October 20th 2024
Doing a Pokemon Sun nuzlocke. My favorite encounter so far is my route 4 encounter, Eevee! I named her Dorcha if that's any indication what I'm going for.
Here's my ranking of every eeveelution actually.
1. Umbreon
2. Leafeon
3. Sylveon
4. Espeon
5. Vaporeon
6. Jolteon
7. Flareon
8. Glaceon
But I really do love them all! I always have.
I might also go for Jolteon tbh, but a Jolteon with an Umbreon nickname doesn't seem right. I don't know, though. I just miss having an electric type after my dumb ass got my Magnemite killed because I'm an idiot.
Song of the Day: Tom Cardy - Red Flags 🪲
I've never seen Human Centipede.
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