Friday, May 31, 2024

Last day of childhood

May 31st 2024

Dear Diary,

I am writing this on May 31st 2024 at 10:57 pm. I was brought into this world on June 1st 2006 at 10:57 AM. 

I'm reflecting on the first 17 years of my life; they were fun at first. Then somewhere around there I kinda lost my way. This won't happen in my adulthood. You are going to see a new and improved Nora. 

I never talked to the girls I wanted to be friends with again, and it's a shame. However, that is life. That's the way we all go.


Song of the Day: Gorillaz - O Green World ☘️

When you see me again, I'll be 18.



216. Joel - Super Ghostbusters 💽

goodbye childhood...

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Meowdom Hearts

May 30th 2024

Dear Diary,

 Is kingdom hearts any good it looks cool there’s a character named Xion who is cute and I wanna be her she is gender.

I have Dream Drop Distance on 3ds, I played it once in like 2014 and thought "This is awesome! *never plays it again*"


I’m really excited for college!! :D ^_^ yay :3 <3 love love love happy silly girl times

Oh yeah I did some stuff for college, It involved a survey and they asked if I was trans. I said yes!! I’m mostly closeted in real life, so that was a huge step for me!

Instagram’s new prompts feature fucking sucks btw.

Song of the Day: Steve Miller Band - Fly Like an Eagle ☁️

One of my favorite songs as a kid!

2 days until ya girl turns 18! 🎂


213. Sergey Rakhmaninov - Piano Concertos Nos 2 & 3 💽

214. DMX - It's Dark and Hell is Hot

215. Steve Miller Band - Fly Like an Eagle 

Wednesday, May 29, 2024


May 29th 2024

Dear Diary,

ya girl girl's still so sleepy... idk what to do. i didnt go to the potluck today... 

I lost the funny pokemon d&d casino simulator 

rip to my sillies: Grotle, Luxio, Fearow, and Taillow.



I almost forgot to do song of the day today, but I remembered just in time...

Song of the Day: The Presidents of the United States of America - Kitty 🐱


3 days until ya girl turns 18! 🎂

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

at least i got my schedule confirmed

May 28th 2024

Dear Diary,

hell is real hell is real hell is real hell is real hell is real hell is real hell is real 


I woke up in immense pain today and I'm sad about the date but yay college yay!!!!

Song of the Day: Nick Drake - Pink Moon ⭐

Told you Myanmar would be on the music map before the month ends. 

4 days until ya girl is 18! 🎂

Monday, May 27, 2024

date was cancelled

May 27th 2024

Dear Diary,

fuck this.

she wasnt allowed to go on the date.

god dammit!!!!! what the fuck?

theyre never letting me see her again, are they?

I did watch Hamilton today, and it was incredible. I was blown away by how awesome it was. I love American history and hip-hop, combining the two makes for something incredible. 

It's also inspiring, even if the founding fathers weren't the best people if we're talking about reality.

Song of the Day: Sleater-Kinney - Hell 🔥

I’m in hell.

Umm. 5 days until I turn 18. 🎂

Media Log - May 27th

209. Hamilton 🎥

210. Sleater-Kinney - Little Rope 💽

211. Weezer - Van Weezer 💽

212. Papua New Guinea Stringbands with Bob Brozman - Songs of the Volcano 💽

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Happy birthday mom!

May 26th 2024

Dear Diary,

Happy Birthday, Mom! Yay!!!! I don't know if I'll be able to get my community service finished. I know I said that I would for your birthday, but I don't know if I can.

Welcome to the music map, Italy!
I listened to an album from an Italian comedy rock band that an online oomfie of mine put me on. Skiantos is pretty cool.

Song of the Day: Skiantos - Il rock ti da lo shock ⚡




208. Skiantos - Kinotto 💽

Saturday, May 25, 2024


May 25th 2024

Dear Diary,


V: Hello, sir.

S: So, my daughter’s girlfriend finally graduates… that’s wonderful.

V: Yes sir. How is she doing, by the way? She hasn’t come to school much. I know she still has one year to go…

S: We’re working on that, it’s a good thing I’m a teacher and I’ve fought hard for her to graduate despite her… absences. Things have been hard for the family ever since I publicized my discoveries.

V: Yeah, she told me…

S: I’m sure you recall the incident where a student pulled a knife on her.

V: She called me in tears.

S: and the four years we had to stay in an underground bunker. She was confused and upset, but as she got older she understood why we did that…

V: Jesus…

S: The plan was to live our whole lives in the bunker but eventually we had a huge fight about it and… she won.

V: What about her mom? What was her say in all of this?

S: Died when she was six. She never told you?

V: No… sore subject I imagine.

S: Anyone losing their mother that young would be.

V: Right, right…
- long pause -

V: I still haven’t told my parents about my relationship with your daughter, and knowing them they wouldn’t approve.

S: Parents are like that, hard to accept the fact their child is dating. I know I was like that first with ⚙️⭐️❄️🎵🏔 but I eventually got over it.

V: No, like… they wouldn’t approve of…

S: Huh? Oh… oh… I see. So they don’t know you’re…

V: I’m gonna have to come out to them eventually, I know.

S: I s-

solstice. im watching you solstice. the writing on the wall couldn’t be more clear. she cannot survive without you. this battlefield has gotten only more treacherous as the years have gone on. last night, i was contacted by a ghost. i havent seen the ghosts since the first incident of 1991. but now i know. i know what i must do.   

April 27, 1993 
April 27, 1993 
April 27, 1993 
April 27, 1993 
April 27, 1993 
April 27, 1993 
April 27, 1993 
April 27, 1993 
April 27, 1993 
April 27, 1993 

Song of the Day: Ween - Demon Sweat ❄️

She was waiting for you, Ms. Laghdam.


MEDIA LOG - May 25th

205. Sergei Prokofeiv - Piano Concertos: No. 2 in G minor Op. 16; No. 3 in C major Op. 26 💽

206. Ween - The Pod 💽

207. Pierce the Veil - Collide with the Sky 💽

Friday, May 24, 2024


May 24th 2024

Dear Diary,




It was a rough, difficult ride. But I did it. I did it. I FLUFFING DID IT!

graduating from nice girl academy at baby bunsons scool for nice girls on happie girl street 20 and getting a job at the pet factory

I set a reminder back in 2022 to make this the caption to my graduation post on Instagram when I graduated. 

