to play Fortnite with my girlfriend though!!! I was going to play with her today, but I think tomorrow would work better for me, I still am a little busy with some assignments and all, but it's alright.

I love her!!! I love her so much, I just wish I could see her more. Maybe I'll come over next Saturday and we can cuddle or something. That sounds exciting. That's such a huge step though... I'm scared!!! >///<

I'm staying on top of my responsibilities, ya girl stays busy! It's okay though, I'm enjoying college and all that.

I don't know what to do with glutenpee. I've started college now and I'm in a relationship, that page is the least of my priorities right now.

I love that girl with all my heart I swear.

I'm trying to make friends at college, okay not really. I'm gonna put myself out there eventually though! I just wanna get a feel for everything first.

Y'know, it had actually been a while since I listened to That Handsome Devil. I love their music though, A City Dressed in Dynamite is a great album I highly recommend if you're into that kinda stuff. Just absolutely incredible.

It's getting harder and harder to find music from less represented countries on Spotify tbh, but I'm trying hard to find it because I enjoy listening to it.

I did get to hear my girlfriend's voice a little though even though we didn't play Fortnite together. The voice chat was nice. Her voice is honestly so lovely.

Okay I'm tired now so I'm just gonna leave you with this.

Song of the Day: That Handsome Devil - Cry 🌊

I cry when I think about the fact that it's been four years since I was introduced to this album.

19 days until Ludacris concert!!! ^_^

Media Log - August 24th:

327. Field Rotation - Acoustic Tales πŸ’½

328. The Dismemberment Plan - Change πŸ’½

329. Elvin Jones, James Moody, Clark Terry, Bunky Green & Roland Prince - Summit Meeting πŸ’½

330.  Husker Du - Everything Falls Apart πŸ’½

331. Steve Miller Band - Abracadabra πŸ’½

332. That Handsome Devil - A City Dressed in Dynamite πŸ’½

Friday, August 23, 2024

August 23rd 2024

 Dear Diary,

I want to start making music again, I think. I have some pretty interesting ideas, just no musical talent to execute them. I'm gonna figure it out though. We'll see though, I'm gonna start learning! Your hint as to what the concept of the album is going to be: "πŸ₯€ A beautiful sickness, a heartache wrapped in roses."

That's all you're getting for now, my friends! I did the discussion post for that geography class, I've been having CBI (coke bottle internet) troubles so y'know how it is. I think one of the girls in this class is someone I had a couple classes with in 8th grade... so that's interesting. She found me annoying though. To be fair, I was pretty damn annoying. 

My girlfriend wants me to see her this weekend, I'm gonna try my best. I'm gonna try not to chicken out and panic again like last time. I miss her so much, it's been like 4 months since I last saw her. She's really sweet and lovely, our conversations are just the best.

Thinking about if I wanna do like any covers of other songs. I have an idea for one song I could cover, not telling you guys yet. I might have to change up the lyrics though...

My school has a study abroad program, I kinda want to get into that, I have a lot of other countries I'd like to go to... The world is such an interesting place! Maybe France, or Ireland, or Switzerland... or any country where I wouldn't be arrested for my identity.

I'm starting to reconsider the name "Bucculenta" for my project. It's the last name of one of my main characters, and I plan to keep it that way, but I don't want it to be representative of the project as a whole. How about Floral Jester? That's how I see myself. A Floral Jester! That would be a cool username too I think. Hm.

Oh yeah, that's right! Happy 38th birthday to Neil Cicierega! 38 is a big one, heh. 38. That's my favorite number. It's a silly inside joke. Damn. I wonder if I'll still be doing this blog in 20 years when I'm 38 years old. 

Song of the Day: The Residents - Bach is Dead 🎡

Damn he's been dead for nearly 300 years. I wondered why he wasn't touring.

