Thursday, August 31, 2023

August 2023

August 31st 2023 

What a mixed bag of a month...

Started with a vacation and ended with me getting covid....


Song of the Day: Seirom - 1973

50 years ago

275 days!

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

I get it now

August 30th 2023

We sail tonight for Singapore...

Y'all know who Tom Waits is, right? 

Yeah, I used to not really like his music. I used to think he was overrated.

But I was so wrong, this is incredible.

I love this album "Rain Dogs"

Song of the Day: Tom Waits - Singapore

oh my god, i get it now...

276 days until ya girl is 18!!!

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Nothing to report

August 29th 2023

Nothing to report, I've been laying in bed all day because I've got Covid. I don't even feel up to doing things I usually enjoy, I've just been sleeping and laying in bed scrolling through Instagram.

Tomorrow I'm gonna actually try to get some work done... 

Song of the Day: They Might Be Giants - Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had a Deal

I've been a fan of this band ever since I was a young kid, and I'm just now hearing this banger?! Wild.

277 days until ya girl is 18!

Monday, August 28, 2023

Whole week off from school

August 28th 2023

So I have to stay home from school this whole week.

This fluffing sucks....



Song of the Day: Hemlocke Springs - Girlfriend

fun and infectious lyrics and rhythm

278 days until ya girl is 18!

Sunday, August 27, 2023

I've got covid...

August 27th 2023

Bad news y'all... I tested positive for Covid....

Pray for me y'all....

Song of the Day: Ween - Mutilated Lips (Live in Chicago Version)

I think I prefer this to the studio version. It's genuinely incredible. 

279 days until ya girl is 18!

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Nora's Return to Sickness

August 26th 2023

I'm Sick :(

But I did finish Kirby's Return to Dream Land, pretty great game. 

Squeak Squad or Adventure next, maybe <3

Song of the Day: Run the Jewels - Stay Gold

Stay Gold, Ponyboy. 

280 days until ya girl is 18!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kirby: 7/13

i still need to finish uhh

Dream Land 2
Dream Land 3
Crystal Shards
Amazing Mirror
Squeak Squad

Friday, August 25, 2023

We're friends now!!! ^w^

August 25th 2023 

Today is Scarlett's Birthday! 

Scarlett is my mom's cat. She is 2 years old today. Scarlett is, my mom is not 2 years old.


That cool person who complimented my Lemon Demon shirt the other day? We're friends now! Is that awesome or what?

They're so cool...

We had an assembly today, and we had a guest speaker...

I won't say too much, but his words really opened my eyes...

Song of the Day: Death Grips - Billy Not Really

What is it with all the Björk samples Death Grips uses?

281 days until ya girl is 18!

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Nora Kinlist eugh

August 24th 2023



 Kinning as defined by Urban Dictionary:

"Almost the same as being a “Synpath” or an “Otherlink”, a “Kinnie” is a person who “Kins” a character (usually fictional). “Kinning” is when you closely relate to a character (in ways such as a characters backstory, personality, looks, or all of the above). A person who kins may identify with the character. “Kinning” a character is not the same as “being kin to” a character.

A person who kins may feel closely related to a character involuntarily, or they may choose to kin characters. In the same way, a kinnie may lose the connection with the character over time or they may choose to stop kinning the character.

Kinnies can have many kins from different movies, anime, video games, books, and more! Most people who kin will put each character in a “Kins List”.

The terms “Kin”, “Kinning”, and “Kinnie” have replaced the term “Synpath” over time, as the variety of words are easier to say in conversation and they have grown more popular.

“Kinsidering” is when a person is getting to know a character to decide if it is a kin or not. “Kinfirmed” is a word used when a kinnie confirms that a new character fits their kins list."

