March 15th 2024
I finished it.
I finally finished Homestuck.
Here are my thoughts:
I think Homestuck is a very good story. Convoluted and long as hell, and much of it didn't seem like it served much of a purpose, but I still enjoyed it. The characters in Homestuck are very well written and have important character arcs that make them feel beautifully human, and it's interesting seeing how the circumstances they've been put in affect them. There's many interesting concepts in Homestuck, from four different types of romance, to the whole captchaloguing and alchemizing stuff which is a lot to get into but I think it's really cool.
I understand Vriska now. I didn't before, and I think many fans didn't finish Homestuck because Vriska is so misunderstood by the fandom.
Jade Harley is my favorite character. Silly pretty funny dog lady. What's with the dog motif? Do you have something against dogs? Seriously though, I love Jade so much. She's so silly but she's also very important. Probably the most important character in all of Homestuck. That title could go to a lot of characters, actually. Pretty much every main character has a significant role to the plot.
But Jade being the Witch of Space has a bit of an extra important role with the whole frog thing and what she did in Cascade (no spoilers.)
I kin Dave Strider and he's my second favorite. I lowkey ship DaveJade. Y'know that's the kind of relationship I desire to be honest. Silly funny carefree nerdy love.
I just wanna be silly with someone and have fun with them and find comfort in this dark world.
I don't like Eridan. I think he's a bad character. Uninteresting and unlikable. I don't know what other Homestuck fans see in him. If you like him, that's totally fine!!! I respect that!!! I'm not gonna say you can't like Eridan. If he's your favorite character I love that for you, I just can't stand him. I hope you understand.
I highly advise you check out Homestuck for yourself. Preferably the Unofficial Homestuck Collection if you have a device it will work on. There is the official website though if you wanna check that out, but if you want the full Homestuck experience, check out the unofficial collection. The official website isn't the same as it once was when Flash kicked the bucket in 2020.
kicked the... bucket???
Here's a guide for how to get it workin!
There is a lot in Homestuck that didn't age well. Certain characters are pretty offensive stereotypes, and there are a lot of slurs. Particularly ableist slurs. There's a slur replacement mod for the unofficial collection though.
I still really really think Homestuck is worth checking out. Maybe don't waste six days of your life dedicating an entire week to it like I did, but I still think it's worth checking out!! (I did take breaks during that, don't worry haha.)
I get why people don't like Homestuck, and that's okay. It really isn't for everybody. There's a lot about Homestuck that pissed me off too. But I had a lot of fun reading it.
SONG OF THE DAY: Kylee Henke - You Can't Fight the Homestuck ☢
what did you expect?
9+10 days until prom! ^_^
Media Log - March 15th
161. Homestuck by Andrew Hussie. ⛎
see above. How would I rate it, though? How about a 4/13? H3H3H3.