November 3rd 2023
So many missing assignments got put in for Personal Finance, but I got em taken care of. Also I think I mentioned this already but my English teacher let me turn in my parts of those unfinished group projects!!!!!!!! I hope the other people in my group got good grades on it too, even if they didn't do the work. They're cool and I wish my social anxiety wasn't so bad because I wanna be friends with them but my social anxiety is the worst!!!
That's all I guess.
I'm going to the doctor tomorrow, I should've gone 4 weeks ago I've been coughing nonstop for the past month at this point.
Song of the Day: Эхопрокуренныхподъездов - Cолнышко в руках
Apparently this guy died last year, and was only 29. RIP.
211 days until ya girl is 18!
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