SO HERE'S MINEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Scourge (Warrior Cats)
Penny (Pokemon)
SCP-2598 (SCP)
Claire Elford (Witch's Heart)
Rin Kagamine (Vocaloid)
Sumireko Usami (Touhou Project)
Michiru Kagemori (Brand New Animal)
Perry the Platypus (Phineas and Ferb)
Dave Strider (Homestuck)
Mikoto Urabe (Mysterious Girlfriend X)
Chiaki Nanami (Danganronpa)
Norma (VA-11 Hall-A)
Gwendolin (Bloons TD 6)
Needle (Battle For Dream Island)
Vanny (Five Nights at Freddy's)
Opila Bird (Garten of Banban)
Hazel (One Step From Eden)
Slimer (Ghostbusters)
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Gatomon (Digimon)
Pyro (Team Fortress 2)
Josie Rizal (Tekken)
Natsuki (Doki Doki Literature Club)
Bernadetta (Fire Emblem)
Rebecca Chambers (Resident Evil)
Tao (Gunfire Reborn)
Annie (Skullgirls)
Gir (Invader Zim)
Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
Pyon (Hunter x Hunter)
Fenneko (Aggretsuko)
Bonny De Famme (Ace Attorney)
Noelle Holiday (Deltarune)
Kanna Kizuchi (Your Turn to Die)
 Harley Quinn (DC Comics)
Kumatora (Mother 3)
Sakura Kasugano (Street Fighter)
Bow (Inanimate Insanity)
Maypul (Rivals/Lovers of Aether)
Homsar (Homestar Runner)
Yung Venuz (Nuclear Throne)
Jeff Boomhauer (King of the Hill)
Yukari Takeba (Persona)
Juno (Omega Strikers)
Fluttershy (My Little Pony)
Komasan (Yo-Kai Watch)
Gwenpool (Marvel Comics)
Nermal (Garfield)
Marx (Kirby)
Amitie (Puyo Puyo)
Ran Mitake (BanG Dream!) (Overwatch)
Elphelt Valentine (Guilty Gear)
Yuffie Kisaragi (Final Fantasy)
Brownie Pembroke (Purrfect Apawcalypse)
Cyan Hijirakawa (Show By Rock!!)
Neon Violet (Neon White)
Tiny Tina (Borderlands)
Scratch (Skylanders)
Pearl (Splatoon)
Gangsta Spongebob (Gangsta Spongebob)
Noodle (Gorillaz)

Song of the Day: Gorillaz - Saturnz Barz

I used to hate this song but now it's one of my favorite Gorillaz songs post-Plastic Beach. 

282 days until ya girl is 18!

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Huge Day Today! Amazing Day Today!

August 23rd 2023

WOO! Okay! What an eventful day... in Nora Meadow terms.

To begin. Today is the birthday of one of my biggest inspirations, Neil Cicierega! 

I said this on Instagram this morning.

"Neil Cicierega has been one of my biggest influences and inspiration since I was 13, hell probably even before that. I’ve been a fan of his since I was 7 years old, but my appreciation for him and his work really took off when I was 13. I’ll talk more about this in my blog post later today, I just want to thank him and his work (not even just his music but I’ll admit mostly his music) for being influencing me as a person and as an aspiring creator. Thank you, Neil. Have an amazing 37th birthday."

Lemon Demon was what got me into music as a whole, along with Jack Stauber and Justice, but it was Lemon Demon for the most part. I'm not sure how to go into detail about Neil Cicierega's influence on the person I am today. I know I said I would but I'm not really sure what to say. He's influenced my humor, my musical taste, my personality, and a looooot more. 

Let's talk about school today!


I drew a shark eating a cupcake, and I drew The Joker as a bunny. No you can't see either. I don't like posting my art online yet, I won't until I feel like I'm a good enough artist to.


Did a bunch of math problems, not all that interesting. I had fun with it, though. I like math when I understand it. Statistics is easy for me.

English (ooh boy here we go)

Journal Entry - "What is the last time you heard a song, saw a film, or read something that could have multiple interpretations? What is your interpretation and what are some other interpretations?"

The Residents is an art collective that has been active since 1972, notable for the masks they wear to conceal their identities. A giant bloodshot eyeball sporting a top hat. To this day, no one knows who they are. No name, no face, no age, no gender. They are just... The Residents. They're most known for their music, but to just call them a music group feels inaccurate in my opinion, because they've dipped their toes in so much more mediums. They even had a long running YouTube series to promote an album of theirs. This was in 2008, and I believe it WAS the longest continuous YouTube series for the time. I'm no expert on them, though. I've been an admirer of their work since I was 13, but I'm still no expert. 

