May 11th 2024
Dear Diary,
Wendy's for Lunch and Dinner today, Things are kinda weird right now... But their food is good! They also support Palestine so that's another plus. McDonalds and Burger King support Israel and their food is ass. Lmao. BURGER KING supporting Israel, They kinda deserve it holy shit Burger King is ass. I don't know how Burger King stays in business because I only ever hear people talk shit about them, same with Arby's. But I digress. I'm not gonna go on a tangent about what fast food restaurants I like and which ones I don't because that's the most American shit imaginable. I know I'm American but I'm not proud to be American to be honest. Oh yeah I started playing Roblox again, there's a silly countryball rp on there I can be girl Ireland it's silly. I like this game. I'm also playing Polandball Not Safe For World again and trying to unlock Ireland in that one. So far I've got Poland, which you start out with, Roman Empire, Bosnia, Nigeria, and Ethiopia... ^_^ It's a fun game but there's a lot of weird racist shit in it that I don't approve of. I just want a game where I can play as Ireland but it's hard to find something like that without weird racism bullshit. Y'know what I mean? The America being obsessed with oil joke is accurate though. That's the real reason we invaded Iraq y'know. That was practically a genocide if you really think about it. That wasn't our fight and we went into it anyway over bullshit oil and killed 1 million Iraqis, many of which being innocent civilians. George Bush deserved getting that shoe thrown at him. But I digress. I'll shut up now, I'm getting too political on here. I'm just expressing my right to freedom of speech aren't I? I am, and I would like to say that this country has committed far too many atrocities to count over the time it has existed, that's just my opinion. From this country's inception we've been committing atrocities. Look what we did to the Native Americans. Just because we defeated the Nazis in World War 2 doesn't mean we were heroes, we still did horrible things to the Japanese. We even did horrible things to innocent Japanese-Americans who had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor, or anyone who "looked Japanese" it was vile, the things America has done. I want to say I love this country, it's my home and where I was raised, I wish I could say that this is a good country, but we've done too much evil for me to say that, and we still are. Things need to change before I can say that I'm proud to be American.
Today is the 2 year anniversary of glutenpee part 2, The original account was deleted due to some weird bullshit circumstances I still don't understand but my new account has grown past the old one in a quarter of the time so there is that. Hehe... 2022 was such a weird year, and I feel like everything's been going downhill since and I don't really know who I am anymore but I'll shut up erm. Hehehehehehe. glutenpee part 2 is the new glutenpee and I'm happy to say that.... I even got the old username back after a while! I feel accomplished about that small little thing at least, I've come a long way when it comes to stupid things like that. Who knows, maybe I'll come a long way in the real world too. I kinda have with high school stuff, I started out as one gender and now I'm another, haha. That was only for a week though or something bleh bleh what am I talking about at this point I'm just being stupid..... ugh.
I'm so tired these days... I feel like I just.... ugh. What is my problem? I'm getting a lil silly now that it's Summer. We're going to be so back Nora nation. Welcome to the future, so to speak. I bought digimon game on steam my mom got me steam gift card to celebrate me finishing High School and I bought Digimon Cyber Sleuth. Awesome game btw I love Digimon, I'm just a boring girl I feel like.... I feel so sad but I'm trying my best. I think I'm a pretty good writer though!!!! I'll uhhh give myself that... Mweheheheheheh. I haven't been on RYM in a while, nature is healing? Nah I just don't listen to much albums anymore, but I kinda want to start listening to new music again. Oops. God I'm fucking up so bad aren't I? I dunno what is happening, what's going on with me. My weird fears have taken a bit of a toll on me, I don't know what happened to me. I miss my friend too, Our date isn't too far away though. Couple weeks. God I'm so excited for that, hehe... it's on a Tuesday and I'll be out of school and graduated by then so yayyy!!!! ^_^ I think I love her, she told me she loved me. So we love each other, that's awesome isn't it? I love the lil bracelet she made for me too she's so cool. She's just the best I swear to God.
Lillymon is probably my favorite Digimon. Gatomon being a close second. Lillymon is my unironic transition goals... I want to be a silly flower creature lady. I actually used to be practically obsessed with Digimon as a kid, y'know? My favorite as a kid was Angemon lmao I have a story about that actually but I'm too tired I'll tell it later. I also got a bit into They Might Be Giants and Homestar Runner around that time. I was about seven years old, I think.... I've been about this silly shit since childhood. I never thought I'd still be into They Might Be Giants and Homestar Runner and Digimon and all of that stuff 11 years later and nearing High School Graduation and turning 18 soon, or maybe I did know I'd still be a fan of all of those things at this age. I'm not sure. Things come and go though, and so do people... I don't know what I'm talking about. I wish I could have that same silly energy without all the paranoia anxiety whatever you call this bullshit, I'm really trying my best to be carefree but I feel like I need to care. I don't understand any of this it's so painful. Damn... I understand I'm not a child anymore, but I wish I could at the very least be carefree when it comes to what people think of me, just being silly and doing my own thing in the world. Is that fair? I'm trying. I'm trying so hard not to be scared and stressed but the world makes me feel wrong, but I still love Digimon and They Might Be Giants and Homestar Runner. I'm just scared to talk to people irl unlike my younger self, being so social and open with everyone in real life it was fucking annoying, maybe that's why I stopped. For the approval of everyone else, Fuck their approval I need to be myself. This is who I am and if you don't like it why should I care? Y'know?!