THERES A MILLION THINGS I HAVEN'T DONE, BUT JUST YOU WAIT!!!!! Hamilton is HamilPEAK btw idc what anyone says I haven't watched it but the songs are soooooo damn good. I'm obsessed.

I didn't talk to that girl I wanted to be friends with again, maybe we'll meet again somewhere and I'll have the courage to strike up a conversation who knows... and I forgot to bring this up but my crush wasn't able to come to my graduation. :( what the fluff.  I dmed her on twitter telling her I love her but she won't be able to see it for a while probably. 

College is soon, I am so excited! The future is so exciting. Bucculenta is real, besties. 

OH yeah Instagram deleted my post, they thought I was selling drugs because of a couple of the aesthetic bucculenta emojis. I'm sure ya know what I mean. I am making Bucculenta a reality and I'm so happy about it. I am not throwing away my shot!!!  History has its eyes on me. 


I wanted to reconnect with two friends actually, not just the girl I had a crush on at first then later realized I had a "friend crush" on. There's another friend I wanna reconnect with but we're going to college together, so I'll have a bit of time to. Ain't that exciting?

Also the speeches made me cry a little. 

I'll probably miss High School later down the line, but I DONT RIGHT NOW!!!! HAHA!!!!




Song of the Day: Lin-Manuel Miranda - My Shot 🔥


4 days until the date!!! ^o^


Thursday, May 23, 2024


May 23rd 2024

Dear Diary,




I got a new laptop for college, I’m gonna start using it to write these blog posts because my old laptop is having some problems.

Also, Afghanistan and Rwanda have been added to the Music Map! ^_^

Song of the Day: Sophie Nzayisenga - Inyambo (Royal Cows) 🐮

Welcome to the map, Rwanda!



204. Descendents - I Don't Want to Grow Up 💽

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

I'm kinda like Aerith

May 22nd 2024

Aerith from Final Fantasy 7 is just like me fr. 

Pretty flower lady. Aerith and Tifa should kiss...

meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow 

I did nothing today... yawn meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow

Afghanistan is being added to the music map today, and Rwanda tomorrow. :)

Song of the Day: Mahwash - Paye ashq 🌊

Welcome, Afghanistan!!!

2 days until ya girl graduates!


202. Mahwash - Ghazals Afghans 💽

203. Sophie Nzayisenga - Queen of Inanga: Music from Rwanda 💽

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


May 21st 2024

Dear Diary,





She was trans in the original version, get over it. Anyways yeah I'm really happy about this. She's one of my favorite characters in the Mario extended universe (I'm also a huge fan of Penny Crygor) so yeah!!!

Also, I may be wrong about this, but isn't it canon that Mario in the mainline Mario games and the Mario in the Paper Mario games are two different people? Or are they alternate universe versions of the same character? 2nd one is probably most likely. I dunno. I've never played a Paper Mario game, but I am interested in them. 

Song of the Day: Will Wood - Aikido! (Neurotic/Erotic) 🦠

I had a lot of choices here, but I ultimately went with the cutest one.

3 days until ya girl graduates!!!!

Media Log - May 21st

201. Will Wood - Everything is a Lot 💽

Monday, May 20, 2024


May 20th 2024

Dear Diary,

 My dad is in Iowa. He will be back for my graduation, though. My uncle is coming up from Florida to be there too! Exciting times, exciting times!

Twitter is interesting, there's some cool people on there. I got it because she told me to get it. My crush, that is. I miss her. I'm gonna tell her how I really feel.

thi nking about final fantasy 7 yuri omg tifa and aerith yayyy im so aerith coded tbh with my whole flower thing. 

Song of the Day: Bob Dylan - Rainy Day Women #12 & #35 💊


damn i miss her. uhmm 4 days until graduation

200. Smiling Friends Season 1📺 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

yearning for her

May 19th 2024

I've just been yearning all day today. Yearning for her. I love her. I really do. I want her to know that.


More than a friend, and I know she wanted to be more than friends. Well after a lot of thought... so do I.

Song of the Day: The Scary Jokes - Starstruck ⭐

<3 yeah... >////<

5 days until graduation. 


Media Log - May 19th

199. Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde 💽

Saturday, May 18, 2024

graduation day? not just yet

May 18th 2024

i was out all day doin shit today, whatver whatever . I went to the gradautionat the school my dad works out that was okay ... meow!!! 

I grad8 in six dayz



i miss her.

Song of the Day: Talking Heads - Houses in Motion 🪵

happy belated birthday david byrne the goat

6 days until ya girl graduates! ^_^


198. Talking Heads - Remain in Light 💽

Friday, May 17, 2024

Happy birthday good music (AGAIN!)

May 17th 2024

Dear Diary,

5 years of Igor! 11 years of RAM!

If I hadn't put a RAM song for sotd a week ago, I'd put it here. 

I miss my favorite girl :( I graduate in a week and meow meow meow meow meow meow i miss her. Our date is in 11 days though I'm gonna tell her how much I love her :)

Song of the Day: Tyler the Creator - A BOY IS A GUN* ☁️

one of my favorites from IGOR

7 days until ya girl graduates! 


195. The Cure - Pornography 💽

196. Tyler the Creator - Igor 💽

197. 12 Rods - Gay? 💽

Thursday, May 16, 2024


May 16th 2024

Dear Diary,

This is a test. 

I have some ideas to improve BUCCULENTA 🌸🌺🕷️🕸️

The song of the day map has expanded to Albania.

January: USA, France, UK, Australia, Philippines, Canada

February: China, Togo, Senegal, Ireland, Japan

March: Denmark

April: Belarus, Germany, Chile

May: Cambodia, Albania

Song of the Day: Saz'iso - Kaba me klarinetë 🪵

oh this is beautiful.

8 days until ya girl graduates!

Media Log - May 16th

193. Igor Stravinsky - Stravinsky Conducts Le sacre du printemps 💽

194. Saz'iso - At Least Wave Your Handkerchief at Me: The Joys and Sorrows of Southern Albanian Song 💽

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

the amelia project

May 15th 2024

Dear Diary,

bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta  bucculenta 

bucculentA MEadow buccuLenta voId meAdow 

the amelia project began on May 15th, 2001 and ended on May 13th 2005. 

Song of the Day: Poppy - BLOODMONEY 🩸

what do you believe when nobody is watching?

⑨ days until ya girl graduates!

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

DAY 500

May 14th 2024

Dear Diary,

I'm gonna keep these short until graduation. Today is day 500 of the ROWDY FLOWER GIRL blog posts.  I'm struggling with doing these on time but uhhh hell yeah!!!!!