Enough of that, let me get to the point. The Residents released a concept album in 1998 titled "Wormwood" and over the course of the years that have passed since my first time listening to this album, I've had many different interpretations of it. As well as other people who have listened to this and analyzed its subtext.

Subtitled "Curious Stories from the Bible,"  it's obvious that this album is relating to The Bible, Christianity, and maybe even religion as a whole. Yes, but what does Wormwood say about Christianity?

There are 20 tracks on this album, each one a retelling of a certain story from The Bible. For example, Track 6 "Cain and Abel" is self explanatory. Track 17, "KILL HIM!" is a retelling of the story in which God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac. If one story from the Bible involving child sacrifice isn't enough, there's "Burn, Baby Burn" which tells the story of Jephthah sacrificing his daughter. 

If you're noticing a pattern, that's because there is one. These are unbelievably dark stories from The Bible, the three I mentioned don't even scratch the surface. This album really opened up my eyes to truly how dark some of the subject matter in The Bible is.

After dumping all of that information on you, one could interpret this as a criticism of The Bible and the foundation of Christianity, yes? One could say that the message The Residents are sending here is an Anti-Christianity one. If you ask me, however, I think it's a bit different.

I don't believe this concept album is an attack on Christianity, rather it is meant to showcase the dark side of The Bible, a book which many uphold as a morally flawless text.

This interpretation was confirmed by a friend and representative of The Residents, Uncle Willie. In his words:

"The desire is to neither vilify nor sanctify the book, but to allow it to be humanized. For the Bible to be looked upon as spiritually uplifting is good and useful, but that view overlooks the Bible's abundant images of plague, torture and cruelty." - Uncle Willie

(This was a lot sorry I should've kept this simple)

Reflection - "Which analytical lens are you most comfortable with?"

Reader-Response. I feel like it isn't my place to criticize the way a culture is represented if I am not a part of it. Archetypal is fine, but Reader-Response is just the one I'm most comfortable with. It doesn't make me feel like I have to walk in someone else's shoes or think too much about something. Not that it's too complicated for me, I just prefer to initially analyze something simply, and if it interests me I'll think about it deeper.


ya girl had a test she probably did terrible on! Woo!

other awesome school moments

So I wore my Lemon Demon shirt today because y'know Neil birthday!!!! The person I saw wearing a Lemon Demon shirt last week who I wanted to talk to and tell them I like their shirt but I was too scared to came up to me and complimented my shirt. I totally would've talked to them last week but I'm too socially awkward to talk to other people. They seem cool. God forbid I find the courage to talk to other people without feeling like they're judging me silently for my every little move. I also finally got a Chromebook charger so I can get some of the work done that I wasn't able to before. 

After school!

MY NEW BED IS HERE! it's comfy! :D

Also Kirby Squeak Squad finally got here. 3 weeks late.... I now have every mainline Kirby game though.... in one way or another.... People reselling DS games can never keep the cases though, can they? I swear every time I buy a DS game used it never comes with the original case for it!!!!! ugh.
Speaking of Kirby, I almost beat Return to Dream Land.... I'm on the final boss but I'm too tired to finish the game now. I gotta go to bed, goodnight!

Song of the Day: Lemon Demon - Hyakugojyuuichi 2003

I quote "9 out of 10 sociopaths agree" often and no one knows what I'm referencing. 

283 days until ya girl is 18!

Tuesday, August 22, 2023


August 22nd 2023

SUP GANG! YA GIRL JUST COMPLETED KIRBY SUPER STAR! I'm on to Return to Dream Land next! 

Fuck yeah? Fuck yeah!

I've been drawin silly clowns for art class, the one I actually submitted was extremely rushed and fucking terrible!!!! The clowns I drew after are so much better, damn. That's the way the cookie crumbles.

I only have 2 friends at this school, but that might change! I'm starting to make friends in English class!!!! and Economics maybe??? and Art???? All my classes really... I already have a friend in Statistics class

Journal Entry - What are 3 questions you can ask to interpret the deeper meaning of a work?

What words are used that convey emotion?

