April 24th 2024
Dear Diary,
Well, that was a lot and I'm sorry. I just needed to get my thoughts out, and I have a tendency to be repetitive. The thing I wrote was pretty long, I don't know if I'll ever write a post that long again, I don't think I want to. I'm not all that sad as I seem, I'm just trying here, I love the internet and I love being silly and cute on the internet. I just have a lot planned for my own future, and I really want to share it with the world. I'm sorry, that's stupid isn't it? I'm just a silly gal. A silly gal on the internet. I want to be loved, platonically and romantically. I hope all of you think I'm cool. That's all. I just wanna be cool. Did you guys know that I'm 1/16th Filipino? This is random but I felt like bringing it up. I think it's an interesting little fact about me even though it's not that interesting. Oh yeah, one more thing. As much as I love writing, I struggle with writing for school oh wait actually no I said that already but I think I can write pretty well if given a topic I'm interested in, I'm sure this can be said for most people.
I promise I'm doing well mentally, yesterday's blog post was just kinda weird. My apologies aha...
I should probably end this soon before I go off the deep end again, I've just been having so many revelations and I am kinda weird and a little neurodivergent and I have some issues I'm just trying my best here. I confess I actually kinda skipped school today because it's just so damn hectic for me and I just can't wait to graduate. I graduate in a month by the way. But the point is I'm so damn tired of it all and I just wanna get out of here and I wish I could talk to that girl I wanna be friends with because she seems cool and I should say hi before I graduate because I may never see her again.
ok yeah thats all i wanted to say goodbye im keeping this one brief now. the "1000 words" I tried to come up with for my posts is stupid I think this is a perfectly good post with only 400 words ugh goodbye goodnight.
Song of the Day: Kate Bush - Army Dreamers ⚙
One of my favorite songs from one of my favorite Kate Bush albums.
1 month until ya girl graduates! ^_^
I might just end the media log thing here I listened to Never For Ever by Kate Bush but I'm not listening to music or watching movies and tv enough to warrant this right now sorry yall. bye .
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