May 5th 2024
Dear diary,
After the community service thing I realized something, I have responsibilities, and that's an exciting thing for me now. It was frustrating mostly because of my anxiety of messing up, but as long as I know what I'm doing I think I could do great at any job.
I believe that if you can find a job that makes you happy, something you really enjoy. That is what life is about. Sure, money is cool, we all like money but money or happiness? I'd rather be poor and happy than rich and depressed. Rich in spirit, not in material. That's what life is to me. I've spent a long time dwelling over the past. I think that's another thing that makes us humans so paranoid about the future. We learn history so that we aren't doomed to repeat it. We learn things in school like WW2 and Vietnam and Iraq so that we don't let things like that happen again. Yet I feel like we still are, we haven't learned, have we? Israel is on our side, so if they're doing to Palestinians what Nazi Germany did to Jews we're supposed to just let it happen? It's upsetting but I'm getting off track here. Maybe I don't understand the situation but what I do know is that the deaths of innocent civilians is bad no matter what side they may be on. I hope that is something that we can all agree on, human lives are important but it seems like the number of people who have regard for human life in the world is getting smaller and smaller. If your existence doesn't benefit them in some shape or form, or if they disagree with a way you harmlessly express yourself, why should they care? That's their thought process. The world isn't all bad like that, the world is actually pretty kind and warm and sweet, every country in the world has good people and bad people, and too many people hate certain countries' entire populations for the actions of the government, a small majority. It's like they assume that every country's citizens are their government, like how the only people in Vatican City are affiliated with the Catholic Church in every way. People tend to see countries as one entity with the same opinions and beliefs and things like that, rather than diverse lands with populations of people who do in fact disagree with things their governments do.
Why do we think like this? What is the psychology behind it? Perhaps nationalism? We want a reason to claim why one country is better than another? The government may be better, but at the end of the day... we're all still people. We all still bleed red and if you don't you should get that checked out at a hospital. This world is home to 197 largely recognized countries and countless more, We need to understand that there are way more than 197 people in the world. I'm sure most of us have seen more than 197 people in one room before. Just something to consider. I do not support a lot of things my government has done, I just happen to live here. You know what I mean? Certain Anti-American countries don't see it this way though, and I guess it makes sense that the governments of other countries don't like Americans. I think it's moreso that many governments are under the belief that the people living in their countries HAVE to agree with their policies and that's where it comes from. Some governments have their citizens executed for criticizing them, so again... if that was commonplace for certain people living in a country like that, it's understandable that they'd assume most Americans agree with their governments. Although I really don't see it often.
Most Americans don't like Biden, and most didn't like Trump. From what I've seen at least. I think it's important that we are critical of our governments because if we are not then they can't truly strive for the perfection they wish for if they don't have the people's best interest in mind.
Song of the Day: Cambodian Space Project - Have Visa, No Have Rice⚡
cant let gang know i fw khmer psych rock :)
19 days until I graduate!
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