Tuesday, October 31, 2023

All Hail the Pumpkin Queen

October 31st 2023

Hallowed be thy Ween!

I didn't dress up for Halloween.

I wore my nightmare before christmas hoodie, and I took some pics in my bunny ears but I didn't wear them aside from the pics.

My girlfriend dressed up as Jill Valentine..... kinda. She did it for me because I talked about how I'd faint if she did that. She loves me <3

im just not feelin the festivities as much as i want to. might just be a dysphoria thing, i guess.

I like the pic I got here!!!! I don't feel pretty often anymore so it was a rare moment :D

9/10 month overall. 

Song of the Day: MF DOOM - Hoe Cakes

RIP. Can't believe it's been 3 years now, still hard to believe he's gone in the first place. 

214 days until ya girl is 18!

Monday, October 30, 2023


October 30th 2023


I got my phone and laptop back, these blogs will be more on time now!


I wanted to do some stuff with rpg maker, but I'm too lazy. I've been playing Bloons TD 6 instead. 

I'm not gonna let myself get behind again, I'm a smart girl and I can do this.

Song of the Day: Oingo Boingo - Dead Man's Party

Halloween is near...

215 days until ya girl is 18!

Sunday, October 29, 2023

couldnt clean my room

October 29th 2023

I was supposed to clean my room but I fell asleep ehehehehe

Song of the Day: Maalesh - Merci

i want this album on cd but i bet it’s real rare

216 days until ya girl is 18!

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Finished my homework, but...

October 28th 2023

I’m done with all my work but I’m still not getting my phone back until my teachers grade everything.

Ugh :(


But I did get it back for an hour and that’s how I’m writing this blog post! ^_^

Yayyyyyy :3

Nothing’s been graded yet but I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

Song of the Day: Manu Dibango - Soul Makossa

I’ve been sleeping on Makossa tbh it’s a good genre

217 days until ya girl is 18!

Friday, October 27, 2023

Senior Skip Day!!

October 27th 2023

Hello friends. Today I will tell the great tale of Ms. Nora Meadow and her sick ass senior skip day. 

I went to the mall and got some cool shit.

- A rosy maple moth plushie

- A cute druid cat sticker

- A Green Day CD, Dookie

- Spiderman 2 on PS5

- GKMC and TPAB vinyls

I dont have a record player, but i might get one for christmas!!!!!

I also had taco bell and oh my god tacos are so good with lettuce how am I just now finding this out? Im gonna start eating tacos with lettuce from now on because aaaaa theyre so good.

Then I saw the fnaf movie, SO GOOD!!!!! It was awesome. No spoilers though!

No school means I am having fun!!!

Song of the Day: Mac Miller - Senior Skip Day

duh doy

218 days until ya girl is 18!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Fuck One-Pagers

October 26th 2023

I LOVE MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!!! ^_^ shes so sweet and kind to me. I just wanna hug her and cry my eyes out 

I hate school right now and I  hate one pagers . 

But I love my girlfriend

Song of the Day: Your Favorite Martian - Boom Headshot

Phew, I’m finally done torturing myself with their whole discography. They had some mildly decent songs, I won’t lie. But mostly shit. Wait, THEY CAME BACK AFTER 10 YEARS?!

219 days until ya girl is 18!

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

LOL I suck at art

October 25th 2023

 I regret taking art class

I wanted to get better at art but this is just so stressful

I wish I took human geography, pretty sure the human geography teacher runs gsa

Oh yeah, gsa! It was alright today. We painted pumpkins. Well I didn’t. I slept during it, because I was sleepy. 

Song of the Day: Your Favorite Martian - High Voltage


220 days until ya girl is 18!

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

What IS going on anyway?

October 24th 2023

I’m worn the fluff out, school is so tiring

Ya girl's workin hard though.

and I hate doing shit with clay in art, stresses me out I’m so dumb :(

Song of the Day: Marvin Gaye - Right On

Damn he really wanna know whats going on huh

221 days until ya girl is 18!

Monday, October 23, 2023

Finding myself

October 23rd 2023

I'm gonna be honest. 

I havent felt like myself in a while.

I know I’m me, I’m Nora, but I haven’t felt like Nora in some time.

October is usually a great month for me, but something feels off this year. I’m not sure what.


It’s no all bad, I think joining GSA helped me find myself a little bit. I hope I can get to know everyone else there a little better. ^_^

Song of the Day: Poté - Young Lies



Sunday, October 22, 2023

1/4 Classes done

October 22nd 2023

I got everything done for personal finance!!! :D

Workin on english now, strugglin with statistics. 