20 days until Ludacris concert

Media Log - August 23rd:

324. Beat Happening - Dreamy πŸ’½

325. Jeff Rosenstock - We Cool? πŸ’½

After writing:

326. Marijata - This Is Marijata πŸ’½

Thursday, August 22, 2024

August 22nd 2024

Day 600 and I'm still private for now, It's only been five days don't expect me to come back so soon.

Nothing much to report today, still on Coke Bottle Internet (CBI)

Hopefully it'll get fixed soon, I'm tired of this. I'm glad my mom is doing fine though.

I'm trying to make friends, I don't know many people in my classes so it's a good opportunity to meet new people! Yay! Of course I can also join some clubs too. 

I have to go to three concerts for music class, one of which is my choice. I'm thinking Ludacris, since he's playing near me in September. I wanted to see Weezer, but there's no chance I'd be able to make it to their closest concert to me.

My girlfriend is the silliest, I love her so much. I wish we could talk more though. 

Math is... actually not too bad this time around. I did struggle getting into my accounts for school though, but I took care of it! ^_^ everything's under control XIAOHONGSHU!!!!

Yapdollar is so funny, I love that lil guy. I've started saying XIAOHONGSHU at the end of sentences occasionally because of him.

Song of the Day: Weezer - Beach Boys 🌊

I promise this is the last Weezer song of the day for a while. I promise. 

21 days until Ludacris concert. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 21st 2024

Alright!!! Much to discuss!!!! First off, my geography professor called me "Plague Doctor" because of my plague doctor shirt. He was going off on Elon Musk, rightfully so I'd say. Heh. I don't like Elon. He seems like a cool guy though. I wish he'd call on me to answer more questions though. I know a lot about geography.

Like when he asked the country cobalt comes from and he didn't even let anyone answer... I knew the answer it's the DRC.... Democratic Republic of Congo.

I didn't have enough time to get completely ready, I'm not used to waking up early yet.... sigh....

My girlfriend and I talked a little again, I love her so so so much.... she's silly. We didn't talk as much as I wanted to, though :(

My internet is being held together by a damn coke bottle. We got coke bottle internet (CBI)

Overall pretty great day, I didn't talk about my other two classes yet wait.

I wrote an essay, I wasn't completely locked in for it so I don't think I did too well. 

I'm still in my Weezer phase, but I learned about a similar band called Ozma. I like them too.

Things are pretty exciting, I think. There is this one girl in my history class whom I kinda remember from high school. We never really talked though. I had a tiny crush on her in sophomore year but I don't think it was a serious thing. 

I wonder if I'll know anyone from my classes tomorrow, hm.

Song of the Day: Ozma - Suicide Song 🩸

I promise I'm okay I'm not going through anything I just like the song, alright? I know the song title may raise some concern though. I promise I'm fine.

22 days until Ludacris concert

Media Log - August 21st: 

322. Weezer - Pacific Daydream πŸ’½

323. Ozma - Boomtown πŸ’½

324. Ludwig van Beethoven - IX. Symphonie (1963 Berliner Philharmoniker / Herbert von Karajan recording) πŸ’½

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

August 20th 2024


My internet is out.

I don't know how long it'll be out

maybe for weeks.

This sucks.

I'm gonna have to write these on paper I guess. 


Song of the Day: Weezer - Troublemaker πŸ„

"You wanted arts and crafts, how's this for arts and crafts? Wananananananananana that's right!" Is that right?


Monday, August 19, 2024

August 19th 2024

I'm pretty good at fortnite, Like the only game I'm good at.

I haven't gotten a win yet this season but I'm trying.

Song of the Day: Weezer - Endless Bummer ⭐

I'm so ready for this summer to be over. 

2 days until I start college.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

August 18th 2024


please give me some time...

in other news...

I bought the battle pass! I have Gwenpool in Fortnite now,

I also made this image.

Song of the Day: Fortnite - Gwenpool's Multiverse πŸ’˜

"P.S. You can't control me and I will never die. <3" - Gwendolyn Poole

3 days until I start college.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

August 17th 2024

im making this blog private for now, cheers. we're official now, but i didnt go see her. i panicked.

