February 28th 2024
I just found out about these little guys.
They're called sables, and they're the cutest damn things I've ever seen. I had no idea they existed until last night, and didn't know what they were called until earlier today, but they're adorable!
I even had a gif of one in my discord favorites now that I think about it... lmao. So that's what that lil guy was.
They're cute! I like them.
I call them Foognars because that's a more fitting name for them, coined by an online friend of mine, Sage.
This is a foognar if it had a Spotify page.
Some info about The Foognar. Taken from an alternate universe's Wikipedia.
Scopal Shalenzar
Another friend of mine, Ivy, released Chapter 2 of her novella Beneath the Surface today. I finally got around to reading it, because I didn't read chapter 1 until chapter 2 dropped and I gotta say. This made me feel something I haven't felt in a long time. Beneath the Surface helped me understand things about myself I was very confused about for a long time.
I can't wait to see where it goes. I'm so in love with this story so far. It's truly one of the most beautiful things I've read in a while.
Thank you, Ivy. Beneath the Surface really resonated with me and I hope it resonates with more people. READ IT Y'ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also finally listened to that damn album I've been meaning to listen to for a week now. Gizmodgery by sElf. This album is awesome too!!!!!!!! My favorite songs were Dead Man, Trunk Fulla Amps, and Miracle Worker! But really the whole album was great. I wouldn't say it's my new favorite album ever, but it is a pretty damn good album. I've gotta listen to more sElf. Yes I'm stylizing it like that because that's how it's supposed to be stylized I think. sElf. They're also from Tennessee, which is where I was born
I never really played the game Nuclear Throne much. I was super into the lore and the character Yung Venuz, but never played the game much. Not sure why, I really enjoyed playing it despite sucking ass, but I just didn’t play it as much as I act like I do.
So I discovered some things in game that I HAD NO IDEA ABOUT.
First off, I made it to 4-1, that’s the furthest I’ve ever made it in the game. When I say I’m bad I mean it. I’ve been playing on and off for 4 years now I just get hyperfixated on it at random times for like a week and forget about it until my next Nuclear Throne hyperfixation comes on.
I found out about two secret areas I didn’t know existed before. The Crown Vault and The Oasis. I picked up the Crown of Life and I probably should’ve picked up a different one because I didn’t have the Bloodlust mutation. This probably sounds insane if you don’t know anything ahout this game.
and The Oasis is cool. I love the background music. I had it in my playlist 3 years ago but I didn’t know which part of the game it was from until today. The Nuclear Throne soundtrack is awesome. Kings and Queens of Wasteland would probably make me cry if I ever listened to it again. It’s been a while since I’ve listened to it actually.
That's all I gotta say for today. I talked a lot today, huh?
Song of the Day: sElf - Dead Man ๐ป
This was made entirely with toy instruments. Whole album was actually. Ain't that crazy?!
86 days until I graduate High School.
I want to log Beneath the Surface, but since it isn't finished it wouldn't feel right to log it just yet, y'know?
148. sElf - Gizmodgery ๐ฝ
For an album made entirely with toy instruments this is AWESOME! 10/10