Senior Sunset today, it was underwhelming as hell I could've stayed home and played Digimon. Sigh.

Digimon Cyber Sleuth goes SO damn hard. If you even care.

Song of the Day: Justice - Generator ⚡




192. Justice - Hyperdrama 💽

Monday, May 13, 2024

Hazel's Modus Operandi

May 13th 20X4

I want you to see something.

Song of the Day: King Gizzard - Dirt ☘


11 days until ya girl graduates.

Sunday, May 12, 2024

I hate shitty drivers

May 12th 2024

Dear Diary,

NOT CLICKBAIT. NORA LYCOSA WENT... OUTSIDE??? UNBELIEVABLE! WHO EVEN GOES OUTSIDE ANYMORE?! I can't believe someone would go outside, but yeah. I did.... I learned a lot of valuable lessons today about the world, I'm not gonna get into all of that though, that's a little personal actually. Some people just do not give a FUCK about the safety of others, no regard for the world around them whatsoever. Remember that if you're going to drive at night, KEEP YOUR GOD DAMN LIGHTS ON. Doing so is not only endangering the people around you but also yourself so even if you are a selfish asshole you shouldn't do it because you're still putting yourself at risk you fucking idiot, not talking to the person reading this I'm sure you are a well adjusted educated individual who knows basic driving safety rules and doesn't try to put others' lives at risk. I also learned that alcohol is bullshit and rarely anything good ever comes out of it. Sure maybe it's fun every once in a while but you mostly just feel like shit after being drunk, hell even during being drunk probably. I'm so glad I've never had a drop of alcohol. Not on purpose at least, I don't have anything against those who do drink, I just don't see the point in it. That's all. I respect you if you do it, it's just not my thing. Please don't force it on me. Okay thank you everyone. Thank you!!! Thank you all for being so kind and understanding I love y'all so much. I learned so much today, so many life lessons. I'm glad I went outside.

That's all I'm gonna say <3

Song of the Day: SOPHIE - Faceshopping 🧠

RIP to a queen 

12 days until ya girl graduates.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Favorite Community Quotes

May 11th 2024

Dear Diary,

Wendy's for Lunch and Dinner today, Things are kinda weird right now... But their food is good! They also support Palestine so that's another plus. McDonalds and Burger King support Israel and their food is ass. Lmao. BURGER KING supporting Israel, They kinda deserve it holy shit Burger King is ass. I don't know how Burger King stays in business because I only ever hear people talk shit about them, same with Arby's. But I digress. I'm not gonna go on a tangent about what fast food restaurants I like and which ones I don't because that's the most American shit imaginable. I know I'm American but I'm not proud to be American to be honest. Oh yeah I started playing Roblox again, there's a silly countryball rp on there I can be girl Ireland it's silly. I like this game. I'm also playing Polandball Not Safe For World again and trying to unlock Ireland in that one. So far I've got Poland, which you start out with, Roman Empire, Bosnia, Nigeria, and Ethiopia... ^_^ It's a fun game but there's a lot of weird racist shit in it that I don't approve of. I just want a game where I can play as Ireland but it's hard to find something like that without weird racism bullshit. Y'know what I mean? The America being obsessed with oil joke is accurate though. That's the real reason we invaded Iraq y'know. That was practically a genocide if you really think about it. That wasn't our fight and we went into it anyway over bullshit oil and killed 1 million Iraqis, many of which being innocent civilians. George Bush deserved getting that shoe thrown at him. But I digress. I'll shut up now, I'm getting too political on here. I'm just expressing my right to freedom of speech aren't I? I am, and I would like to say that this country has committed far too many atrocities to count over the time it has existed, that's just my opinion. From this country's inception we've been committing atrocities. Look what we did to the Native Americans. Just because we defeated the Nazis in World War 2 doesn't mean we were heroes, we still did horrible things to the Japanese. We even did horrible things to innocent Japanese-Americans who had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor, or anyone who "looked Japanese" it was vile, the things America has done. I want to say I love this country, it's my home and where I was raised, I wish I could say that this is a good country, but we've done too much evil for me to say that, and we still are. Things need to change before I can say that I'm proud to be American. 

Today is the 2 year anniversary of glutenpee part 2, The original account was deleted due to some weird bullshit circumstances I still don't understand but my new account has grown past the old one in a quarter of the time so there is that. Hehe... 2022 was such a weird year, and I feel like everything's been going downhill since and I don't really know who I am anymore but I'll shut up erm. Hehehehehehe. glutenpee part 2 is the new glutenpee and I'm happy to say that.... I even got the old username back after a while! I feel accomplished about that small little thing at least, I've come a long way when it comes to stupid things like that. Who knows, maybe I'll come a long way in the real world too. I kinda have with high school stuff, I started out as one gender and now I'm another, haha. That was only for a week though or something bleh bleh what am I talking about at this point I'm just being stupid..... ugh. 

I'm so tired these days... I feel like I just.... ugh. What is my problem? I'm getting a lil silly now that it's Summer. We're going to be so back Nora nation. Welcome to the future, so to speak. I bought digimon game on steam my mom got me steam gift card to celebrate me finishing High School and I bought Digimon Cyber Sleuth. Awesome game btw I love Digimon, I'm just a boring girl I feel like.... I feel so sad but I'm trying my best. I think I'm a pretty good writer though!!!! I'll uhhh give myself that... Mweheheheheheh. I haven't been on RYM in a while, nature is healing? Nah I  just don't listen to much albums anymore, but I kinda want to start listening to new music again. Oops. God I'm fucking up so bad aren't I? I dunno what is happening, what's going on with me. My weird fears have taken a bit of a toll on me, I don't know what happened to me. I miss my friend too, Our date isn't too far away though. Couple weeks. God I'm so excited for that, hehe... it's on a Tuesday and I'll be out of school and graduated by then so yayyy!!!! ^_^ I think I love her, she told me she loved me. So we love each other, that's awesome isn't it? I love the lil bracelet she made for me too she's so cool. She's just the best I swear to God.