Song of the Day: Oingo Boingo - No One Lives Forever πŸ‘»


4 days until college.

Friday, August 16, 2024

August 16th 2024

Dear Diary,

 i dont feel good

idk if I'm gettign nervous but I kidna dont wanna go tomororw

I really wnat to see her but I'm scareddd and nervous and I think it's caused me to feel like a bit physically and emotionally sick.

I love her but this is scaring me, this is all so new to me and idk what's going to happen.

I'm really trying to get my life in control...

I'm sorry, my love.

Song of the Day: Weezer - Dope Nose πŸ„

This song is about me, I'm the fag of the year who could beat up your man ^_^

5 days in a watery cave until class starts

Media Log - August 18:

319. Badmarsh & Shri - Dancing Drums πŸ’½

320. Weezer - Blue Album πŸ’½

321. Mdou Moctar - Afrique victime πŸ’½

Thursday, August 15, 2024

August 15th 2024

 Dear Diary,

A lot of weird things are happening right now, I don't wanna get intto it too much, I'm just feeling a lil odd y'know. It is what it is. 

I wanna see her on the 17th, but I don't know if that's gonna happen... ugh.... wtf do I do.

I love her, she's sweet. 

and silly...

Song of the Day: Bill Wolfgramme and His Islanders - Orchid Lei πŸͺ΅

Does this count for Tonga? I think... I'm unsure tho. New addition to the music map!

Media Log - August 15th:

312. Foxy Shazam - The Heart Behead You πŸ’½

313. Class - Gospozha Emilia πŸ’½

314. Bill Wolfgramme and His Islanders - Polynesian Music in View πŸ’½

after writing:

315. Weezer - Black Album πŸ’½

316. S.E. Rogie - Dead Men Don't Smoke Marijuana πŸ’½

317. Weezer - Raditude πŸ’½

318. Weezer - Make Believe πŸ’½

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

August 14th 2024

 Dear Diary,


I got nothing else to talk about so here's a Weezer album ranking:

1. Everything Will Be Alright in the End

2. Pinkerton

3. Blue

4. White

5. Maladroit

6. OK Human

7. Green

8. Red

9. Black

10. Van Weezer

11. Hurley

12. Teal

13. Death to False Metal

It's been a long time since I've listened to Make Believe, Raditude, or Pacific Daydream but once I relisten to those I'll update this.

Song of the Day: Weezer - Thank God For Girls 🩸


7 days until classes start.

Media Log - August 14: 

303. Weezer - White Album πŸ’½

304. Weezer - Red Album πŸ’½

305. Invisible - El jardin de los presentes  πŸ’½

306. Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 - Strangers From the Universe πŸ’½

307. Weezer - Pinkerton πŸ’½

308. Siouxsie and the Banshees - The Scream πŸ’½

After Writing:

309. Weezer - Maladroit πŸ’½

310. Weezer - Teal Album  πŸ’½

311. Green Day - Dookie πŸ’½

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

August 13th 2024

 Dear Diary,




Song of the Day: Weezer - Say it Ain't So 🏜

Been really big into weezer as of recent, I fw them heavy.

8 days until classes start

Media Log - August 13:

302. Weezer - Pinkerton πŸ’½

August 12th 2024

 Dear Diary,

I love this stupid Fire Emblem shit it's so sillay

Three Houses btw, it's kind of a weird one but I enjoy it....









Song of the Day: Lifeseeker - Devils Down and Out ⚡

Lifeseeker is so silly, Gone Guru is better but I wanted to save that one for later....mwehehehe

4 days until I see my love again <3

Media Log - August 12: 

301. Toumani Diabate With Ballake Sissoko - New Ancient Strings πŸ’½

Sunday, August 11, 2024

August 11th 2024

Dear Diary,



I relistened to Gingerbread Man by The Residents again for the first time since 2021 that album is actually pretty good idk why I hated it back in the day.

