April 26th 2024
Dear Diary,
So my close friend who I've been missing very much sent me the sweetest most heartfelt letter ever. She's honestly one of the sweetest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. I miss her very much and I can't wait to see her again. Honestly I think I may have a bit of a crush on her. I'm not 100% sure though. She's a wonderful nice girl, I was confused because of my feelings for the other girl, y'know? I was in a bit of a weird spot and I'm sure she was pretty understanding. I just feel bad that she had to deal with having conflicting feelings for someone and I'm not sure what to do. All I know is I can't wait to see her again. No matter how I feel about her, I know for sure that I think she's a wonderful sweet incredible beautiful girl who I am absolutely beyond honored to know. She's probably gonna read this some day I'm sure. Hiiiii friend!!!
She also calls me her flower which is seriously the sweetest damn thing ever <3
I'm going to another prom tomorrow, that's quite silly. It's not often you see a girl go to two different proms in two different states but heh, it's just like that. I talked about it earlier. My dad is a school teacher and his students who are around my age have really wanted to meet me. I've been talking to one of them through Instagram and we actually share similar interests such as Lemon Demon. Maybe I'll finally come out of my shell a little because as you know Nora Lycosa is famously bad at talking to people. It just makes me extremely nervous and I've been trying to talk to this one girl for three months now and I still haven't built up the courage to do it and I don't know if I will before graduation because it's only a month away but who knows maybe I will we'll just have to see what happens. These people seem nice though and I'm sure they won't mind me being a little awkward, y'know? But who knows... I kinda just wanna sleep in tomorrow but I don't see a problem with putting myself out there and living a little. I spend too much time inside living my boring life as an internet girl who isn't actually doing much just talking about what she's gonna do because she's too anxious to share her creative ambitions with the world but she knows she needs to do it someday I promise you all I'm going to!!!! You'll see!!! ^w^
Y'know ya girl is pretty damn tired. Yawwnnnn... never knew typing could be so damn tiring.... wow... yawwnnnn.... I don't know I'm just so sleepy.
i feel like a silly lil critter i love that word so much critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter critter It's just such a funny word I don't know why. Whoever invented the word critter deserves an award for it because it's such a good word. "early 19th century: variant of creature." That's so awesome. The word creature is another pretty damn good one. I'm a huge fan of both... I really am just a silly critter. A creature perhaps. THE creature. I'm weirdly obsessed with the word creature too. Creature and critter. They're such good words and I don't know why I love them so much. "Middle English (in the sense ‘something created’): via Old French from late Latin creatura, from the verb creare (see create)." Holy shit dude that's actually awesome I love that so much. Something created. I really am something created I'm just a creature GOD that's such a good word I can't stand it whoever invented that one deserves an award I love certain words so much and creature and critter have to be a couple of my favorites idk what the hell I'm talking about I'm tweaking off the gmail percs right now dude that thing is so funny that image of the gmail percs is hysterical and the phrase gmail percs itself is hysterical.
I miss my friend so much. She's so wonderful and I can't wait to see her again. Damnnnnnnnnnnn. DAMN. I would give anything to hear her voice again.... DAMNNNNNNNNNNN ugh I miss her I miss my friend
Have I mentioned my weird geography hyperfixation yet? It's been a thing for a while but it's come up pretty hard recently. It's weird but I'm pretty proud of the fact that I can name all 197 countries, their capitals, identify their flags, and point to them on a map. Maybe next I will work on subdivisions in certain countries, that might be difficult because some countries have A LOT. Vatican City being as small as it is thankfully has none so that's one out of 197 I don't have to worry about. I also already know all 50 states of my home country of the United States of America so that's two. I also know all of Australia's subdivisions so that's three.
With the United Kingdom it gets really weird. You could put England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland but then those constituent countries all have their own subdivisions.
Mexico has 31 states
Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories
I'm pretty sure I know most of the Canadian provinces. Saskatchewan, Nunavut, British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, and Quebec are the only ones I can remember off the top of my head. Six out of ten that's pretty good I think. I don't know any of the Mexican states. DAMN!!!
I'm pretty sure I know most of the Canadian provinces. Saskatchewan, Nunavut, British Columbia, Alberta, Nova Scotia, and Quebec are the only ones I can remember off the top of my head. Six out of ten that's pretty good I think. I don't know any of the Mexican states. DAMN!!!
Ireland has 32 counties I know that because my mom would always talk about that. Six of those are Northern Ireland which is a part of the UK but fuck you those are still Ireland. I don't care. Northern Ireland should belong to Ireland and not the UK and I don't know why Northern Ireland is a part of the UK. While we're at it give Scotland independence too lmao SCOTLAND FOREVER!!!!! I actually have Irish heritage which is why my mom was so obsessed with Ireland, and Filipino heritage but I believe I already mentioned that. Philippines has 81 provinces. I just know the three major island groups. Luzon, the Visayas, and Mindanao. I kinda wanna learn Tagalog because it's a pretty cool language. I've thought about moving to the Philippines as well but eh probably not.
Song of the Day: Cojum Dip - Waltz in E-major Op. 15 "Moon Waltz" ⭐
28 days until ya girl graduates!
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