January 13th 2024
I hung out with an old friend today. We went to some kinda....arcade type place? Like Chuck E Cheese but actually good. Not a big fan of the pizza there either, but it was better than Chuck E Cheese pizza.
They had an Injustice arcade cabinet at this place which was surprising. But I also learned how many... mobile games are in arcades now? For some odd reason there's so many mobile games in arcades now. Like Fruit Ninja and Subway Surfers.
There was another cool Batman arcade game there, that is supposedly from 2013. God that doesn't feel that long ago but the game is so nostalgic for some reason. Like I fully expected it to be from 2008, but no. When I looked it up it was 2013.
But yeah me and this friend hung out. It was his birthday a couple days ago, he's 18 now. I'm turning 18 soon... :O
Song of the Day: They Might Be Giants - The Mesopotamians ⌛
Mythology class reference
134 days until graduation!
56. They Might Be Giants - The Else 💽
Doesn't need accordion to be a classic! 10/10
57. Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath 💽
Well, I'm finished with the RYM top 100 now. 8/10
58. Black Sabbath - Sabotage 💽
I thought track 4 was called Megalovania lmaooo. 9/10
59. Good Omens: S1E4-E5 📺
60. They Might Be Giants - John Henry 💽
Classic album, love so many of the songs on here. 10/10
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