Song of the Day: The Residents - The Sold-Out Artist πŸͺ΅

"They all suck something, except Ted Williams. He never sucked" is so funny for no reason

5 days until I see my love again!!! ^_^

Media Log - August 11:

300. The Residents - Gingerbread Man πŸ’½

Saturday, August 10, 2024

August 10th 2024

 Dear Diary,

I seen it I seen it I tell ya I done seen a friggin tomar emerald yo !!!! I done seen a tomar emerald. friggin tomers man.

Khepri is comin for my bitch ass.

I need to do the greenoid shuffle in greenland so he doesnt steal my greenbacks.

Song of the Day: Pharrell Williams - Hug Me πŸ’Š

Banger. Also hello there South Park guy.

something something days 

Media Log - August 10th:

299. Egschiglen - Gobi πŸ’½

Friday, August 9, 2024

August 9th 2024

 Dear Diary,

Sometimes I think about the characters as a kid that awakened a feeling in me, a feeling like "I want to be her"

The four that came to mind were Lillymon from Digimon, Lopunny from Pokemon, Kumatora from Mother 3, and Wriggle Nightbug from Touhou Project.

Y'know I never finished Mother 3, or Earthbound for that matter.

I should get on that at some point.

Not right now though. 

King Gizzard dropped a new album today, it's pretty good. 9/10

Song of the Day: King Gizzard - Le Risque ⭐

10 months without a King Gizzard album, think about what that does to a woman...



297. De Magia Veterum - Migdal Bavel πŸ’½

298. King Gizzard - Flight b741 πŸ’½

Thursday, August 8, 2024

August 8th 2024

 Dear Diary,

This is a big one for me. Today, August 8th 2024, marks 10 years since the release of a video game that would become very important to me.

Five Nights at Freddy's, an indie horror point and click game with a simple premise that's extremely easy to grasp for almost anyone. Looking back, I think that's why it was such a hit with young kids. That and the colorful animal mascots. It's a perfect formula really, horror games have always been big on the internet and it was no exception. 

I like the gameplay of the FNaF games, even the early ones. It's simple but sometimes that's all you really need, y'know?

If I were to rank the  games... I haven't played Security Breach or Help Wanted 2, or the newly released Into the Pit  but I've played all the others, the only one I managed to really finish was FNaF 2, though >:P

1. FNaF World (i'm a sucker for rpgs)

2. Ultimate Custom Night

3. Five Nights at Freddy's

4. Five Nights at Freddy's 2

5. Help Wanted

6. Five Nights at Freddy's 3

7. Five Nights at Freddy's 4

8. Pizzeria Simulator

9. Sister Location

Subject to change once I finish them, for sure.

Song of the Day: The Living Tombstone - Five Nights at Freddy's πŸ‘Ύ

So... RateYourMusic's music map says they're from Israel, although when I added them back in 2023, it said they were from The United States. I looked into it, one of the members was born in Israel and the other was born in the U.S. but from everything I can find it says they were actually formed in the United States, so I'm marking this as one for the USA.

8 days until I see my love again!! ^_^

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

August 7th 2024

 Dear Diary,



I did not attend Akyuu's Roblox funeral, although I wish I did, I was busy with other things.

Yes I know time works differently in Gensokyo than it does in the outside world just let us Touhou fans have this, okay? Let's be silly about a fictional child's death. If the Sonic fans can have that, so can we dammit!

Song of the Day: The Mothers of Invention - Valarie 🐰

hey guess what 

⑨ days how do I make the text go small fuck I'm such a baka I'm Cirnomaxxing today

media log august 7
295. Arvo Part - Arbos
296. The Mothers of Invention - Burnt Weeny Sandwich

what the hell

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August 6th 2024

Dear Diary,

lookin at u


showing off my bracelet

Song of the Day: Mahavishnu Orchestra - A Lotus on Irish Streams ☘

I really like the name of this song! 

10 days until I see my love again.