What do we know about the author that could possibly influence their intentions?

What was going on in the world at the time of this being written?

Reflection - Which illustration had the most important meaning to you?

Since I still don't have a Chromebook charger, I wasn't able to get access to any of the images initially. However, upon checking the page after school I found the "Soldiers Without Guns" image to be the most meaningful.

I'm happy.....

I'm sleepy....
My new bed comes tomorrow....


Song of the Day: The Prodigy - Need Some1

No Tourists is pretty boring for a Prodigy album...

284 days until ya girl is 18!

Monday, August 21, 2023

I don't like Discord

August 21st 2023

I finished my essay, only took me 2 hourz!!!!!!!!

I hope it's good...

I've been hyperfixated hard on Garten of Banban, unrelated but ya!!!!!!

I'm also taking a break from Discord, probably for the best. That app sucks... I was called an irl loli and told how hot that was... fuckin creepy...

Journal Entry - How Does Your Perspective Affect Your Interpretation of a Piece of Art?

Different people will have different interpretations of the same thing. People will find ways to relate a work to their personal experiences, whether it was the intention or not. There are many examples of this and it’s hard for me to think of just one, but it’s something I see a lot. I always like it when a work’s meaning and message is left up for interpretation, but I won’t try to argue with the author if they make their message clear. Which is something I’ve seen happen.

Song of the Day: Azealia Banks - Miss Amor

She's so talented, such a shame she says some of the stupidest shit on Instagram...

285 days until Nora girl girl 18

Sunday, August 20, 2023

New Bed, New Jeans

August 20th 2023

I'm getting a new bed!!! ^_^

I've only had my old one for 3 years but it was already pretty old despite that, it was a hand me down if that makes sense. So I'm getting a brand new bed that's miiiine! 

I got a new comforter too! It's a lego comforter (lego themed, not made of actual lego...) Some might say that's childish but I say fuck that! My girlfriend likes lego and I got it because it reminded me of her!!!!! And she's the coolest person I know

Also I listened to NewJeans and I think I like kpop now..... :O

Song of the Day: NewJeans - ETA


286 days until ya girl is 18!

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Subway, Resident Evil, and LCD Soundsystem.

August 19th 2023

Subway sadnwich so good! Italian sub :3

Resident Evil games all on sale for $40 on humble budnle. im goig  to buy.... :)

I've been slowly getting into the series over the past few months, only played zero tho. .......

Song of the Day: LCD Soundsystem - Tonite

worst lcd album, still 9/10

287 days until girl girl girl nora girl 18 years ! :3 blehh

Friday, August 18, 2023


August 18th 2023 

it was aight :0

school intahnet was down, couldnt ddo any worrkk..

so no journal bleehhhhhhh

song of day: Nelly - Ride Wit Me

my mom's favorite song to play in the car

288 days until girl girl nora 18 yeh

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Senior Sunrise

August 17th 2023

Senior Sunrise... ugh. had to get up at 6. I don't even wanna go through the day.

heres my free write journal 

This art class I’ve got for first period is so cool. I’m not much of an artist, but I like learning how to improve. I wish I took this class sooner, though. I’m not very proud of a lot of my work for that class, but we all start somewhere. Making mistakes is how we learn. 

and the reflection uhhh if i have any questions about rhetorical analysis fuck

I don't think I have any questions. This seems pretty easy for me.

i mayhave lied a lil :)

Song of the Day: STOMACH BOOK - We All Fall Down

cool somg

289 days until ya girl is 18!

Wednesday, August 16, 2023


August 16th 2023


I saw someone wearing a Lemon Demon shirt today, Good to know I'm not the only based LD fan hereeeeee


fuckin grid thing, ugh. drew a shitty ass giraffe


statistics stuff, not all that interesting.


Journal Entry - "are you most comfortable with Ethos, Pathos, or Logos?"

Ethos is probably the one I’m most comfortable with. I believe in doing what’s right more than what’s logical or what pleases others. 

If you can give me a good reason to do something, and make a good case for why that is the right thing to do, I’ll probably do it. That’s just the type of person I am.

Of course, I wouldn’t say 100% of the time I’ll be convinced if someone were to use Ethos on me, but there's a good chance.