Song of the Day: DJ Shadow - Midnight in a Perfect World

Anyone who thinks sampling isn’t an art needs to listen to Endtroducing by DJ Shadow. Incredible album.

223 days until ya girl is 18!

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Mountain of schoolwork

October 21st 2023

I’ve got so much work to get done for school

Blehhh!!! >_<

Can’t really talk tbh ehehehe 😖 oops!!

Song of the Day: R. Stevie Moore - Lip Service

Elvis Costello did it better imo, but I like this.

224 days until ya girl is 18!

Friday, October 20, 2023

Gaia Online Still Exists?

October 20th 2023

Soooooo Gaia Online still exists. ^_^

I never used it until now but it's cool seeing a relic of the old ancient internet still somewhat intact like this. 

It's pretty dead but it's still a thing.

Here's my avatar!

Song of the Day: Willie Colón and Rubén Blades - Buscando Guayaba 

¿Buscas una guayaba pura?

225 days until ya girl is 18! 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

im worlds worst girl

October 19th 2023

Sometimes I wonder what I'm doing anymore. If any of it is even worth it. I'm just a sad pathetic loser. ugh. Nora world's worst girl forever.

I wanna do all this cool shit but I can barely find the motivation to get out of bed. 


When my time comes, when I die will I be worth remembering?

Song of the Day: Freddie Gibbs - Piñata 


226 days until ya girl is 18!

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Apparently I'm Funny??

October 18th 2023

GSA was fun!

So we played Cards Against Humanity and I won...

I think I'm starting to feel less terrible about school...

I'm stressed the fluff out about my assignments, though. But that's entirely my fault I'm not doing very well in any of my classes because I'm a dumb dumb stupid girl. 

Song of the Day: Flossie & the Unicorns - Miss Foxyface

hehe... thats what i call my girlfriend. hhehehehe 

227 days until ya girl is 18! 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

I look hot in a tuxedo

October 17th 2023

 I went for senior pictures today! I was supposed to go 4 months ago but I got really anxious and pussied out. BUT GUESS WHAT?! It ended up fine. 

I got a haircut before, so my hair looked good. AND THE PICTURES TURNED OUT GREAT!

I got to wear a tuxedo, which I was worried about because ughhh too masculine but I THINK I LOOKED HOT IN IT !!!! and my girlfriend said I looked hot too ^w^

awawawawaawawawawawawawawawawawawawawaawawa senior pics turned out really good :D

nnnnnnnnnnghgh blehh >////<


I started a playthrough of Mother 3. Wasn't sure if I should play Mother 3 or Lisa the Painful next but after someone told me to play Mother 3 first to appreciate the inspiration Mother 3 took from Lisa I was convinced I needed to play that one first. I also never finished the first two Mother games but the same person told me I don't even need to which is good because I've really been wanting to play Mother 3. 

pretty good day today, except finding out ValidLs is back. But it's okay that piece of shit will get their comeuppance eventually! ^_^

Song of the Day: Eraserheads - Poorman's Grave

Just found this band today and I love them already.

228 days until ya girl is 18!

Monday, October 16, 2023


October 16th 2023

Just finished the Resident Evil Four remake. I never played the original but what an awesome game. I could go on and on about what makes it so great but I'm too sleepy. I don't know if I wanna play original re4, mother 3, or lisa the painful next. Probably Mother 3, I've started countless playthroughs of it I never finished. 

Today was also my first day back from school and I feel... Much more confident than I did last quarter. I answered a question in English class and my teacher told me I was the first person in four semesters to answer that correctly. Which makes me feel awesome!!!!

I've got senior pictures tomorrow and I am nervous. I'm getting my hair done real nice for it because when I try to do it myself I feel like I do a terrible job and I had a bit of an anxiety attack about the whole thing last time... but that's not important. 

Song of the Day: David Bowie - Weeping Wall

This is gonna sound really specific and I probably sound like an idiot for saying it but it makes since in my head. This gives me late night 80s creepy educational low budget public access television show vibes. Stuff like that has always held a special place in my heart, even if I get a bit of an unsettled feeling. Think Peppermint Park. How this reminds me of things like that I don't know, but it does, okay?

229 days until ya girl is 18? I think. ^_^

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Warrior Cats Math Test?

October 15th 2023

So this test...I had a test in Statistics I missed, right? The test is.... weird. But interesting. I choose a book, I chose the 2nd Warrior Cats book, Fire and Ice. and I count the number of words in the first 30 sentences and calculate various statistics things with the data. I was expecting a more traditional test, but I'm not complaining whatsoever!!!!!!!!!!!

