October 26th 2024
Guess who tried finishing her essay but the stupid website is down? Guess who tried finishing her math homework but she can't log in? This is so frustrating because this shit is like REALLY important and it's partially my fault because I'm a dumbass who can't get her shit in on time but I don't know what else to do at this point I've tried fucking everythiiiiing. I guess I need to be more prepared for something like this next time. I need to plan ahead, God Dammit I'm so fucking stupid!!!!! Why do I do these things? Why am I so fucking lazy?!
I feel like such a disappointment to everyone. I don't know what to do. I've tried and tried and tried to log in but to no avail. There's no sense crying over it anymore. It is what it is. Like the Thundercat album. I love love love Thundercat he is my goat Thundercat forevah!!! Shoutout to Thundercat if you don't know who he is listen to Drunk right now nerd!!! >:P best album evahhhH!!!!
I'm not gonna cry over this stupid shit anymore I'm just gonna work on my fuckass essay and get my shit done because thats all I can do I'm smart when I need to be sigh
The electoral college is so bullshit because I know for a fact the vote that I just cast as well as the votes my parents cast won't count for shit because we live in a gerrymandered to fuck and back red state that will vote for a convicted felon and rapist before they vote for a black woman. Fuck Gerrymandering, Fuck Donald Trump, Fuck the electoral college. That's what I really want to say. If I had full freedom over my essay I would just write that shit lmao that's my true unadulterated thoughts. I have to be professional though. Even on this blog I try to maintain professionalism. Heh, yeah right. Can you believe I said that? Lmao.
This blog looks like a unicorn's wet dream. Professional my ass. Whatever, I have fun writing in this diary... blog... thing... whatever. The goal of this is not to come off as some professional hardass who cares a lot about her writing and reputation and such because I do like my writing is very important to me regardless of how seriously I may take it. Truth be told I do take this shit seriously even if it doesn't seem like it because your idea of important and my idea of important are probably different!!! Whatever sure you can find this shit stupid but it's not to me!!! For fuck's sake!
I enjoy writing I have a strong passion for it and honestly I hate bragging but I do think I am pretty good at it when I "take it seriously" but I like to have fun and mess around with this shit why shouldn't I? It's my writing who gives a fuck this is my blog my diary my whatever you want to call it and I am going to write what I want how I want when I want why I want and if you have a problem with it too fucking bad I enjoy doing this and honestly it's not hurting anyone so kindly mind your own business okay???
Song of the Day: The Garden - All Access ðŸ§
I dunno about anyone else, but personally this is what my ADHD sounds like. :P
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