Reflection - which one works the least on you?

I’m easy to convince. If I had to say which one would work the least, it would probably be Logos. Still very likely to work on me, however.


mannnnn idk i just drew my silly bunnygirls instead of taking notes fuuuuck


While waiting for my bus I saw a bunch of kids singing We Will Rock You outside. That was awesome lol.

Song of the Day: King Gizzard - Black Hot Soup


290 days until ya girl is 18

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Everything is beautiful.

August 15th 2023

Everything is beautiful! Remember that. 


I learned about contour lines. Confusing, I drew a dog. Also on my free time I drew a lil bunnygirl character I think is awesome and I'm definitely gonna use her for some project. She has a wolf boyfriend too.


We didn't do much, I kept drawing my bunnygirl character when I had time


Ethos, Pathos, and Logos 

Bellringer - Do you use Ethos, Pathos, or Logos the most?

Well, I’ve never really thought about it. I try to use ethos, logos, and pathos equally. However, I’m pretty sure I end up appealing to emotion more than anything. All are important tools to persuade someone, of course. I try not to get into arguments much, but we are human and conflict is in our blood whether we like it or not. 


Another Crash Course, another worksheet that took me 10 minutes. When I was done I drew my lil bunnygirl and her wolfboyfriend and took a nap until school was over.


I didn't do much when I got home. I messed around with Wallpaper Engine because someone gifted it to me on Steam (Thanks Ishgo!) and fell back asleep. 

Song of the Day: Talkshow Boy - Never Let the Bad Team Tell You What Yr Living For!

I remember when the lyrics to this song weren't available anywhere because no one could understand them. It's really not that difficult, with a few exceptions where I can't tell what he's saying. 

291 days until ya girl is 18!

Monday, August 14, 2023


August 14th 2023

Alright, so get this.

There's a character in this game called VA-11 Hall-A 

Her name is Norma, similar to Nora.

She's 17. Like me.


Also idk what a fluffy dream is but it sounds mecore. 

I guess I should play this game, huh?

SOOOOOOOO Today's school day. Here's the rundown.


I drew a shoe, a dinosaur, and a box of cereal. No you can't see. They're all pretty terrible. I'm not too proud of my art.


I missed a bit of the class because I went to the library to get my Chromebook and I still don't have a damn charger! 


Here's where things get interesting. Ya girl had to write a bit! I'm gonna share my responses to bellringers here because I feel like they're nice additions to my blog

Bellringer - "Why does it matter what was occurring in the world when a text was written?"

There are multiple examples I could use here, but one in particular that comes to mind is Arthur Miller's 1953 play "The Crucible"

The book is obviously based on the real life events of the Salem Witch Trials of the 1690s, but it wasn’t written back then, of course.

So why is the time period of when it was written important? 

In 1953, we had just gotten out of World War II not even a decade ago. With Germany as a threat being eliminated, a new threat was on the horizon. The Soviet Union. Communism. 

The fear around Communism was called "The Red Scare" and things were, blown out of proportion to say the least. Especially by one man named Joseph McCarthy.

McCarthy was a Republican Senator for the state of Wisconsin, notable for his anti-Communist efforts.

How would he go about fighting Communism, you ask? He accused several politicians, actors, government officials, and many others of being Soviet spies, ruining their careers. His influence allowed him to accuse whoever he wanted and ruin their life in seconds.

Sound familiar?

Reflection - "Why is SOAPSTone a good tool to use to analyze a text?"

SOAPSTone is a good tool for analyzing writing because it answers every important question about a work easily and efficiently. While it may be a surface level analysis of a work, it's about as detailed as surface level goes, if that makes sense.


We watched Crash Course videos, I LOVE Crash Course! They explain stuff in such an easy and simple way that helps my ADHD brain understand

Non-School Stuff

I'm close to beating Kirby Super Star!

I trolled Reddit with this picture. 

I posted this to r/Paranormal.
"Anyone remember The Greensons?

I swear this is how I remember them. But everyone tells me I’m crazy. Everyone says they were always The Simpsons. I know what I used to watch. It was The Greensons. What happened? Does anyone else remember?"