Song of the Day: Death Grips - Spread Eagle Cross the Block


230 days until ya girl is 18!

Saturday, October 14, 2023


October 14th 2023

I went to Spirit Halloween today, they had black bunny ears! I'm now the bunnygirl in real life for real after 3 years!!!!!! Now I just need moth wings...




Song of the Day: Marina and the Diamonds - Radioactive

hehehe my blood is radioactive too! :3

231 days until ya bunnygirl is 18!

Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday the 13th in October!!!

October 13th 2023

Ooh... So today is Friday October 13th. Friday 13 is the spooky day and October is the spooky month!! That's sooooooooo awesome!!!! Of course with it being the spooky season I've been playing Resident Evil, I'm almost finished with the RE4 remake...Dead By Daylight and Left 4 Dead 2 are other very cool horror games I enjoy, but I haven't played those in some time. But tis the season!

 My mom gave me her old iPod. Not much music I enjoy on it, though. Except Busta Rhymes and Eminem. I used to have an old iPod type thing, but it wasn't really an iPod. It had some music on it that I still enjoy to this day. Barenaked Ladies, They Might Be Giants, The Presidents of the United States of America, etc.

I woke up at 2pm after taking a nap at 9am. This is what happens when you spend all night playing a video game, folks. I don't think I'm gonna ruin my sleep schedule for a video game ever again! Even if it's absolutely amazing like the Resident Evil 4 remake. 

I might play the original next, who knows.

Song of the Day: Bjork - Bachelorette

Absolutely unbelievable for 1997, holy shit. 

232 days until ya girl is 18!

Thursday, October 12, 2023


October 12th 2023

Fall Break means gaming all day.... Resident Evil 4 is awesome. Playing the remake and then maybe I'll play the original. Leon is awesome Ashley is awesome Ada is awesome Luis is awesome every character in this game is so awesome !!!!!!!!! The Merchant is cool too, I owe my life to him. I'm also playing on assist mode because WOW I suck!

Song of the Day: Your Favorite Martian - Jupiter

You could not tell me this is from the same people who made "Tig Ol Bitties" "Booty Store" and "My Balls"

233 days until ya girl is 18!

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Hylics is interesting

October 11th 2023

Friend of mine gifted me a game called Hylics. I played it. Wow, this is.... bizarre. But I love it! It feels like it was made for me. I didn't do much else today. I played a lil bit of Resident Evil 4 too. The remake and the original. The remake is awesome!!!!! The original is too, but the remake is awawawawawawa!!!!!!

Song of the Day: Your Favorite Martian - Take Over the World

Yeah... This sucks. It has a special place in my heart, though. It resonated so hard with 13 year old me. Can you tell I was months away from a gender crisis? 

234 days until ya girl is 18!

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Incredible 8 Hour Live Album

October 10th 2023

I spent the whole day listening to an 8 hour and 32 minute long live album by one of the greatest bands in the universe, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard! Live at Red Rocks '22! HOLYYYY SHIT IT WAS INCREDIBLE. Unbelievable, and I got some homework done too. I also listened to another live album, 98.12.28 男達の別れ by Fishmans! These are the two highest rated live albums on Rate Your Music, and I'm not sure which one I like better...Probably the Fishmans one, only because it's not as long though.

I wanna go to Japan someday. I used to wanna live there when I was 14, but now I'm 17 and I wanna live in Australia~! Didn't mean to put the tilde there but fluff it, I'm keeping it. Also in case you weren't aware, this ~ is called a tilde. I learned that in Spanish class! Japan seems like a cool country, though. I'd like to visit every country in the world at least once. But I know given the fact that my existence isn't even legal in many countries as an LGBTQ person I don't think that's happening. If the world was more accepting of us I believe I could absolutely travel to every country in the world without any fear. 

Well, not the countries with war going on at the moment... Yeah...Japan seems chill, though. I'd love to go there at least once in my life. There's so many other countries in Asia I'd like to go too as well. The Philippines is probably #1 on my list of countries I wanna visit the most. Not Australia because I wanna LIVE in Australia...

This went from me talking about cool live albums to my travel dreams...

Hehe >w<

Song of the Day: Fishmans - Oh! Slime

heh. slime 

235 days until ya girl is 18!

Monday, October 9, 2023

Fall Break, I Guess

October 9th 2023

fall break

im not gonna lie im kinda bored and ive been sleeping through a lot of it. I also feel like my health issues are worsening but oh what the fluff ever here's The Smiths

Song of the Day: The Smiths - Cemetry Gates

I don't like when you're unhappy, but I don't like it either when you're great. wait, wrong song? Oops...