Lillymon is probably my favorite Digimon. Gatomon being a close second. Lillymon is my unironic transition goals... I want to be a silly flower creature lady. I actually used to be practically obsessed with Digimon as a kid, y'know? My favorite as a kid was Angemon lmao I have a story about that actually but I'm too tired I'll tell it later. I also got a bit into They Might Be Giants and Homestar Runner around that time. I was about seven years old, I think.... I've been about this silly shit since childhood. I never thought I'd still be into They Might Be Giants and Homestar Runner and Digimon and all of that stuff 11 years later and nearing High School Graduation and turning 18 soon, or maybe I did know I'd still be a fan of all of those things at this age. I'm not sure. Things come and go though, and so do people... I don't know what I'm talking about. I wish I could have that same silly energy without all the paranoia anxiety whatever you call this bullshit, I'm really trying my best to be carefree but I feel like I need to care. I don't understand any of this it's so painful. Damn... I understand I'm not a child anymore, but I wish I could at the very least be carefree when it comes to what people think of  me, just being silly and doing my own thing in the world. Is that fair? I'm trying. I'm trying so hard not to be scared and stressed but the world makes me feel wrong, but I still love Digimon and They Might Be Giants and Homestar Runner. I'm just scared to talk to people irl unlike my younger self, being so social and open with everyone in real life it was fucking annoying, maybe that's why I stopped. For the approval of everyone else, Fuck their approval I need to be myself. This is who I am and if you don't like it why should I care? Y'know?!

I'm going to Community College now. Well, not now, but here shortly in a couple months. I'm taking some interesting classes like Geography and Early World History. I hope I can take a Creative Writing class because I LOVE CREATIVE WRITING!!!! I'm going to community college it's a Greendale reference lmaoooooo. I  love that show so much I've mentioned that on here a thousand times Community is just the best show ever lmfao. I'm just gonna leave ya with some quotes from the show that are very important to me.

Pierce Hawthorne : Jeffrey, when I was born, I got my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, both arms, and one of my ankles. Mom said there came a point when the doctor stopped delivering me and just started laughing. I mean, if I ever let being bad at something stop me, I wouldn't be here. That thing some men call 'failure,' I call 'living.' 'Breakfast.' And I'm not leaving until I've cleaned out the buffet. Now, how about a shove?

Jeff Winger : Good luck, Pierce.

Pierce Hawthorne : Don't need it. Never had it.

"When we seek to destroy others we often hurt ourselves, because it is the self that wants to be destroyed." - Pierce Hawthorne

Not to mention the countless classic Winger speeches.

“And the reason I know that respect is a tool is because it clearly is not a natural thing and we forget to use it all the time and then we start to compete with each other and exploiting each other and humiliating each other and controlling each other and we lose each other and without each other we'll go extinct and that's a fact.” - Jeff Winger

“Listen up, Colonel crypt-keeper, I could live a million years, and I could spend every minute of it doing important things, but at the end of it all I would only have lived half a life if I have not raised a son. This was a gift that was handed to you. You squandered it. And the reason you have so much hatred in your heart is because you are trying to fill a hole where your kid is supposed to go. And now, it's too late. Now, you're just stomping around trying to prove you exist. Well, mission accomplished. But here's a question I'd like to pass to you from every son of every crap dad that ever lived: "So what?" I'm done with you. He's done with you. The world is done with you." - Jeff Winger

This show has so many incredible quotes, as funny of a show as it is. It's also a genuinely impactful one to me as a person.... I know community college irl will be nothing like Greendale but at least it's silly to think about y'know? Maybe it will be, but I seriously doubt it.

"I was so unpopular in high school, the crossing guard used to lure me into traffic." - Annie Edison. Can definitely relate to that one. 

"You listen up, Pierce! I'm gonna tell you what my mother told me when I wanted to quit cheerleading. 'You're not very pretty, you have no boobs, and you can't do a basket toss to save your life.' But you made a commitment. So pick up your pompoms, Pierce, stuff your bra, and get ready for the team bus to forget you at a Taco Bell, because life is tough. But we soldier on, and that's just the way it goes." - Annie Edison

"It's not a request. I'm giving you an 'all tomato.' Meaning you give me the whole tomato or else." - Troy Barnes

"I'm a cat! I'm a sexy cat!" - Abed Nadir

"Chaos already dominates enough of our lives. The universe is an endless raging sea of randomness. Our job isn't to fight it, but to weather it together, on the raft of life." - Abed Nadir

"I discovered at a very early age that if I talked long enough, I could make anything right or wrong. So either I'm God, or truth is relative. Either way: Booyah." - Jeff Winger

"It's the same bar? You two have been saying one bar's lame and the other one is awesome all night, and it's the same bar? Stop, just stop. I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life, and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me." - Troy Barnes

"I don't get history. If I wanted to know what happened in Europe a long time ago, I'd watch Game of Thrones." - Troy Barnes

"I wanna see if wiener dogs are born that way, or if they start off normal and then get wiener." - Troy Barnes

"Oh, Britta's in this?" - Dean Pelton

I did a lil yardwork today, I wanted to help my mom out on Mother's day weekend. I love my mom I'm just a lazy dumbass sometimes but I try my best to help out I'm just not that great at it, even when I do help out I do such a terrible job and end up fucking something up somehow but I really love my mom and want to help out as much as I can. I don't wanna be a useless loser I want to be a good daughter, or a good child or whatever the fuck I just blehh :P silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly  kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow  kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow I am the cat who walks by herself I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the GLORIA WE LIED WE CAN'T GO ON THIS IS THE TIME AND THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE ALIVE!

Song of the Day: The Hush Sound - Wine Red 🩸

5 days after I was born.

13 days until ya girl graduates! ^_^

Friday, May 10, 2024

Last Day...sorry

May 10th

Dear Diary,

Well, this is it. Last official day of High School. What a ride it has been, I might tell the story of how High School went for me on the day of my graduation, but for now I'll say this. I realized I was transgender only a couple weeks in. I was doing online school as well, these things permanently changed the way I interact with people. I'm scared to talk to people irl, and I believe that my gender identity has contributed to this fear of mine. I still haven't talked to my old friend who I wish to reconnect with, I mean I tried saying something to her today but I don't believe she heard me. Oh well, it is what it is. 