I managed to get a few funny responses from people thinking I was being serious, but I imagine most people realized I was trolling. A lot of people on Reddit seem to not understand sarcasm which is like, okay I guess. Some of the comments I got were pretty funny, I liked the comments I got even though I downvoted them to stay in character. I thought this was my funniest Reddit trolling effort yet, even though it isn't very funny. It was a dumb idea.

Also I changed the name on one of my many alts to haruforeheadfucker1738 and I think that username is really funny and I've been losing my shit over it all day today, I don't know why.

I've only played 5 minutes of Persona 5...

Song of the Day: The Space Lady - Ghost Riders in the Sky

Her music is very good to fall asleep to, highly recommend.

292 days until ya girl is 18!!!!!

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Neon Kirby Evangelion

August 14th 2023

I beat Kirby Get in the Robobot.

I'll try not to make too many jokes about an anime I've never even seen but it's too easy.

I've been feeling too sick to practice driving this weekend, and it's a bit of a challenge to find time to do it during the weekday with school back in session now soooooo yeah... I've just been gaming instead :3

I'm a sleepy girl!!! I think Touhou 19 looks awesome too.


So yeah, I'm going to sleep now, but I just wanted you all to know I haven't stopped my Kirby grind. 

Song of the Day: The Cambodian Space Project - Whiskey Cambodia

RIP Kak Channthy. I highly recommend checking out The Cambodian Space Project, an extremely underrated but incredible Cambodian pop band. Their lead singer unfortunately passed away a few years back but her legacy lives on. 

293 days until ya girl is 18!

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Texas Roadhouse

August 12th 2023

Texas Roadhouse 

Fuuuuuuck their bread is so good.

That's all

Song of the Day: The Quick Brown Fox - Shut Down Everything

This was my shit as a dumb 9 year old

294 days until ya girl is 18!

Friday, August 11, 2023


August 11th 2023



Nothing noteworthy happened in my other classes, but the fact I'm taking something I sincerely have an interest in despite my lack of skill makes me so happy.

I'm the furthest thing from an artist but I believe in myself, I'm confident that I will learn. I've always had an interest in art, but I've been self conscious of my art skills and felt too embarrassed to even try to improve, if that makes sense. 

But no more. I'm going to get better. 

Song of the Day: KMFDM - Juke-Joint Jezebel

This band is fuckin awesome, and I'm JUST now listening to them? This is my shit!

295 days until ya girl's 18th birthday!

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Village Idiots

August 10th 2023


English was cool today we got into groups for the semester everyone in my group seems really cool and our group name is the Village Idiots I really like that name :D

:( for everything else today, however.

Song of the Day: Nirvana - In Bloom

God I just love Nirvana. One of my favorite bands ever!

296 days until ya girl is 18!

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

First Full Day of Senior Year

August 9th 2023

I love my classes!!!!!!

Except for that damn P.E. class... I might be getting out of it, I hope. We'll see how that goes. 

I wish I could take something like art because damn!!!


Statistics... we did a lil get to know you thing!!! I got to doodle a few lil silly things. For the favorite cartoon character I chose Meatwad. Strong Bad from Homestar Runner is too hard to draw... also all they had for coloring was crayons and no red. Sooooo yeah!

I drew a lil Kirby too and I couldn't color the feet (Yes, I found out those are his feet and not his shoes. The more you know...)


Economics.... I'm so mad at myself for choosing an elective focus I have no fucking interest in because I needed to choose SOMETHING and 13 year old me didn't know shit about her interests. Fuck. 

Song of the Day: Marcy Playground - The Vampires of New York

I like the name of this band... Marcy Playground... :D

297 days until ya girl is 18!

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

First Half Day of Senior Year!

August 8th 2023

Let's talk about my first day

I woke up late, not off to a good start with my whole getting up early and getting ready in time thing, but I'll take care of that.

5 minutes into my senior year, I was mistaken for a freshman. I know I'm 5'7 and I've only grown half an inch since my freshman year, but come on! 

I went to my homeroom. I don't have a class in that room but I had to go there to get information about the school year. I know, it's weird. First thing I noticed was the flags in the room.

