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Friday, May 26, 2023

Retinal Bloom + Disposable Everything reviews (May 26th 2023)

Gonna do something different this time, I'm not very good at reviewing stuff but I wanna give my thoughts on 2 albums that came out today.

Also  before I start this I wanna say happy birthday to my mom because I love her.

The Scary Jokes - Retinal Bloom

Woo, okay. I was really excited for this one. First off, I really love the album cover.

Alright, time for a track by track review 

1. Our Murderous Descent - A nice intro to the album, but doesn't really stand out to me. I DO NOT like that part like 3 minutes in. It's been 4 years since the last Scary Jokes album, and it seems as if a lot has changed since then. 8/10

2. Riptide - It's nice, not as good as the last one though. The vocal effects on this album are kinda weird at times, I don't know. 8/10

3. Magic Hat - Gonna be showing my dumbassery when it comes to music with what I'm about to say, but I kinda get LCD Soundsystem vibes in the beat, and Lemon Demon vibes in the lyrics. Which is of course a good thing, I love Lemon Demon and LCD Soundsystem. 9/10

4. Forever In You - Interesting sounding, beat sounds like something I'd hear in some indie murder mystery game. I just can't understand what's being said sometimes. 8/10

5. Uzumaki - Yep, adding this one to my playlist. I really don't know how to explain why I love this one so much, everything about it from it's hardcore but fun sound to the lyrics just make this such a fun experience. 10/10

6. Elephant Foot - This whole album feels like you're exploring a dark forest or a cave in the middle of nowhere. It just has that sound to it, and Elephant Foot is probably the one where I can say that the most. Except around the end in Elephant Foot where it goes back to the sound I love from Uzumaki.If the rest of the song sounds like you're exploring a dark forest, the last minute is like when you get chased by something trying to kill you while you're bleeding because you scraped your knee earlier. 9/10

7. Parthenogenesis -  Can you tell I'm not good with talking about music? Anyways, I don't know how to explain it without sounding like a dumbass but I love the way this one sounds so much, more than Uzumaki maybe! 10/10 FIIIIREEE IN THE SKYYYY

8. Rage - This one is weird, the beginning of this song is pretty abrasive and fits the name of the song, you'd expect this to be a more heavy song than the rest of the album, but then they start singing and it sounds like the rest of the album. Ehh, it's alright 8/10.

9. Demons of Accident - I know nothing about the 90s, ya girl was born in 2006. However, I get a bit of a 90s vibe from this. I can't explain it. 9/10

10. Retreat to Celestial Bodies - And there's the outro, a sweet instrumental, but I have nothing else I really feel like I can say about it. 8/10

Overall: 8/10

I love it! I feel like I just overhyped this one a little bit and disappointed myself when it wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be, no offense. 

Andrew Jackson Jihad - Disposable Everything

I forgot this one dropped today at first lol

Another really good album cover

1. Strawberry Probably - Not something I was expecting from AJJ, but hey I haven't heard much of their recent stuff. THIS BANGS THOUGH. I'm in love with this album already. Also... did he say Don't Let's Start? They Might Be Giants reference? 10/10

2. Dissonance - I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS ALBUM! This is soooo good this song this whole album <3 album of the year fo sho. 10/10

3. Moon Valley High - Not a big of a fan of this one as much as I am the rest of the songs on this album, but still enjoyable! 8/10

4. Death Machine - Heh. America moment. 10/10

5. White Ghosts - This one isn't as energetic as the rest of the album, but I still really enjoyed it. 10/10

6. Disposable Everything - He did it, he said the thing! 10/10

7. The Baby Panda - Great song, I don't fuck with animal cruelty tho. Docking one point off sorry bro. 9/10


9. Candles of Love - See White Ghosts. 10/10

10. I Hate Rock and Roll Again - Heh, ironic. 10/10

11. Schadenfreude - That's the beer the guy from Breaking Bad made right? No? Ohhh yeah that's the guy who started the whole mommy kink thing. 10/10

12. I Wanna Be Your Dog 2 - Puppygirl anthem, favorite song. 10/10

13. All of My Woulds - Spellcheck thinks it should be all of my wounds. Hey Sean Bonnette named the song not me. 9/10

14. In the Valley - Sounds nice, don't like it as much as the rest tho. 9/10

Overall: 10/10

I didn't hype this one up enough! Man, album of the year without a doubt!

Song of the Day: Andrew Jackson Jihad - I Wanna Be Your Dog 2

puppygirl anthem, sorry.

6 DAYS UNTIL YA GIRL IS 17!!!!!!!!!!

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