I'm going to Community College now. Well, not now, but here shortly in a couple months. I'm taking some interesting classes like Geography and Early World History. I hope I can take a Creative Writing class because I LOVE CREATIVE WRITING!!!! I'm going to community college it's a Greendale reference lmaoooooo. I love that show so much I've mentioned that on here a thousand times Community is just the best show ever lmfao. I'm just gonna leave ya with some quotes from the show that are very important to me.
Pierce Hawthorne : Jeffrey, when I was born, I got my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, both arms, and one of my ankles. Mom said there came a point when the doctor stopped delivering me and just started laughing. I mean, if I ever let being bad at something stop me, I wouldn't be here. That thing some men call 'failure,' I call 'living.' 'Breakfast.' And I'm not leaving until I've cleaned out the buffet. Now, how about a shove?
Jeff Winger : Good luck, Pierce.
Pierce Hawthorne : Don't need it. Never had it.
"When we seek to destroy others we often hurt ourselves, because it is the self that wants to be destroyed." - Pierce Hawthorne
Not to mention the countless classic Winger speeches.
“And the reason I know that respect is a tool is because it clearly is not a natural thing and we forget to use it all the time and then we start to compete with each other and exploiting each other and humiliating each other and controlling each other and we lose each other and without each other we'll go extinct and that's a fact.” - Jeff Winger
“Listen up, Colonel crypt-keeper, I could live a million years, and I could spend every minute of it doing important things, but at the end of it all I would only have lived half a life if I have not raised a son. This was a gift that was handed to you. You squandered it. And the reason you have so much hatred in your heart is because you are trying to fill a hole where your kid is supposed to go. And now, it's too late. Now, you're just stomping around trying to prove you exist. Well, mission accomplished. But here's a question I'd like to pass to you from every son of every crap dad that ever lived: "So what?" I'm done with you. He's done with you. The world is done with you." - Jeff Winger
This show has so many incredible quotes, as funny of a show as it is. It's also a genuinely impactful one to me as a person.... I know community college irl will be nothing like Greendale but at least it's silly to think about y'know? Maybe it will be, but I seriously doubt it.
"I was so unpopular in high school, the crossing guard used to lure me into traffic." - Annie Edison. Can definitely relate to that one.
"You listen up, Pierce! I'm gonna tell you what my mother told me when I wanted to quit cheerleading. 'You're not very pretty, you have no boobs, and you can't do a basket toss to save your life.' But you made a commitment. So pick up your pompoms, Pierce, stuff your bra, and get ready for the team bus to forget you at a Taco Bell, because life is tough. But we soldier on, and that's just the way it goes." - Annie Edison
"It's not a request. I'm giving you an 'all tomato.' Meaning you give me the whole tomato or else." - Troy Barnes
"I'm a cat! I'm a sexy cat!" - Abed Nadir
"Chaos already dominates enough of our lives. The universe is an endless raging sea of randomness. Our job isn't to fight it, but to weather it together, on the raft of life." - Abed Nadir
"I discovered at a very early age that if I talked long enough, I could make anything right or wrong. So either I'm God, or truth is relative. Either way: Booyah." - Jeff Winger
"It's the same bar? You two have been saying one bar's lame and the other one is awesome all night, and it's the same bar? Stop, just stop. I just spent the last two years thinking that you guys knew more than me about life, and I just found out that you guys are just as dumb as me." - Troy Barnes
"I don't get history. If I wanted to know what happened in Europe a long time ago, I'd watch Game of Thrones." - Troy Barnes
"I wanna see if wiener dogs are born that way, or if they start off normal and then get wiener." - Troy Barnes
"Oh, Britta's in this?" - Dean Pelton
I did a lil yardwork today, I wanted to help my mom out on Mother's day weekend. I love my mom I'm just a lazy dumbass sometimes but I try my best to help out I'm just not that great at it, even when I do help out I do such a terrible job and end up fucking something up somehow but I really love my mom and want to help out as much as I can. I don't wanna be a useless loser I want to be a good daughter, or a good child or whatever the fuck I just blehh :P silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow kitty meow meow I am the cat who walks by herself I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the cat I am the GLORIA WE LIED WE CAN'T GO ON THIS IS THE TIME AND THIS IS THE PLACE TO BE ALIVE!
Song of the Day: The Hush Sound - Wine Red 🩸
5 days after I was born.
13 days until ya girl graduates! ^_^