She seems like a nice person but I'm probably coming off as super weird after trying to talk to her all day, I just want to say hi but I'm so terrified getting the words out. It shouldn't be like this, I should be a natural at talking to people like everyone else is but it's such a struggle for me. I told myself things would be different but they haven't been. Not in the slightest, they haven't been different at all. I'm scared. It was a fun day though, I did get a couple yearbook signatures from some friends. ^_^ That's awesome I think. I also got a lot of compliments on my Lemon Demon shirt, because hell yeah Lemon Demon for life!!! I've been a Lemon Demon fan since like 2019 maybe? It's complicated when it comes to Lemon Demon for me. I first became a fan of Neil Cicierega's work in 2013 when I was about six or seven years old coming across Potter Puppet Pals on YouTube. One of his videos "MOUTH" which was a music video for the track "The Sharpest Tool" from his first mashup album "Mouth Sounds" and because of this I swore off Neil Cicierega content "forever" when I was seven, yeah, imagine that. It wasn't easy because I later discovered NEIL CICIEREGA MADE EVERYTHINGGGG. So I just accepted it after coming across 123456 Pokemon by a music artist named Lemon Demon, who happened to be Neil Cicierega. This was in 2016 when I was 10 years old now, and I loved it. So I listened to a couple Lemon Demon songs but didn't become a really big fan until about three years later in 2019. But I was somewhat of a Lemon Demon fan I guess you could say. I dunno. I'm rambling. I also got compliments on my Boognish ring that I got from etsy but it's a shitty ring imo because the fuckin blue paint keeps dying my finger blue it's the curse of the Boognish I think. I love Ween that's another favorite band of mine they have so many damn good songs and I have the lyrics memorized to a majority of them, At least five songs from every album of their's even the country album and La Cucaracha... BUT MY THREE FAVORITES!!!! WANNA KNOW WHO MY THREE FAVORITE BANDS AND ARTISTS ARE??????????????? AT NUMBER THREE WE HAVE DAFT PUNK, FRENCH ELECTRONIC DUO I love the French robots favorite album is Discovery, at number twooooooooo we haveeeeee THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS. FAVORITE ALBUM IS THE SELF TITLED DEBUT. NUMBER ONEEEE SPOT GOES TO OSTENSIBLY AUSTRALIA'S BEST POP GENIUS NONE OTHER THAN TALKSHOW BOYYYYYYYY FAVORITE ALBUM IS TESTOSTERONE RELEASED ON THE VERY DAY I WAS BORN!

Heh, that reminds me I updated my carrd.

Talkshow Boy's music just speaks to me on so many levels, Adrian is my favorite artist of all time because of how much I relate to his music and how much it makes me understand things about myself.

Today was silly and fun though, it was a field day and I participated a little bit, not much though because I'm one of the least athletic people in the world. The awards ceremony was cool, I didn't win any and I am completely satisfied with that. Now that I think about it I'm too on edge all the time and that's why I haven't tried to reconnect with my old friend yet as much as I wanted to. If I get a chance to see her on senior sunset or graduation I'll try, who knows?

Song of the Day: Daft Punk - Get Lucky ⭐

Check out Daft Punk's new single "Get Lucky" if you get the chance. Sound of the summer.

14 days until ya girl graduates :P

Thursday, May 9, 2024

I'll show you the ropes kid

May 9th 2024

Dear Diary,













thats not song of the day btw also i learned a lot about african mythology cathcing up on taht assignemtne and i found a cool roblox game called rise of natiosn i n eed to play immaediately ebeacsue roblox iss cool and so is geography i want to be iureland 

basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh basidasidhsaifhdsifhsdifhsdaifhidfhisdfh shfsah bleh 

SOng of the Dya: Kendrick Lamar - Money Trees 🪵

relevant with hthe beegf rn perahsp

15 days ahaaahahhahahaha btut tomoorrw is my last in school day wtf :O

Wednesday, May 8, 2024


May 8th 2024

Dear Diary,

I wanna live in Ireland lol that's all

Song of the Day: Ween - Bananas and Blow 💊

sounds like fun

16 days until I graduate

Media Log - May 8th

191. Ween - White Pepper 💽

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


May 7th 2024

Dear Diary, 

I'm going to have to keep these short, I just learned my last actual day of school is the 10th and I really need to lock in. So I'm going to talk for a little bit then I'm gonna go, okay?

We've got some exciting senior stuff, and thankfully I don't have to take any finals, but I need to finish a bunch of work before I can chill. 

I hope I can finally get the chance to reconnect with some people I've been struggling with at these senior things because truthfully it's been hard for me not only because anxiety because no time ever felt like the right time I've been trying to find the right time for so long with no success but maybe just maybe this can be it I hope and pray this will be it. Okay good we're good <3

Song of the Day: Molchat Doma - Sudno ❄️

me rn 

17 days until I graduate 

Monday, May 6, 2024


May 6th 2024

Dear Diary,

UNLEASH THE SCARAB!!!!!!!!!!! FLYYYYYYYYYYYY SCARAB FLYYYYYYYYYYYYYY We're doing Egyptian Mythology in that class finally. I'm excited it's all real interesting stuff. :D I love ancient egypt so much it's so cool. The pyramids are awesome and they weren't built by aliens the history channel is stupid and it's only fun to watch while high probably not that I would know because I've never been high no really I have actually never been high and idk if I'd want to anyway it would probably be fun once but I'd probably feel like shit after and I don't know if it's really worth it I don't have any interest in drugs or alcohol because I've only ever seen the negative effects from them. You feel good for a while and then it's feeling like shit. I don't even think being drunk feels good again not that I would know that shit just sounds dreadful. 

Ancient cultures are so fascinating to me, African history is really interesting and I don't think we give it enough credit. Racist weirdos talk shit about Africa because of how poor most of the countries are and how all of them are at war when it doesn't take a genius to figure out that it's the fault of the European colonizers. Drain a continent of its resources and it'll probably be in poverty, who knew? Also the fact they see people in poverty and belittle them and shit like that is very telling too. If a country was in poverty I doubt it's the fault of the people who are suffering from it, just saying. 

Why am I trying to find logic in arguments made by racists? That's like shooting a guy in the head point blank and acting shocked when he dies. Like no shit he's gonna die and no shit racists have bad arguments. "If these people are so poor they should just move to less impoverished countries" then they do that and the same people will bitch about immigration and how "Europe is being ruined >:(" There's no winning with racists, obviously. I just find their shitty arguments amusing. How do people detest African immigrants yet think Europe's colonization of Africa was one of the best things to ever happen in history? Make it make sense. I know they're just racist and the logic behind their arguments is nothing but "white people good everyone else bad" but it's frustrating. If you don't like pistachio why did you ask for it? It's crazy how so many grown adults in the world act like that little fish from Spongebob in that one scene whining about getting pistachio ice cream when HE FUCKING ASKED FOR IT. That kid was an annoying little bitch too but the scene was obviously comedic. Spongebob was the shit did you know Spongebob is actually 25 years old now? It's been on for as long as The Simpsons has sucked. That's crazy to me. It's also crazy to me that Spongebob Squarepants still hasn't existed for a billion seconds, that's random but it just goes to show how long 1 billion seconds is. 