236 days until ya girl is 18!

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Customizing My Discord Profile!

October 8th 2023

My nitro is back. Peep the banner!

I just love Daft Punk so much! How can you not?! Their music is awesome! I even love Human After All, which is considered by some to be a bad album, but I just loveeeeee it! 

also my new pfp! 

 Rebecca Chambers is just so awesome, I wanna be just like her. She's also so pretty o_O another reason I wanna be just like her! I'm not very good at the Resident Evil games and I die a lot but I'm trying my best to get into them I promise... I promise. 

I still feel a little ehhhhhhhhhh but hey, Fall Break! I don't have to worry about school while also feeling like shit. I do need to get some homework done, and I'm trying a little bit, but not as much as I should probably.

Song of the Day: Daft Punk - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

I remember seeing this video as a young kid and sorta into Daft Punk and thinking it was the coolest thing ever

237 days until ya girl is 18!

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Thank Goodness

October 7th 2023

So my art assignment I got a 45 on.... apparently that was supposed to be a 95.

I feel a little less discouraged about my art now...\

That's  all.............. I'm still just staying in bed all day because i feel terrible and it's fall break let me have this okay?!

Song of the Day: Portishead - Wandering Star

I could seriously listen to this all day, I'm not going to but I could.

238 days until ya girl is 18!

Friday, October 6, 2023


October 6th 2023

fushufhdusfhsuafhuerhu8w8qh8ufwrhtuhy87rh7uwhf7udbvsyudhsudvnhusychuhf8wh8iehjr8ihj3r8h482h3482h348hwenr8 i hate being sick imdying

Song of the Day: Black Midi - The Race is About to Begin


239 days until 18 yea hi

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Took the test

October 5th 2023

 I finally got to finish the ACT, and I'm legally not allowed to discuss it in too much detail. I think? I don't know.

Anyways, I got my covid vaccine, so I might be feeling icky a lil.... :(

Song of the Day: Nick Drake - Parasite

Relatable. I feel like the parasite of my town

240 days until ya girl is 18!

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

I joined the GSA!

October 4th 2023

So I stayed after school for a GSA thing. GSA is Gender Sexuality Alliance or Gay Straight Alliance? I actually am not sure which one it is, maybe it's both. I was surprised that this was a thing at my school but I'm so happy it is! I still feel out of place there, but I'm sure that will change the more I put myself out there! Everyone there seems so friendly and welcoming, my social anxiety is just the worst!!!!!!!! I still haven't told them I'm trans.... oops.

Song of the Day: Jeff Rosenstock - LIFE ADMIN 🏔

HELLMODE's lowest rated track as of writing this, but I love it!

241 days until ya girl is 18!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Test was cancelled

October 3rd 2023

I thought I had testing today. I did have testing today. But something happened and I wasn't able to take the rest of the test. Only the first part. I'll be taking it again on Thursday I think.

I got picked up from school early and did some homework took a nap. and did some homework, I guess.

I also just figured out how to strikethrough on this thing. Crazy how I've been so focused on the bold italics and underline tools I gave no love to strikethrough!


Song of the Day: King Crimson - Book of Saturday

Short but sweet. Well, short for a King Crimson song. Lol. 

242 days until ya girl is 18! 

Monday, October 2, 2023

Working While Hurting

October 2nd 2023

I'm hurting so bad and I still gotta go to school

I'm getting on top of the missing assignments so that's a good thing.

I just feel so icky and terrible, I went home and slept and cried instead of doing much work but after a couple hours I stopped being a pussy and got all the economics assignments taken care of <3

Yayyyy ^_^

Song of the Day: Kate Bush - Heads We're Dancing

Great song with an absolutely wild concept. Like, what the fluff????? 

243 days until ya girl is 18!

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Month Ranking

October 1st 2023

My favorite month! Well, June is my favorite month but that's only because I feel obligated to like the month of June because my birth month.

Lemme rank the months actually

1. June

2. October

3. December

4. April

5. May

6. September

7. January

8. November

9. March

10. February

11. July

12. August

but they're all good! ^_^

I'm sick right now which is lame

Song of the Day: The Alan Parsons Project - I Robot

Once again proving 1977 was a goated year for music.

244 days until ya girl is 18!

History Exam

February 27th 2025 I think I did pretty well on my history exam. At least, I hope I did. I don't know!!! I'm praying at least. I stu...