I identified all of them

Central African Republic, Haiti, Comoros, Guinea, Djibouti, Mali, Gabon, Benin, Niger, DRC, Cameroon, Rwanda, Madagascar, Congo, Switzerland, Senegal, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Luxembourg, Monaco Burkina Faso, Togo, France, Canada, Cote D'Ivoire, Chad, Vanuatu, Seychelles, Belgium.

If you can't tell... it's all countries with French as an official language (With Mali being an exception as of July 2023)

Yeah... I didn't come to the conclusion that it was a French classroom I was in because of the posters on the walls in French, rather I came to that conclusion from the flags.

I went to Advanced Phys Ed. Doesn't look like I'm gonna have to wear sweatpants or shorts, but it is recommended. Just not required. Phew. 

Statistics certainly seems like an interesting class. The teacher seems cool, and the people in the class seem nice.

English on the other hand... ugh.

The teacher seems cool, but I've had bad experiences with some of the other people in that class.

The classroom I'm in is the one I was in for my Creative Writing class last year. I may have procrastinated on some of my assignments, but I miss that class. I liked being able to express myself through writing and the teacher was awesome! She was my favorite teacher. I really hope she didn't quit...

One of my few friends at this school is in my Statistics class, and I'm cool with a few people in my Economics class, so I might become friends with a few people in those classes. 

Things are looking up.

Song of the Day: Kendrick Lamar - HUMBLE

Syrup sandwiches? I'm intrigued. I don't think I'd want to try something like that, however. 

298 days until ya girl is 18!

Monday, August 7, 2023

Senior Year Tomorrow!

August 7th 2023

Today is my last day of Summer.

I've been getting ready for school. 

I'm a High School Senior this year, babey!

My classes are:

Advanced Phys Ed (I'm not excited for this one bit)
Statistics! (Cool! That's my favorite math!)
English 4 (I. LOVE. English!)
Economics (Alriiight! Sounds awesome)
Personal Finance (Ooh... interesting!)

Environmental Science (VERY interested in this class)
Mythology (Also very interested in this)
Spanish 2 (Hope my teacher doesn't beat someone up this time)
Mystery & Suspense (I have the same teacher I did for English last year)

If I had to rank my classes by how excited I am for them...

1. Mystery & Suspense
2. Environmental Science
3. Mythology
4. Statistics
5. English 
6. Spanish
7. Personal Finance
8. Economics
9. Advanced Phys Ed

I'm a very unathletic trans girl, you understand why I'm dreading phys ed, right? Okay, glad to have cleared that up.

If I have to wear shorts I swear to fuck...

Sad to not be getting some kinda art or computer class this year, I should've signed up for one. I'm absolutely shit at art and stuff with computers, which is why I want to learn! It's cool though, there's always college.

My goals for this year:

- I need to pay attention in class better

- I need to study more

- I need to get better grades

- I need to be more social this year, I don't have many friends at school. I want this to be the year everything changes for me. I wish I could've done this much sooner but whatever. 

Song of the Day: Lamya - Judas Kiss (Brutus Diss)

I feel like I've heard this song before but it's very unlikely that I have. 

Nora's Senior Year Begins tomorrow! 

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Kirby times :3

August 6th 2023


playing Return to Dream Land now, the remake on Switch of course but I'm counting it. 

I haven't done anything else today really, I mean I did get a shower that felt fucking amazing but other than that nothing really.

I'm excited to start school again! Woo! 

Song of the Day: Prince - Purple Rain

What else is there to say? It's fucking Purple Rain!

2 days until school 

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Vacation in the Volunteer State!

August 5th 2023

It's really late but I'm home now so let's talk about my time in Tennessee. 

August 2nd

I went to Dollywood. I rode the Blazing Fury, Shooting Star, Dizzy Disk, River Rampage, and Lightning Rod!

I used to go to Dollywood all the time back when I used to live a few hours away from it, but now that I live halfway across the country I haven't really been able to go much. This was my first time since 2019! I got a flower crown for 40 dollars (I feel scammed...) but it's cute.

I went back to the hotel and slept for the rest of the day.