291. Car Seat Headrest - My Back is Killing Me Baby πŸ’½

292. Mahavishnu Orchestra - The Inner Mounting Flame πŸ’½

293. Streetlight Manifesto - Somewhere in the Between πŸ’½

294. Napoleon Dynamite (2004) πŸŽ₯


Monday, August 5, 2024

August 5th 2024

 Dear Diary,

One time when I was in Kindergarten I wanted to see how hard and fast I could slam my head into a wall so I just said fuck it and gave myself a concussion and had to spend a night in the hospital. To this day I still haven’t told my parents it was on purpose and they believe it happened on complete accident.

I think I let the intrusive thoughts win as they say. Intrusive thoughts as a really young child are genuinely more dangerous than usual, since the "hey i shouldn’t do this" part of the brain hasn’t developed yet, but I don’t know.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the way I am nowadays. Probably not, hehe.

I havent listened to the newly officially released Will Wood demos from 2018 yet, but I’ve heard they’re great. I’m a huge Will Wood fan so ^_^

I also listened to a 4 hour classical music album today just because. Sometimes I question my own reasoning for things.

Song of the Day: Will Wood - Cotard's Solution πŸ’Š


11 days until I see my love again πŸ₯°


288. Richard Wagner - GΓΆtterdΓ€mmerung πŸ’½

289. Will Wood - Self-Ish πŸ’½

After Writing:

290. The Chain Gang of 1974 - White Guts πŸ’½

Sunday, August 4, 2024

August 4th 2024

Dear Diary,

Went to see Deadpool & Wolverine in theaters today. Peak? Peak. 

Sorry, I love stupid shit so much. I don’t need to be an enlightened film enjoyer sometimes I just wanna watch dumb fun. Actually I mostly enjoy dumb fun. Sure that other stuff is cool sometimes but I love campy stupid bullshit more!!!!! Who cares

Song of the Day: Sheck Wes - Mo Bamba 🐰

This shit went crazy five years ago, still does.

12 days until I see my love again


287. Deadpool & Wolverine (2024) πŸŽ₯

Saturday, August 3, 2024

August 3rd 2024

 Today’s post is about the cutest crow tengu girl, Aya Shameimaru!

I said Utsuho was my favorite Touhou character the other day, but Aya is slowly becoming my favorite she’s adorable and silly…


I still dont feel right. I still feel dead.

Song of the Day: Fairuz - Baatelak πŸ”

So that puts Lebanon on the music map now

18 dyas


286. Fairuz - Wahdon πŸ’½

Friday, August 2, 2024

August 2nd 2024

 Dear Diary,

They should be home soon. After the funeral, that is. I wish I could’ve gone with them but I felt way too sick. Maybe it was an anxiety attack.

I believe in an afterlife. Whatever that afterlife may be, it’s reassuring to know that those who passed on are now in a better place. I’m sorry, I’m still not ready to get out of bed. 

I got to hear a special someone’s voice again today, I’ll be seeing her again on the 16th. Two weeks from today. How I missed her. I can’t wait to spend so many sleepless nights texting her back and forth.

We’ll be together again soon, friend. But I’m not in the best place mentally right now, I’m hoping to be out of it by the time you come home… but I’m scared.

Song of the Day: Danny Brown - Dark Sword Angel ⚡️

Shoutout to the time I accidentally bought two copies of this album on CD a couple months ago lmao

14 days until I see her again.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

August 1st 2024


I miss them 




Song of the Day: Max Eider - Quiet Lives 🏜

wish I could live a quiet life heh

20 days until classes start.

Media Log - August 1st:

282. King Crimson - Discipline πŸ’½

283. Geraldo Pino - Let's Have a Party πŸ’½

284. Max Eider - The Best Kisser in the World πŸ’½

285. Destroy Boys - Make Room πŸ’½

October 1st 2024

Dear Diary, Today is Jimmy Carter's 100th Birthday! Meaning that Jimmy Carter, the 38th President of the United States of America, is th...