1 million is a lot, and 1 billion is a thousand times that. So is there really such a thing as an ethical billionaire? I don't really think there is, personally. If you have an idea that gets popular enough, like if you're a famous musician and you end up selling so many records you end up with that much money, which is extremely rare but I think it definitely could be possible if the artist was famous enough. That wouldn't be an unethical way of earning a billion dollars. The question is though, whether it can be obtained ethically or not, is it really ethical to have that much wealth? It's things like this that really make me think. Elon Musk has 194 billion, he could end world hunger several times around, and he chooses to buy Twitter because he has an issue with trans people. This shit we call "woke" is just inclusivity and basic human decency if you ask me. Is there really a problem with being woke? I think it's good to be accepting and understanding of other people's experiences and cultures and lifestyles, as long as they aren't harming anyone of course. Which most of the time they really aren't, people just refuse to accept that. 

I'm talking too much now I should probably go, I started talking about Ancient Egypt and now I'm talking about rich people. Did you know most carbon emissions come from a few companies rather than normal everyday citizens? That's another thing to think about. I don't pay attention much in that Environmental Science class. Nothing against the topic or the teacher it's just early in the morning and hard for me, but what I have learned from it has been pretty important I think. I'm glad we're at the very least trying to get on the right track to saving our planet, but I don't think anything we do will ever be enough unfortunately. These companies if left unchecked are going to destroy the planet and many of them are because they have more money than God. There's not much WE can do about it. We can try, and if we recycle and all these other things to save the planet it might make a little bit of a difference, but we can't do much about those companies, can we? The governments can, but are they going to? Most of the governments where these countries are based concern themselves with other things, and it's hard to blame them because running a country means you have a lot in the world to worry about, I'm just saying.

Song of the Day: Caravan Palace - Lay Down ⭐

political 16 year old theme song joke idk 

18 days until I graduate. 

Sunday, May 5, 2024

I'm ranting again

May 5th 2024

Dear diary,

After the community service thing I realized something, I have responsibilities, and that's an exciting thing for me now. It was frustrating mostly because of my anxiety of messing up, but as long as I know what I'm doing I think I could do great at any job.

I believe that if you can find a job that makes you happy, something you really enjoy. That is what life is about. Sure, money is cool, we all like money but money or happiness? I'd rather be poor and happy than rich and depressed. Rich in spirit, not in material. That's what life is to me. I've spent a long time dwelling over the past. I think that's another thing that makes us humans so paranoid about the future. We learn history so that we aren't doomed to repeat it. We learn things in school like WW2 and Vietnam and Iraq so that we don't let things like that happen again. Yet I feel like we still are, we haven't learned, have we? Israel is on our side, so if they're doing to Palestinians what Nazi Germany did to Jews we're supposed to just let it happen? It's upsetting but I'm getting off track here. Maybe I don't understand the situation but what I do know is that the deaths of innocent civilians is bad no matter what side they may be on. I hope that is something that we can all agree on, human lives are important but it seems like the number of people who have regard for human life in the world is getting smaller and smaller. If your existence doesn't benefit them in some shape or form, or if they disagree with a way you harmlessly express yourself, why should they care? That's their thought process. The world isn't all bad like that, the world is actually pretty kind and warm and sweet, every country in the world has good people and bad people, and too many people hate certain countries' entire populations for the actions of the government, a small majority. It's like they assume that every country's citizens are their government, like how the only people in Vatican City are affiliated with the Catholic Church in every way. People tend to see countries as one entity with the same opinions and beliefs and things like that, rather than diverse lands with populations of people who do in fact disagree with things their governments do. 

Why do we think like this? What is the psychology behind it? Perhaps nationalism? We want a reason to claim why one country is better than another? The government may be better, but at the end of the day... we're all still people. We all still bleed red and if you don't you should get that checked out at a hospital. This world is home to 197 largely recognized countries and countless more, We need to understand that there are way more than 197 people in the world. I'm sure most of us have seen more than 197 people in one room before. Just something to consider. I do not support a lot of things my government has done, I just happen to live here. You know what I mean? Certain Anti-American countries don't see it this way though, and I guess it makes sense that the governments of other countries don't like Americans. I think it's moreso that many governments are under the belief that the people living in their countries HAVE to agree with their policies and that's where it comes from. Some governments have their citizens executed for criticizing them, so again... if that was commonplace for certain people living in a country like that, it's understandable that they'd assume most Americans agree with their governments. Although I really don't see it often.

Most Americans don't like Biden, and most didn't like Trump. From what I've seen at least. I think it's important that we are critical of our governments because if we are not then they can't truly strive for the perfection they wish for if they don't have the people's best interest in mind.

Song of the Day: Cambodian Space Project - Have Visa, No Have Rice⚡

cant let gang know i fw khmer psych rock :)

19 days until I graduate! 

Saturday, May 4, 2024

the bugs are back

May 4th 2024

Dear Diary,

Worn out after yesterday's stuff but I have a word quota to fill so... sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy

sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy

sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy

sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy

sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy

sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy

sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy

sleepy sleepy sleepy 

sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy

Song of the Day: PLUMMCORP RECORDS - Dracula Flow 5 🔥

The bugs are back.

20 days until ya girl graduates!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Senior Signing + Community Service

May 3rd 2024

Dear Diary,

Senior Signing was today, that was exciting. A new beginning, a new commitment. I am going to the same college as like seventy other people though. Bit crowded if ya ask me, but I digress. Should be exciting either way and I'm knowing so many people who happen to be going there. We're so back I should say. I still don't know if I want to major in English or something else. English sounds like my thing though I'll say that. I don't know what my "thing" is though, and I'm scared I won't know until it's too late. I'm sure I won't have to worry about that. I just need to breathe and relax.

I might never see a lot of these people again, but I was never really close with anyone at this school anyway. Except for one person, and we already know what happened with that. I hope I can get to know some of them better in college though. 

