Tuesday, August 22, 2023


August 22nd 2023

SUP GANG! YA GIRL JUST COMPLETED KIRBY SUPER STAR! I'm on to Return to Dream Land next! 

Fuck yeah? Fuck yeah!

I've been drawin silly clowns for art class, the one I actually submitted was extremely rushed and fucking terrible!!!! The clowns I drew after are so much better, damn. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

I only have 2 friends at this school, but that might change! I'm starting to make friends in English class!!!! and Economics maybe??? and Art???? All my classes really... I already have a friend in Statistics class

Journal Entry - What are 3 questions you can ask to interpret the deeper meaning of a work?

What words are used that convey emotion?

What do we know about the author that could possibly influence their intentions?

What was going on in the world at the time of this being written?

Reflection - Which illustration had the most important meaning to you?

Since I still don't have a Chromebook charger, I wasn't able to get access to any of the images initially. However, upon checking the page after school I found the "Soldiers Without Guns" image to be the most meaningful.

I'm happy.....

I'm sleepy....
My new bed comes tomorrow....


Song of the Day: The Prodigy - Need Some1

No Tourists is pretty boring for a Prodigy album...

284 days until ya girl is 18!

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