Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Incredible 8 Hour Live Album

October 10th 2023

I spent the whole day listening to an 8 hour and 32 minute long live album by one of the greatest bands in the universe, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard! Live at Red Rocks '22! HOLYYYY SHIT IT WAS INCREDIBLE. Unbelievable, and I got some homework done too. I also listened to another live album, 98.12.28 男達の別れ by Fishmans! These are the two highest rated live albums on Rate Your Music, and I'm not sure which one I like better...Probably the Fishmans one, only because it's not as long though.

I wanna go to Japan someday. I used to wanna live there when I was 14, but now I'm 17 and I wanna live in Australia~! Didn't mean to put the tilde there but fluff it, I'm keeping it. Also in case you weren't aware, this ~ is called a tilde. I learned that in Spanish class! Japan seems like a cool country, though. I'd like to visit every country in the world at least once. But I know given the fact that my existence isn't even legal in many countries as an LGBTQ person I don't think that's happening. If the world was more accepting of us I believe I could absolutely travel to every country in the world without any fear. 

Well, not the countries with war going on at the moment... Yeah...Japan seems chill, though. I'd love to go there at least once in my life. There's so many other countries in Asia I'd like to go too as well. The Philippines is probably #1 on my list of countries I wanna visit the most. Not Australia because I wanna LIVE in Australia...

This went from me talking about cool live albums to my travel dreams...

Hehe >w<

Song of the Day: Fishmans - Oh! Slime

heh. slime 

235 days until ya girl is 18!

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