It's exciting, isn't it? I already started getting to work on some of my community service. I got 4 hours in, supervising a bouncy house at a carnival. It was frustrating, my first time dealing with something like that and it's hard to keep track of so many kids. The parents weren't much help either, but sometimes they would help me and I'm really appreciative of those who helped me. I felt pretty relieved when I finally got things under control. Only for things to get out of control again, and the cycle repeats. A frustrating cycle if you ask me, but that's 4 hours in the bag, and I can do the other 4 hours online if what I heard is true. From there, I don't know actually. I have to a little bit of community service every semester, which doesn't sound too bad honestly. This was pretty difficult, but it really truthfully did not feel like four hours. I'm surprised how nice and understanding people can be when it comes to this, I thought I was gonna get yelled at for not fully understanding just what the hell I was doing, but I'm glad they were understanding of my situation and weren't hesitant to help me as much as they could, I'm genuinely appreciative of them and I can't thank them enough. It was a job that wasn't easy for me to do alone, so I'm glad I had a little bit of help along the way. Moving the tables and cleaning up after wasn't easy to do alone either, but I did that too. It felt a lot shorter than it actually was for spending three hours in the hot sun having to deal with kids who wouldn't listen. Like I said, the parents were understanding and helpful too! Maybe people aren't so hard to get along with after all. Who knows, really? That was my first time really doing work and getting something out of it. Not actual pay, sure. I'm being paid in community service hours which go towards my college education, so it's still beneficial to me regardless. Not only that, but helping out just feels nice too. I get a nice feeling from helping people out however and whenever I can, it feels nice and I like to do it. I'm definitely not the best at helping people out, but I'm always appreciative to do whatever I can. So I also get that from it as well. It's a nice little world we live in, it's really not as bad, not as scary, not as unforgiving and cold and ruthless as it can seem sometimes. Because it can definitely seem like that sometimes, but I've learned that it really isn't, you just gotta surround yourself with the right people and not let negativity get to you, I know that it's easier said than done, but once you do that life becomes exciting fun and enriching. I'm still struggling with that though, I know that it's what I must do for a happy long healthy exciting beautiful enjoyable life but I just can't bring myself to get to that point, I'm sure I can if I work hard and push myself. 

Everything will become easier if I just push myself, hard work pays off, and it's certainly rewarding. It's just always been difficult for me. I dunno if I'm depressed or just lazy or what but that's the truth of it in my situation.

They say the only thing you have to fear is fear itself, and while true I can't help but succumb to fear, I don't know if I'll ever change. I tell myself I will and that's the first step, but the second step is actually doing it, whatever it takes. I'll take every step I need to because dammit I really wanna get out of this mess. New life, new me, new world, it's exciting isn't it? I want to relish in that excitement. 

What a life. WHAT. A. LIFE! That's as much as I can say, things are difficult and life is scary, but that's what makes it so fun. New paths, not knowing what the future holds, that's what inspires us to wake up every day, isn't it? We could not see tomorrow if we just have pure bad luck, you know what I mean? I wish I could live every day like it's my last, but  I'm terrified of what people will think of me.

Part of what inspires me is writing these blogs, I've had a lot to catch up on here but I'm doing my best. I enjoy writing, even if it's just nonsensical ramblings. Writing is what I do best, it's what I find fun. Which is why my plan was to major in English, welcome to the future? WELCOME. TO. THE. FUTURE. What do I have left to prove except prove that I'm not just another loner just another scared paranoid freak? What do I have to prove? I guess all there is to do is write my blog posts get out there and show the world who Nora Lithium Hazel Jonathan I'm forgetting all my middle names Lycosa truly is. I don't want to be scared anymore. I've been ruled by fear for so long, and I don't know what it's going to take for me to get to where I need to be, but I will make sure that I'm no longer ruled by fear, I don't know when I'll truly get over my inner conflict, but it will be soon.

What a life? What a life. Writing these blogs is my outlet, a way to express myself and get my thoughts out there. I don't know if anyone reads these, but if they do I hope they don't think I sound insane because I'm worried I sound insane just a little bit. I've just been ruled by fear for so long and I want this to be the month I get over it but it's frustrating. It's an inner struggle with myself, being so worried about what the world thinks of me. Although I'm trans for a reason, because I don't care what the world thinks about me. That's one way I see it. Who knows, it's exciting and wonderful either way, but also absolutely terrifying. The world is gonna try to pull me apart and I need to be a fighter. Like the Chumbawamba song, when the world knocks me down I need to get back up again. They're never gonna keep me down. Fall down seven times get up eight. Rome wasn't built in a day, that's Lemon Demon New Way Out, that's what the Japanese part of the song roughly translates to. It's very true. Rome indeed wasn't built in a day, but I'm worried I'm taking way much more time than I need to here. 

Song of the Day: LCD Soundsystem - I Can Change ❄

I definitely can, but will I?

21 days until ya girl graduates! 

Thursday, May 2, 2024


May 2nd 2024

Dear Diary,


They call me Yung Scarab the Mold Snatcher, I won 3 games on Spanish Kahoot as Yung Scarab, but since I didn't use my real name I didn't get the extra credit. Damn bro... :/ it is what it is. Thundercat reference!!! I'm a pretty fast learner, learning languages tends to be hard for me but I am a fast learner. I don't know why I took Spanish to be honest, I don't have much interest in it. Although the four languages I want to learn aren't classes I can take. Russian, Tagalog, Danish, and of course Irish. Or Gaelic. Although there's Irish Gaelic and there's Scottish Gaelic, maybe I'll learn both. Learning that many languages is hard though. I have a bit of a fascination with Ireland, and Egypt. 

With Ireland, it's my heritage. I know most Americans have Irish heritage and it isn't that big of a deal but I still find it pretty damn interesting, y'know? My mom kinda raised me to be interested in it. As a result, I certainly am. Specifically my family comes from Cork county, which I believe is one of the southern counties, but I could be wrong. I'm still learning Irish geography. Egypt on the other hand, is just a pure fascination with their history and mythology. I really hope next week is Egypt week in mythology class because we only have like two weeks left and I really wanna do Egypt at some point because Ancient Egyptian mythology is awesome to me. That and Celtic mythology. Y'know what I mean? FLY MY SCARAB FLY!!!!!! I don't know if I could move to Ireland, though. It seems like it would be hard to adjust to is all I'm saying. I'm strong though and I'm sure I could if I try hard enough, it's just I have a hard time adjusting to new things. It's what makes me who I am but I really need to get over it because it's been causing a lot of problems for me. Shoutout to my homeboy Anubis and Ra and all of them. Uh oh, what's that. I feel something coming on. Could it be???? CURSE OF RA!!!!!!!! 𓀀 𓀁 𓀂 𓀃 𓀄 𓀅 𓀆 𓀇 𓀈 𓀉 𓀊 𓀋 𓀌 𓀍 𓀎 𓀏 𓀐 𓀑 𓀒 𓀓 𓀔 𓀕 𓀖 𓀗 𓀘 𓀙 𓀚 𓀛 𓀜 𓀝 𓀞 𓀟 𓀠 𓀡 𓀢 𓀣 𓀤 𓀥 𓀦 𓀧 𓀨 𓀩 𓀪 𓀫 𓀬 𓀭 𓀲 𓀳 𓀴 𓀵 𓀶 𓀷 𓀸 𓀹 𓀺 𓀻 𓀼 𓀽 𓀾 𓀿 𓁀 𓁁 𓁂 𓁃 𓁄 𓁅 𓁆 𓁇 𓁈 𓁉 𓁊 𓁋 𓁍 𓁎 𓁏 𓁐 𓁑

