November 24th 2024
I went to another concert. This time at a church... I have some words. Just gimme a minute.
Calming is a word that I would use to describe this type of music, mostly acapella. Sometimes piano accompanying the choir. This is unrelated to the concert itself, but I realized it's been so long since I've been in a church. I was never a churchgoer despite being raised Christian, that's a story for another time though. Is gospel music the right term? I'm not sure, but anyways I find it very beautiful and calming. I've always associated it with this time of year, Christmas and all yknow. I'm gonna miss doing these concert reports for music class. Doesn't mean I have to stop going to concerts and writing about it just for fun instead of for a college class!
Song of the Day: My Chemical Romance - House of Wolves 🐺
Thats messed up why are there wolves in the house
32 bugs
brawl stars unlocks
22. Larry & Lawrie
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