Monday, May 6, 2024


May 6th 2024

Dear Diary,

UNLEASH THE SCARAB!!!!!!!!!!! FLYYYYYYYYYYYY SCARAB FLYYYYYYYYYYYYYY We're doing Egyptian Mythology in that class finally. I'm excited it's all real interesting stuff. :D I love ancient egypt so much it's so cool. The pyramids are awesome and they weren't built by aliens the history channel is stupid and it's only fun to watch while high probably not that I would know because I've never been high no really I have actually never been high and idk if I'd want to anyway it would probably be fun once but I'd probably feel like shit after and I don't know if it's really worth it I don't have any interest in drugs or alcohol because I've only ever seen the negative effects from them. You feel good for a while and then it's feeling like shit. I don't even think being drunk feels good again not that I would know that shit just sounds dreadful. 

Ancient cultures are so fascinating to me, African history is really interesting and I don't think we give it enough credit. Racist weirdos talk shit about Africa because of how poor most of the countries are and how all of them are at war when it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's the fault of the European colonizers. Drain a continent of its resources and it'll probably be in poverty, who knew? Also the fact they see people in poverty and belittle them and shit like that is very telling too. If a country was in poverty I doubt it's the fault of the people who are suffering from it, just saying. 

Why am I trying to find logic in arguments made by racists? That's like shooting a guy in the head point blank and acting shocked when he dies. Like no shit he's gonna die and no shit racists have bad arguments. "If these people are so poor they should just move to less impoverished countries" then they do that and the same people will bitch about immigration and how "Europe is being ruined >:(" There's no winning with racists, obviously. I just find their shitty arguments amusing. How do people detest African immigrants yet think Europe's colonization of Africa was one of the best things to ever happen in history? Make it make sense. I know they're just racist and the logic behind their arguments is nothing but "white people good everyone else bad" but it's frustrating. If you don't like pistachio why did you ask for it? It's crazy how so many grown adults in the world act like that little fish from Spongebob in that one scene whining about getting pistachio ice cream when HE FUCKING ASKED FOR IT. That kid was an annoying little bitch too but the scene was obviously comedic. Spongebob was the shit did you know Spongebob is actually 25 years old now? It's been on for as long as The Simpsons has sucked. That's crazy to me. It's also crazy to me that Spongebob Squarepants still hasn't existed for a billion seconds, that's random but it just goes to show how long 1 billion seconds is. 

1 million is a lot, and 1 billion is a thousand times that. So is there really such a thing as an ethical billionaire? I don't really think there is, personally. If you have an idea that gets popular enough, like if you're a famous musician and you end up selling so many records you end up with that much money, which is extremely rare but I think it definitely could be possible if the artist was famous enough. That wouldn't be an unethical way of earning a billion dollars. The question is though, whether it can be obtained ethically or not, is it really ethical to have that much wealth? It's things like this that really make me think. Elon Musk has 194 billion, he could end world hunger several times around, and he chooses to buy Twitter because he has an issue with trans people. This shit we call "woke" is just inclusivity and basic human decency if you ask me. Is there really a problem with being woke? I think it's good to be accepting and understanding of other people's experiences and cultures and lifestyles, as long as they aren't harming anyone of course. Which most of the time they really aren't, people just refuse to accept that. 

I'm talking too much now I should probably go, I started talking about Ancient Egypt and now I'm talking about rich people. Did you know most carbon emissions come from a few companies rather than normal everyday citizens? That's another thing to think about. I don't pay attention much in that Environmental Science class. Nothing against the topic or the teacher it's just early in the morning and hard for me, but what I have learned from it has been pretty important I think. I'm glad we're at the very least trying to get on the right track to saving our planet, but I don't think anything we do will ever be enough unfortunately. These companies if left unchecked are going to destroy the planet and many of them are because they have more money than God. There's not much WE can do about it. We can try, and if we recycle and all these other things to save the planet it might make a little bit of a difference, but we can't do much about those companies, can we? The governments can, but are they going to? Most of the governments where these countries are based concern themselves with other things, and it's hard to blame them because running a country means you have a lot in the world to worry about, I'm just saying.

Song of the Day: Caravan Palace - Lay Down ⭐

political 16 year old theme song joke idk 

18 days until I graduate. 

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