Song of the Day: The Residents - Laughing Song 🍄


22 days until I graduate. 

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Graduation Month

May 1st 2024

Dear Diary,

Welcome to May. The last month before I become a legal adult. Am I nervous as hell? Of course, but no matter what I think things are gonna be just fine. I'm happy for the future, no matter what happens, I'm gonna persevere. I'm still nervous as hell. I don't know if I'll ever get out of this nervousness, but whatever. It's all whatever. I don't know what I'm going to do, I'm just a creature, a critter even. I'm not going back on my critter rant. I'm just saying that's how I feel. I'm silly and I don't understand. We find excitement in the little things, and that's beautiful is it not? Although some things aren't little, even if they may seem that way. You never know where life is going to take you and that's what is so exciting. I want excitement in my life, that's what I desire, but I'm too terrified to seek it out. I don't know much about the world. I can name countries flags and point them out on a map sure but I don't know much about the world truly, I still don't know how to drive, I'm still nervous to order food on my own, it's a mess.

Somewhere, someway, somehow, I think everything is gonna turn out just fine. For me and everyone else like me who has horrible anxiety. I'm trying my best to get over it I really promise I am but man is it difficult... I'm graduating this month and that's absolutely crazy to me. I never thought I'd make it this far. Freshman year I was sure I wouldn't live to see my senior year, I wouldn't live to see 18. Coming to terms with my gender identity all those years ago was difficult, but I'm too scared to live my life the way I want to. I'm a sheltered anxious freak it feels like. I still haven't made it to 18 yet, but damn am I real close. That's exciting, it feels freeing. I can't wait for what the future holds. I've said those exact words so many times the past few days it's not even funny, but it's true. The future excites me and I can't wait for the future to turn into the present. The thought of college is exciting, and after college... then what? Who knows for sure? I don't know where I want to take my life after college. To be honest, I've considered moving somewhere like Ireland or Boston. Of the two, Boston is probably the most realistic. It's not out of the country, my mom used to live there when she was a kid actually. She didn't like it there, though. I've heard pretty good things from everyone else though and I'm sure it's a nice place, Who knows. Either way, wherever I end up going I hope it's where I want to be. I hope it's where I belong, because these past few years I've had a very hard time finding where I belong. Somewhere, someway, somehow... That's all I can really say about it. That's all there really is to say.

It's like the Weezer album, "Everything Will be Alright in the End" that's true, isn't it? Quoting a Weezer album title is probably extremely corny of me, but it's very true. Everything Will be Alright in the End. It's also my favorite album of theirs. Back to the Shack, Eulogy for a Rock Band, Da Vinci, Lonely Girl, I've Had it Up To Here, Foolish Father, and to a lesser extent Go Away I guess.

The date was rescheduled a day earlier, I'm so excited to see her again, and I'm so glad I'm gonna see her sooner than I initially thought now. I'm so happy I could explode she's so sweet and wonderful and beautiful. I miss her voice and her silliness, she was the best and I can't wait to hang out with her. 

We still haven't hung out yet outside of school... I don't really do that much with people anymore, so this is new and exciting for me. Not necessarily new because I've done it before but it has been a while. Definitely exciting. She's wonderful and talking to her is always a wonderful experience. There's just something about her, I don't know. She's perfect. She's seriously perfect, I don't think she even realizes how incredible and beautiful and perfect she is. She deserves to. She deserves to see in herself what I see in her because no one has ever been so sweet to me, it almost feels surreal, but it's not. She's just a really wonderful person.

The reason I'm so scared of talking to people is I'm worried of being a nuisance. I'm glad to know she clearly didn't think I'm a nuisance or I'm weird or anything. That was pretty reassuring, but that nervousness still lingers inside me. 

I don't know what to do about it, at this point I have tried just about everything. The sound of my own voice is offputting to me because I'm not much of a talker at all really. I only speak when spoken to, a kitten got my tongue. Because I don't speak to people first ever, It's not much that I'm spoken to first. It is what it is. Like the Thundercat album, that's another good album but I'm not gonna get into that. Funny Thing and Dragonball Durag are great songs I highly recommend, but Drunk is the better album I'll just say that much. I first listened to Drunk on my 16th birthday and It still sticks with me as one of the best albums I've ever heard. No wonder the best song from To Pimp a Butterfly was These Walls, Thundercat was on it. Thank you based Thundercat. Oh haha, that reminds me. Lil B was on one of the songs from It Is What It Is, but I can't remember which one. All I do remember is how jarring it is to hear Lil B on other people's songs. Wouldn't be the first time though. He used to follow me on Twitter actually, I say that as if he doesn't follow everyone. I just deleted my old account but I had to make a new one for personal reasons. I'm still calling it Twitter I refuse to call it X. Since Elon Musk wants to deadname his own child I'm gonna deadname his stupid platform. What is his obsession with the letter X anyway, it's more useful in math than it is in writing. Y'know what I mean? Actually now that I think about it that's crazy. X being used more in math than in English.

Like at that point, it might as well just be a number, know what I'm saying? But I digress. It's a cool letter, just one that isn't used much and I don't understand the obsession. To each their own I suppose. Still can't stand Elon though.

Song of the Day: Aesop Rock - None Shall Pass ❄

Never heard this one before until now, Aesop Rock is pretty great. Even though people always think I mean A$AP Rocky, who I'm also a fan of.

23 days until I graduate!

History Exam

February 27th 2025 I think I did pretty well on my history exam. At least, I hope I did. I don't know!!! I'm praying at least. I stu...