August 3rd 

I went to the Hollywood Wax Museum. I got a few pics I miiiight post to my instagram so keep a lookout for those if ya follow my personal where I post selfies!

Then I did a haunted house thing and a mirror maze. Yes I was very jumpy and screamed quite a few times in the haunted house. I was extremely freaked out. 

The mirror maze was awesome. Very easy to get out. 

I already mentioned the clothes shopping previously so lets skip that

Thennnn I did an escape room! My group and I (which was just me and my parents) didn't get out in time but we only got out 4 minutes late. We were having a little bit of trouble with certain things.

August 4th

I went back to Dollywood. We saw a show called Dreamland Drive-In. This used to be a tradition for us every time we went to Dollywood and while I thought it was just some 50s-60s nostalgia thing and just liked the music now that I'm older I realize more and more how incredible of a story it is, and it resonates with me really hard. Even if the songs are different now.

Oh yeah, There also was another show with a bluegrass band playing. That was really cool. They had CDs for sale and I bought one. I haven't listened to it yet. I don't listen to that kind of music usually but I decided to expand my taste a little bit. 

I didn't ride anything this time around, though.

August 5th

I did another escape room, this time we did solve it in time. It was themed around the board game Clue. I got some stickers as well which you know I put on my laptop.

I just got home from the airport 20 minutes ago. Soooo yeah. Fun little vacation before I go back to school. I'm glad I got to do that.

Song of the Day: Husker Du - Celebrated Summer

Yeah I've been celebrating quite a bit this Summer

3 days until ya girl first day school

Friday, August 4, 2023

Almost Home

August 4th 2023

I'm almost home. That's all there is to say.


Song of the Day: Jessy Lanza - Don't Cry on My Pillow

What if I do cry on your pillow? You can't stop me.

4 days until ya girl's senior year. 

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Clothes shopping!

August 3rd 2023

Day 2 of vacation, I went clothes shopping....!


Unfortunately the shoes I wanted weren't available in my size but...

I got some cool hoodies!!! I don't like posting pics of myself on this blog much but if I'm feelin really good I might post a pic or two of me in em.

I don't feel comfy disclosing anything else about the vacation currently, but by the time I get back to Phoenix (hey, isn't that an Injury Reserve album?) I'll make a post recappin everything.

Song of the Day: Blur - Girls & Boys

Hey... he kinda sounds like Gorillaz!

5 days (in a watery cave another song for the day that I take to the grave I gotta be the first to see the specter everybody wants to be friends with the nectar protector) until Nora goes back to school.

btw this is random but hip to the javabean is the best lemon demon album 4 all u nerdz out there too scared of the truth :P 

javabean solos spirit phone

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

I love vacation!

August 2nd 2023

Soooo for safety reasons I'm not disclosing anything about where I'm at right now, some of you know, most of you don't. I'll talk about it when I get back home.

I did get a very cute flower crown, however. I'll have to show y'all a picture of me wearing it. I don't post selfies much on this blog but I'm feeling cute.

It was pretty damn expensive tho....

I almost didn't bring my laptop on this trip, so I wouldn't be able to blog while I'm here because using the mobile app is like torture.

I remembered today how I used to make videos on my 3ds camera, and a lot of them were Littlest Pet Shop Slasher Films. I was an unhinged child, but I guess LPS slasher films is better than re-enacting 9/11 or the JFK assassination with LPS like some things I've seen.

I had so much fun on this vacation so far and I can't wait to tell you about it.

Song of the Day: Tally Hall - Turn the Lights Off

This song always somehow finds its way back to me

6 days until ya girl goes back to school!

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Girlfriend Day!

August 1st 2023

Girlfriend day! Love you Sabby! :3

I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow. The ACTUAL vacation. All I can say about it right now. Much love!

I went driving for another 2 hours today

I also beat Kirby's Dream Land, I had no idea the game was as short as it was, kinda underwhelmed.

Song of the Day: Carly Rae Jepsen - All That

Been meaning to listen to this album for years now, finally did and I LOVE IT!

7 days nora go back school :3

History Exam

February 27th 2025 I think I did pretty well on my history exam. At least, I hope I did. I don't know!!! I'm praying at least. I stu...